GLM Anchor

Shipwreck Index

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Vessel Name Rig Type Date-Range
Sachem Prop 1889 - 1928
Sachem Tug 1907 - 1950
Sagamore Bge 1892 - 1901
Saginaw Schr 1862 - 1875
Saltillo Brig 1847 - 1853
Salvor Bge 1896 - 1930
Samson Prop 1843 - 1875
Sand Merchant Prop 1927 - 1936
Sanderson, William Schr 1856 - 1874
Sandusky Prop 1853 - 1857
Sappho Prop 1883 - 1929
Sarnian Prop 1895 - 1943
Satellite Tug 1864-1879
Saturn Schr 1872 - 1872
Saturn - See - Algosoo
Sauber, William F. Prop 1891 - 1903
Saveland Schr 1873 - 1903
Savidge, Hunter Schr 1879 - 1899
Sawyer, Philetus Prop 1884 - 1922
Sawyer, W. H. Prop 1890 - 1928
Scarth, Jessie Brig 1871 - 1887
Schlesinger, Ferdinand Prop 1891 - 1919
Schuette, John Schr 1875 - 1909
Scotiadoc Prop 1904 - 1953
Scott, Isaac M. Prop 1909 - 1913
Scott, Mary S. Schr 1856 - 1866
Scott, Thomas A. Schr 1869 - 1880
Sea Gem Schr 1863 - 1901
Seabird SW-stmr 1859 - 1868
SeaMar III Ycht 1974 - 1980
Search Light Tug 1899 - 1907
Seattle Prop 1892 - 1903
Senator Prop 1896 - 1929
Sevona Prop 1890 - 1905
Shaw, John Schr 1885 - 1894
Sheldon, Sarah E. Prop 1872 - 1905
Sheldon, Thomas P. Schr 1871 - 1901
Shenango No. 1 Prop 1895 - 1904
Sheridan Bge ???? - 1866
Sheridan, Belle Schr 1852 - 1880
Shields, M. Tug 1870 - 1904
Shook Schr 1856 - 1869
Shores, Adella Prop 1894 - 1909
Shrigley, James H. Prop 1881 - 1920
Shupe, William Schr 1862 - 1894
Silver Cloud Scw-schr 1869 - 1891
Silver Lake Scw-schr 1889 - 1900
Silver Spray Stmr 1864 - 1878
Silver Spray Tug 1889 - 1911
Silver Spray Prop 1894 - 1914
Simcoe Prop 1872 - 1880
Simmons, Rouse Schr 1868 - 1912
Simpson, Lucia A. Schr 1875 - 1935
Siscowit Schr ???? - 1849
Sitka Prop 1887 - 1904
Sloan, George B. Schr 1873 - 1885
Smith, Henry B. Prop 1905 - 1913
Smith, Ira O. Tug 187? - 1898
Smith, Sidney E. Prop 1900 - 1936
Smith, Sidney E., Jr. Prop 1906 - 1972
Snow Bird Schr 1862 - 1880
Snow Drop Schr 1853 - 1892
Soo City Prop 1888 - 1908
South Eastern C.F. 1881 - 1897
South Shore Prop 1899 - 1912
South Shore Prop 1912 - 1932
South West Schr 1866 - 1898
Souvenir Schr 1854 - 1891
Spademan, Charles Schr 1873 - 1909
Spanker Scow 1865 - 1869
Spaulding, M. B. Bge 1849 - 1879
Speed Schr 1848 - 1883
Sprague, Noah P. Tug 1857 - 1884
Sprite Tug 1889 - 1905
Spry, Ellen Schr 1873 - 1886
St. Albans Prop 1868 - 1881
St. Clair Schr 1824 - ????
St. Clair Prop 1867 - 1876
St. Clair Schr 1859 - 1888
St. Lawrence Schr 1843 - 1878
St. Lawrence Prop 1890 - 1898
St. Louis SW-stmr 1844 - 1852
St. Magnus Prop 1880 - 1895
St. Mary's Schr 1848 - 1860
St. Peter Schr 1873 - 1898
Stafford, Alice See Manistee
Stamback, H. G. Brig 1848 - 1857
State of Michigan Prop 1873 - 1901
State of Ohio SW-stmr 1880 - 1924
Steelvendor Prop 1923 - 1942
Steinbrenner, Henry Prop 1901 - 1953
Stewart, John Prop 1867 - 1874
Stewart, Mary Schr 1855 - 1866
Stewart, R. G. Prop 1878 - 1899
Storm Scow 1854 - 1869
Stranger Schr ???? - 1875
Strong, Helen SW-stmr 1845 - 1846
Sturges, William Schr 1853 - 1881
Success Barkentine 1840 - 1946
Sumatra Schr 1874 - 1896
Sunbeam SW-stmr 1861 - 1863
Sunrise Schr 1862 - 1896
Sunnyside Schr 1862 - 1883
Superior ??? 1822 - 1843
Superior Stmr 1845 - 1856
Superior Prop 1873 - 1899
Superior City Prop 1898 - 1920
Supply Brig 1855 - 1869
Sutton, Minnie F. Tug 1870 - 1877
Sweeney, John S. Bark 1855 - 1866
Sylph Schr 1818 - 1824

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