Upshur County -- Biographies
- Alexander, Soloman George (b. 1839)
- Allman, Nathan (1829-1918)
- Anderson, Joseph E. (1873-1956)
- Armstrong, David Neeson (1851-1922)
- Armstrong, Ward B. (1870-1946)
- Arnett, William Edgar (1845-1930)
- Arnold, Gohen Clarke (1885-1939)
- Ashworth, James Henry (1879-1949)
- Bailey, Charles Andrew (b. 1847)
- Bean, Elam Dowden (1864-1948)
- Bean, Gabriel (1837-1912)
- Beer, Oscar B. (b. 1870)
- Bennett, Abram (b. 1828)
- Bennett, Ormsby Ellsworth (1841-1911)
- Bennett, Vernon Lee (1861-1922)
- Beverage, John Sylvester (b. 1850)
- Beverage, William (1860-1946)
- Bonner, Otha W. (1848-1930)
- Bosley, John Adam (1854-1941)
- Boyd, John Thomas (b. 1858)
- Boyles, Charles P. (1854-1922)
- Boyles, William H. (1849-1920)
- Brady, John Calvin (1851-1924)
- Brain, Benjamin (d. 1779)
- Brooks, Alonzo Beecher (1873-1944)
- Brooks, Luke P. (1847-1924)
- Brown, Bascom L. (b. 1856)
- Brown, William I. (1842-1918)
- Bruce, Willis W. (b. 1855)
- Bush, Charles M. (1860-1926)
- Butcher, George Davis (1862-1926)
- Carpenter, Edgar P. (1870-1945)
- Carper, Abraham (1763-1850)
- Carper, Catherine Heavner (d. 1917)
- Carper, William C. (b. 1826)
- Carr, Amos F. (1840-1931)
- Carter, Addison Baker (1882-1952)
- Carter, John Curtis
- Carter, Leroy (1872-1937)
- Carter, Lorenzo Dow (1884-1959)
- Casto, Asahel
- Casto, Charles B. (1877-1963)
- Casto, David D. (1871-1948)
- Casto, James Lee (1859-1936)
- Casto, Paris (1835-1920)
- Coburn, Edgar Lamar (1847-1913)
- Colerider, Moses Kincaid (1866-1946)
- Conaway, Walter Bolton (1878-1924)
- Core, William Perry (1853-1926)
- Coyner, Frances Virginia (b. 1906)
- Crites, Columbus Jonathan (1871-1957)
- Crites, George L. (1847-1926)
- Crites, Jacob W. (1839-1921)
- Crites, James David (1852-1935)
- Crites, Joseph (1846-1926)
- Crites, Phillip (1866-1931)
- Crites, William P. (1869-1947)
- Currence, Samuel Webster (1871-1913)
- Curry, John McAvoy (1847-1913)
- Curry, Lloyd J. (1856-1935)
- Curtis, Ison Ray (b. 1877)
- Cutright, Claude B. (1872-1947)
- Cutright, Daniel (1844-1924)
- Cutright, Darius H. (1870-1939)
- Cutright, Dennis Monroe (1866-1921)
- Cutright, Gideon M. (1845-1917)
- Cutright, Ishmael Guy (1871-1939)
- Cutright, John Sr.
- Cutright, Lyman (1867-1910)
- Cutright, Manley McClellan (1861-1930)
- Cutright, Parley E.
- Cutright, Ralph Greeley (1870-1954)
- Cutright, Seneca Norvell (1869-1954)
- Darnall, Harrison A. (1860-1945)
- Davis, John R. (1857-1930)
- Davis, Matthias Fillmore (b. 1854)
- Dawson, George W. (b. 1844)
- Dean, Lyda Marshall (1866-1952)
- Dean, Nathan Homer (1858-1934)
- Dean, Solomon (b. 1832)
- DeBarr, Alfred (1878-1955)
- Dix, D. H. K. (b. 1828)
- Dix, Isaac (b. 1780)
- Douglas, John Setlington (b. 1849)
- Downes, J. M. N. (1863-1939)
- Duke, Jasper Newton (1855-1941)
- Eckess, Jacob Columbus (1842-1927)
- Farnsworth, Burton Ulysses (1871-1957)
- Farnsworth, Daniel D. T. (1819-1892)
- Farnsworth, Floyd F. (1869-1946)
- Farnsworth, J. J. (1841-1911)
- Farnsworth, Thomas Grandison (1836-1921)
- Farnsworth, Thomas Jefferson (1829-1916)
- Ferrell, Robert Carson (b. 1833)
- Fidler, Hudson Vauter (1861-1940)
- Fidler, William Franklin (1849-1934)
- Fish, George L. (1844-1915)
- Fisher, John Strother
- Fleming, George Mervin (b. 1848)
- Flint, George Washington (1849-1929)
- Foster, Fountain Lee (b. 1876)
- Foster, John T. (1872-1928)
- Gawthrop, Thomas (b. 1827)
- Gibson, Thomas George (b. 1858)
- Gillum, Alfred A. (1844-1922)
- Gladwell, Andrew Jackson (1843-1915)
- Gould, Benjamin (1822-1901)
- Gould, Freeman (b. 1810)
