GLM Anchor

Shipwreck Index

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Vessel Name Rig Type Date-Range
Taber, Horace Schr 1867 - 1922
Tacoma Prop 1881 - 1914
Talcott, W. D. Schr 1850 - 1851
Tanner Brk 1863 - 1875
Tashmoo Stmr 1900 - 1936
Tawas Prop 1864 - 1874
Taylor, Emily Scow 1893 - 1901
Taylor, Hattie Schr 1874 - 1880
Teal, Ella Schr ???? - 1870
Telegram Prop 1885 - 1908
Telegraph Schr 1848 - 1853
Tell, William Scow 1851 - 1869
Tempest No. 2 Prop 1876 - 1909
Tempest Prop 1872 - 1918
Tennie & Laura Scow 1876 - 1903
Thal, S. Schr 1867 - 1898
Theano Prop. 1890 - 1906
Thew, W. P. Prop 1884 - 1909
Thompson, Jack Schr 1847 - 1894
Thorine, Annie Schr 1855 - 1898
Three Bells Schr 1854 - 1884
Three Brothers Prop 1888 - 1911
Three Sisters Schr 1901 - 1912
Throop, Lizzie Schr 1849 - 1873
Tiffany, J. H. Schr 1856-1859
Tioga Prop 1885 - 1919
Titan Schr 1856 - 1869
Toledo Prop 1854 - 1856
Toledo Prop 1862 - 1898
Tomine, Anna Scow 1867 - 1885
Tonawanda Prop 1856 - 1870
Tornado Tug 1862 - 1870
Trader Prop 1865 - 1880
Traveler SW-stmr 1852 - 1865
Travis, J. A. Schr 1868 - 1893
Tribune Schr 1847 - 1848
Trinidad Schr 1867 - 1881
Troy Prop 1849 - 1850
Troy SW-stmr 1845 - 1860
Turner, Eliza R. Schr 1867 - 1877
Turret Chief -See- Salvor
Turret Crown Prop 1895 - 1924
Tuttle, Horace A. Prop 1887 - 1898
Two Brothers Bge 1848 - 1872
Two Brothers Tug 1908 - 1912
Two Fannies Schr 1862 - 1890
Typo Schr 1873 - 1899

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