US-Data Repository (West Virginia)

Harrison County -- Mining

  • 1883 - Fatal Mining Accidents for the year 1883
    One name is included in the 1883 Fatal Mining Accidents
    Rooney, Martin  (Fatal)

  • 1901 - Fatal Mining Accidents for the year ending June 30th, 1901
    List of names included in the 1901 Fatal Mining Accidents
    Day, William
    Jimmie, John
    McCray, Geo.
    Miller, Robert
    Pilcher, John
    Slaughter, F. Marion
    Yoder, W. H.

  • 1902 - Fatal Mining Accidents for the year ending June 30th, 1902
    List of names included in the 1902 Fatal Mining Accidents
    Armstrong, Calvin
    Dilonk, Frank
    Frush, William
    Morris, John
    Olivana, Frank
    Pagonis, Joe
    Scholar, Nick
    Tettro, James J.

  • 1903 - Fatal Mining Accidents for the year ending June 30th, 1903
    List of names included in the 1903 Fatal Mining Accidents
    Barker, Irvin
    Bunnell, Duncan
    Busario, Grande
    Clara, Thomas
    Daoch, Geoort
    Dunkoe, Paul
    Gowers, Wm. Jr.
    Handshumaker, Frank
    Jasconi, Charles
    Jurick, Andy
    Majewski, Stanislaw
    Miholski, John
    Shefcheck, John
    Tinal, Mike
    Trendafil, Simon

  • 1904 - Fatal & Non-Fatal Mining Accidents for the year ending June 30th, 1904
    List of names included in the 1904 Fatal & Non-Fatal Mining Accidents
    Alexander, Albert
    Anverio, Pasco
    Berto, Frank
    Cato, Mike
    Collins, R. Earl
    Flaherty, Patrick
    Fleming, James
    Fowler, Ellsworth
    Frontera, Joseph
    Gatrell, Scott
    Ilderton, Robert
    Latos, John
    Lovas, James
    Malurchok, Andy Jr.
    Martin, John U.
    Martz, Sam
    O'Dell, Joe
    Philbern, Thomas
    Romano, Pierto
    Simon, Chas.
    Starcries, John
    Starr, Charles E.
    Vassar, A. E.
    Vernosky, John
    Voharerak, John
    Yacons, Bart
    Ygunt, Frank

  • 1905 - Fatal & Non-Fatal Mining Accidents for the year ending June 30th, 1905
    List of names included in the 1905 Fatal & Non-Fatal Mining Accidents
    Barton, Paul
    Beverly, Blain
    Boggess, Louis
    Bucar, Joe
    Casey, Andrew
    Cattrill, D. W.
    Cooper, Alfred
    Fenton, George W.
    Garapala, Tony
    Goldsmith, Grant
    Granthenet, Philip
    Hernick, Frank
    Hill, A. A.
    Julious, Tony
    Kirkendall, Edw.
    Locante, John
    Lulitz, Mike
    May, James
    McGovern, John
    Mino, Dominick
    Mitchell, John
    Palata, Joseph
    Podolak, Mike
    Queen, John
    Ross, Jim
    Socorege, Wm.
    Spadifore, John
    Strapface, Gabriel
    Toth, Gazar
    Turaba, John
    Wagner, John C.
    Waters, Ike
    Whitehair, W. F.
    Williams, A. L.
    Wilson, B. R.
    Wilson, R. H.
    Yurcheck, Frank

  • 1906 - Fatal Mining Accidents for the year ending June 30th, 1906
    List of names included in the 1906 Fatal Mining Accidents
    Auverio, Properio
    Berot, Joe
    Beverly, Blaine
    Huffman, Ira
    Latsuecor, John
    Lori, John
    Marshall, Lewis
    Paolucci, Antonio
    Sinelli, Frank
    Sivo, John

  • 1907 - Fatal Mining Accidents for the year ending June 30th, 1907
    List of names included in the 1907 Fatal Mining Accidents
    Cabro, Petro
    Fizena, Andrea
    Marino, James
    Morris, Orie
    Pasqualla, Antony
    Pulie, Salvatore
    Secreto, Tony
    Svdrba, Mike

West Virginia Archivist: Connie Burkett 
To contact Connie, please type the e-mail address into a " mail form"  

West Virginia genealogical records

held here are for use by the general public.
These records have been donated to the U.S. Data Repository for permanent online free-access.