- Graham, Sanford (1862-1946)
- Grim, Wilson Osborne (1862-1934)
- Groves, Charles Morgan (1833-1917)
- Gum, William Howard (1868-1946)
- Hall, Jacob G. (1853-1926)
- Hamner, William Edward (b. 1868)
- Hannah, Philip Depoy (1852-1925)
- Hanson, James H. (1842-1901)
- Hardway, James Lee (b. 1861)
- Harlin, Charles William (1853-1931)
- Harper, Peter (b. 1826)
- Harper, William Schuyler (1852-1897)
- Hart, Victoria (1844-1924)
- Havener / Heavner Family
- Haymond, Granville Johnson (1843-1925)
- Haymond, Marcellus Benton (b. 1834)
- Haynes, Warren E. (b. 1858)
- Heck, Jerome Dayton (1859-1923)
- Hefner, Charles S. (1858-1932)
- Helmick, M. D. (b. 1863)
- Henderson, Charles Carl (b. 1877)
- Herndon, James Edward (1874-1928)
- Herndon, William D. (1851-1921)
- Higginbotham, Coleman Cabell (1848-1919)
- Hiner, Charles Edward (1874-1913)
- Hodges, Baxter Coleman (b. 1874)
- Hollen, David H. (1875-1919)
- Holt, Charles (1873-1959)
- Hornbeck, Benjamin (b. 1832)
- Huff, John T. (1833-1925)
- Hughes, Draper Camden (1853-1924)
- Hull, William Boon (1824-1906)
- Hurst, John Louis (1844-1918)
- Hyer, John D. (1799-1892)
- Hyre, Charles Marion (1866-1947)
- Jack, John William (1842-1923)
- Jackson, Charles Fountain (1872-1947)
- Jackson, Henry M. (1875-1940)
- Johnson, John N. (1847-1925)
- Kesling, Allen J. (1841-1913)
- Kiddy, Frederick Arthur (1876-1935)
- Koon, James K. P. (1847-1906)
- Lance, Asbury (1863-1925)
- Landes, Jared E. (1858-1944)
- Lane, John (1846-1924)
- Lanham, Enos B. (1852-1935)
- Lanham, George Baxter (b. 1880)
- Lanham, Granville (1847-1916)
- Latham, George Robert (1832-1917)
- Leonard, Ebenezer (b. 1813)
- Lewis, Cyrus Battel (1860-1941)
- Lewis, Henry H. (1832-1918)
- Lewis, Phillip Sheridan (1865-1954)
- Liggett, Alvin M. (1832-1907)
- Liggett, Thomas Jefferson (1862-1946)
- Long, Andrew Dickison (1856-1917)
- Long, George A. (b. 1848)
- Long, John Clarkson (1869-1945)
- Lorentz, Jacob (1776-1866)
- Loudin, Diana Reger (1849-1936)
- Loudin, Jasper Newton (b. 1855)
- Loudin, John Marshall (1828-1911)
- Lowe, William Richard (1837-1913)
- Marple, Addison E. (b. 1836)
- Marple, Albert Jenkins (1857-1936)
- Marple, Gideon M. (1870-1919)
- Marple, Granville Dexter (1833-1912)
- Marple, Imboden Lee (1863-1922)
- Martin, Bryant Josiah (1874-1957)
- Martin, Henry W. (1867-1943)
- Martin, Luther (d. 1919)
- Martin, Obadiah Warren (1844-1917)
- Martin, William T. (1861-1929)
- Mathers, George Edwin (1870-1945)
- McCartney, John A. (b. 1836)
- McClain, William Henry (b. 1838)
- McCue, Moses Mitchell (1852-1918)
- McDowell, James A. (1874-1957)
- McLeod, Clara Gould (b. 1860)
- McQuain, Henry L. (1866-1950)
- McWhorter, J. M. (b. 1822)
- McWhorter, John C. (1866-1939)
- McWhorter, Lycurgus Diogenes (1853-1916)
- Mearns, Andrew (1855-1926)
- Mearns, William (1841-1918)
- Mick, Willie Burton (b. 1869)
- Moore, Bryant Toliver
- Moore, Oscar Leopold (b. 1849)
- Morrison, Jerome B. (1841-1915)
- Mosby, Overton A. (d. 1918)
- Mouser, Charles C. (1876-1960)
- Nay, Jed (1832-1907)
- Neff, Henry (1825-1922)
- Nethken, Meshach A. (1845-1922)
- Nixon, Elza (1855-1929)
- O'Brien, William Smith (1862-1948)
- Ogden, Alonza Clay (1869-1959)
- Osborne, Elmore (1839-1925)
- Ours, Andrew Granville (b. 1861)
- Ours, Henry Franklin (1864-1912)
- Ours, James Howard (1860-1931)
- Page, Charles C. (1865-1907)
- Phillips, Ernest (1872-1948)
- Phillips, Lothrop (b. 1836)
- Phillips, Spencer (1842-1919)
- Phillips, Walter (1834-1905)
- Pickens, Robert (b. 1856)
- Poe, C. J. (b. 1872)
- Poe, David (b. 1836)
- Pringle, Samuel
- Queen, Crawford L.
