GLM Anchor

Shipwreck Index

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Vessel Name Rig Type Date-Range
Gale, Steven F. Schr 1847 - 1876
Galena Prop 1857 - 1872
Ganges Schr 1874 - 1899
Garden City Schr 1854 - 1858
Garden City Prop 1873 - 1902
Gardner, F. B. Schr 1855 - 1904
Garibaldi Schr 1863 - 1887
Gayley, James Prop 1902 - 1912
Gazelle SW-stmr 1858 - 1860
Gazelle Prop 1873 - 1908
Gem Schr 1853 - 1871
Gem Stmr 1856 - 1889
General Gratiot Stmr 1831 - 1841
Gerken, Howard S. Dge 1910 - 1926
Germania Prop 1875 - 1899
Germanic Prop 1888 - 1910
Germanic Prop 1899 - 1917
Gertrude Schr 1856 - 1880
Getty, Alice E. Tug 1871 - 1884
Gettysburg Prop 1887 - 1919
Gibbs, R. J. Schr 1855 - 1893
Gilbert, W. H. Prop 1892 - 1914
Gilcher, W. H. Prop 1891 - 1892
Gilchrist Prop 1901 - 1943
Gipsey Schr 1847 - 1911
Glad Tidings Schr 1883 - 1894
Gladys Prop 1875 - 1898
Glasgow Prop 1872 - 1890?
Glidden, John N. Prop 1879 - 1903
Gogebic Prop 1887 - 1932
Golden Rule Schr 1867 - 1908
Goliah/Goliath Prop 1846 - 1848
Goodyear, Frank H. Prop 1902 - 1910
Goshawk Schr 1866 - 1920
Gould, Jay Prop 1869 - 1918
Governor Cushman Prop 1857 - 1868
Grammer, G. J. (see Maloney, D.A.) 1902 - 1964
Grammer, Nisbit Prop 1923 - 1926
Grampian Schr 1894 - 1945
Granada Schr 1895 - 1924
Grand Turk Schr 1854 - 1869
Granger Schr 1874 - 1896
Granite State Prop 1852 - 1881
Grant, Kitty Schr 1853 - 1884
Graves, William T. Prop 1867 - 1885
Great West No. 1 Bark 1854 - 1866
Greater Detroit Stmr 1923 - 1956
Gregory, John Tug 1878 - 1904
Green, Grace A. Scw 1857 - 1869
Gregory, Mary A. Schr 1875 - 1926
Greenwood, Grace Schr 1853 - 1875
Gribbie, Grace G. Schr 1873 - 1902
Griffith, G. P. Stmr 1827- 1850
Griswold, C. C. Schr 1854 - 1872
Groton Schr 1868 - 1897
Grover, Alice Scow 1856 - 1866
Guiding Star Schr 1869 - 1883

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