GLM Anchor

Shipwreck Index

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Vessel Name Rig Type Date-Range
Cairo Schr 1854 - 1863
Calcutta Scow 1849 - 1868
Caledonia Schr 1837 - 1851
California Schr 1849 - 1867
Calumet Prop 1884 - 1889
Calumet Prop 1929 - 2008
Calvin, Laura E. Bark 1843 - 1869
Camp, T. H. Tug 1876 - 1900
Campbell, Pearl B. Tug 1883 - 1895
Canada Bark 1846 - 1858
Canfield, Frank Tug 1875 - 1904
Capron, M. Schr 1875 - 1898
Carlingford Schr 1869 - 1881
Caroline SW-stmr 1822 - 1837
Carruthers, James Prop 1913 - 1913
Carthaginian Schr 1855 - 1867
Cartiercliffe Hall Prop 1960 - 1979
Caspian SW-stmr 1851 - 1852
Cedarbranch Prop 1951 - 1965
Cedarville Prop 1927 - 1965
Celtic Schr 1890 - 1902
Challenge Schr 1852 - 1872
Chamberlain, Selah Prop 1873 - 1886
Champlain See Kansas 1868 - 1924
Chandler, Zach Schr 1867 - 1892
Channon, Grace A. Schr 1873 - 1877
Chesapeake SW-stmr 1838 - 1847
Chicago Prop 1842 - 1849
Chickamauga Schr 1898 - 1919
Chicora Prop 1892 - 1895
Chief Justice Waite Stmr 1874 - 1899
Choctaw Prop 1892 - 1915
Christie, T. S. Prop 1885 - 1933
Churchill Schr 1890 - 1898
Citizen Schr 1836 - 1873
City of Bangor Prop 1890 - 1926
City of Buffalo Prop 1857 - 1866
City of Buffalo Stmr 1896 - 1940
City of Collingwood Prop 1893 - 1905
City of Duluth Prop 1874 - 1898
City of Grand Rapids Schr 1873 - 1903
City of Green Bay Schr 1872 - 1887
City of Muskegon Stmr 1881 - 1919
City of Montreal Prop ????-1888
City of Rome Prop 1881 - 1914
City of Sandusky SW-stmr 1866 - 1876
City of Sheboygan Schr 1871 - 1915
City of Superior Prop 1857 - 1857
City of Toledo S. brg 1865 - 1909
City of Winnipeg Prop 1870 - 1881
Clarion Stmr 1881 - 1909
Clay, Henry Schr 1831 - 1831
Clayton Belle Schr 1863 - 1882
Clemson, D. M. Prop 1903 - 1908
Clement, Norman P. Prop 1923 - 1968
Cleveco Bge 1913 - 1942
Clifton Prop 1892 - 1924
Clipper City Schr 1854 - 1893
Clow, Sarah Schr 1862 - 1869
Coburn, R. G. Prop 1870 - 1871
Colgate, James B. Prop 1892 - 1916
Collins, E. K. - See - "Ark"
Collins, M. L. Schr 1854 - 1893
Collins, Mary Schr 1857 - 1900
Colorado Prop 1867 - 1898
Columbia Prop 1873 - 1881
Comanche Tug 1900 - 1985
Comet Prop 1857 - 1875
Commencement Schr 1853 - 1869
Commerce Stmr 1848 - 1850
Commodore Schr 1880 - 1918
Concord Brig ???? - 1869
Conemaugh Prop 1880 - 1906
Congdon, Chester A. Prop 1907 - 1918
Conger, Omar D. Prop 1882 - 1922
Congress Prop 1867 - 1904
Connecticut Schr ???? - 1869
Consuelo Schr 1851 - 1887
Contest Schr 1855 - 1882
Continental Prop 1882 - 1904
Conway, L. J. Schr 1873 - 1886
Cook, Mary Ellen Schr 1875 - 1923
Coquette Scow 1858 - 1866
Cora A. Schr 1889 - 1923
Corlett, Minnie Schr 1866 - 1878
Cornell Tug 1888 - 1922
Corsair Schr 1866 - 1872
Corsican Schr 1862 - 1893
Cort, Henry Prop 1892 - 1934
Cortlandt Bark ???? - 1868
Couch, D. L. Schr 1855 - 1872
Covell, Asa Tug 1862 - 1869
Cowle, John B. Prop 1902 - 1909
Cox, George M. Prop 1901 - 1933
Craig, Annie L. Prop 1870 - 1881
Crane, J. L. Schr 1881 - 1925
Cream City Prop 1884 - 1918
Cross, Belle P. Prop 1870 - 1903
Crowell, William R. Tug 1875 - 1893
Cumberland P.W. 1871 - 1877
Cummings, M. J. Tug 1881 - 1893
Cummings, M. J. Schr 1874 - 1894
Curtis, C. F. Prop 1882 - 1914
Cyprus Prop 1907 - 1907

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