- Quigley, George (1847-1937)
- Radabaugh, Benton C. (1879-1961)
- Raikes, James Madison (1852-1940)
- Reed, Floyd A. (b. 1874)
- Reed, Milton D. (1836-1915)
- Reese, Arthur (b. 1867)
- Reger, Abram (1795-1886)
- Reger, Albert G. (b. 1818)
- Reger, Alfred A. (1822-1902)
- Reger, Jacob (b. 1733)
- Reger, John Sr. (1769-1849)
- Reger, John W. (1815-1893)
- Reger, Joseph S. (1847-1914)
- Reger, Rebecca Anna Brown (1822-1893)
- Reger, Robert A. (1857-1931)
- Rexroad, Robert Brown (1859-1922)
- Rexroad, Zachariah Pierpont (b. 1842)
- Reynolds, John Joseph (1834-1925)
- Riffle, Jonathan M. (b. 1842)
- Ringer, Jerry (b. 1858)
- Roby, James S. (b. 1838)
- Rodgers, David Marshall (1857-1937)
- Rohr, Jacob (1836-1929)
- Rohrbaugh, Burton Biggs (1863-1937)
- Rohrbaugh, Clark Lee (1856-1927)
- Rollins, Albert Gilbert (1840-1918)
- Ross, Charles (1877-1939)
- Ruble, Isaac L. (b. 1841)
- Rusmisell, John David (1851-1929)
- Rusmisell, Samuel Cooper (1846-1915)
- Scott, Charles Warren (1839-1906)
- Scott, George White (b. 1854)
- See, Adam and Michael (brothers)
- Sexton, Floyd Peebles (1856-1945)
- Sexton, Freeman Farefield (1827-1911)
- Sexton, George Asbury (1840-1916)
- Sharpes, William J. (1836-1917)
- Shaw, Jasper N. (1861-1949)
- Shaw, John Combs (1865-1959)
- Simon, Jefferson B. (1874-1947)
- Simpson, Mary Catherine (1846-1938)
- Smith, Ellen Eliza (1834-1918)
- Smith, Howard N. (1872-1951)
- Smith, Joseph Carper (b. 1868)
- Snyder, Valentine Monroe (1871-1938)
- Stockert, Gustave F. (1854-1920)
- Strader, Aaron (1838-1913)
- Strader, Abel (1863-1946)
- Strader, John (1837-1924)
- Strader, Newton J. (1858-1921)
- Strader, Perry S. (1870-1948)
- Strader, Simon J. (1845-1924)
- Summers, Washington (1814-1883)
- Talbot, Homer O. (1868-1944)
- Talbot, Perry (1845-1929)
- Talbot, William Damron (1850-1907)
- Tenney, Addison Monroe (1856-1909)
- Tenney, George Washington (1866-1949)
- Tenney, James (d. 1841)
- Tenney, Milroy (1863-1939)
- Teter, Granville (1856-1936)
- Teter, Irvin (1856-1923)
- Teter, James (1797-1848)
- Thomas, Wellington (b. 1869)
- Tomblyn, William Garland (1847-1930)
- Totten, W. G. L. (1840-1934)
- Townsend, Frank S. (1857-1939)
- Townsend, William French (1873-1948)
- Vantromp, Homer O. (1877-1958)
- Vincent, Robert MacAvoy (1848-1923)
- Ware, Elihu W.
- Warner, Marshall L. (1844-1941)
- Waugh, Enoch L. (1843-1932)
- Waugh, Homer Roy (1879-1945)
- Westfall, Daniel (1871-1931)
- Westfall, Dorpha Stark (1873-1932)
- Westfall, George Gideon (1864-1942)
- Westfall, Homer H. (1875-1946)
- White, Cummins Edward (1869-1923)
- White, Ira T. (1867-1933)
- Whitescarver, George H. (1868-1956)
- Wilfong, Ashlew Wesley (b. 1847)
- Wilson, Gideon Hall (1832-1896)
- Young, Festus Ralph (1883-1955)
- Young, Hillery Brown (1869-1944)
- Young, Stillman (1843-1926)
- Young, U. G. (1865-1937)
- Zickefoose, Albert J. (1864-1940)
West Virginia Archivist: Connie Burkett

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West Virginia genealogical records
held here are for use by the general public.These records have been donated to the U.S. Data Repository for permanent online free-access.