The legislative work of the Cherokee Council, partisan body
that it was, with Lewis Downing as its presiding officer and Thomas Pegg
as acting Principal Chief, was reactionary, yet epochal. It comprised several
measures and three of transcendent importance, passed between the eighteenth
[February, 1863] and the twenty-first:
1. An act revoking an allegiance with the Confederate States and re-asserting
allegiance to the United States.
2. An act deposing all officers of any rank or character whatsoever,
inclusive of legislative, executive, judicial, who were serving in capacities
disloyal to the United States and to the Cherokee Nation.
3. An act emancipating slaves throughout the Cherokee country. [1]
Annie Abel
The American Indian in the Civil War, 1862-1865
To Major General Hunter, Commanding Kansas Department:
It is the intention of the Government to order me to report
to you for an active winter's campaign. They have ordered General Denver
to another department. They have ordered to report to you eight regiments
cavalry, three of infantry, and three batteries, in addition to your present
force. They have also ordered you, in conjunction with the Indian Department,
to organize 4,000 Indians. Mr. Doles, Commissioner, will set out with me.
It was upon General David Hunter, Commander of the Western Department of
the Army of the United States of America, that the main responsibility
for the refugees from the Indian Territory fell. As they were fleeing North,
the destitute Keetoowahs had fallen in with a group of buffalo hunters
from the Sac and Fox Nations whose reservation lay further North in an
area which is presently Osage County Kansas. After hearing of their tragic
experience, these friendly relations sent the word ahead of their party
to Kansas where William G. Coffin, Southern Superintendent, appealed to
Hunter to send federal officers and assistance to aid the distressed refugees.
In addition, Coffin ordered every federal agent under his charge to assemble
at Fort Roe, Kansas to assist the refugees.
General Hunter sent Captain J. W. Turner, Chief Commissary of Subsistence,
and Brigade-Surgeon A. B. Campbell to the refugee Indian encampment to
provide assistance to the destitute. However, the plight of the refugees
overwhelmed the meager resources of Hunter's men; what few cheap blankets
and condemned army tents that were furnished did little to meet the dire
needs of those who had endured the exodus to the promised land. [5]
According the Campbell, the supplies provided by the army consisted of
thirty-five blankets, forty pairs of socks, and a few underclothes; Campbell
woefully admitted that he selected the nakedest of the naked and gave
them of what few items there were.
Campbell then explained to the hundreds who stood about that there was
to be nothing left for them. From among those who stood before him, there
were seven, varying in age from three to fifteen years [without] one thread
upon their body. [6] On the fifteenth of February
with supplies having given out, the army stopped giving assistance altogether;
the horror was such that is was beyond the power of any pen to portray.
As Annie Abel described the situation in her work The American Indian
in the Civil War, 1862-1865, The inadequacy of the Indian Service
and the inefficiency of the Federal never showed up more plainly, to the
utter discredit of the nation, than at this period and in this connection.
[8] Yet, from the midst of this chasm of despair
was to come the hope for a new day.
The Nakedest of the Naked
When Evan Jones arrived in the new Nation in January 1862, it was no
longer the Cherokee Nation. It was Keetoowah, it was a nation of the beloved
community. According to reports from the camps, there were more than three
thousand Creek, a thousand Seminole, a hundred Quapaws, and less than fifty
Cherokee and Chickasaw. Less than a hundred African Americans survived
the flight to Kansas; [9] one can assume that
the Southern troops would be much more willing to kill a fleeing African
American than Native American. William McLoughlin believes that by the
end of January, there were as many as ten thousand people living in the
squalid refugee camps near Leroy, Kansas; [10]
Annie Abel described the camps as concentration camps in 1919 work entitled
Indian as Participant in the Civil War, 1862-1865. [11]
Evan Jones immediately began working with the local religious and charitable
organizations in order to organize assistance for the refugees, but this
was difficult because the refugees, of necessity, had been situated on
uninhabited lands along the Verdigris River. Though Jones could offer yet
little to the emaciated refugees, his mere presence provided great hope
and inspiration to those who had been his flock for so many years. He wrote
home to his missionary board requesting assistance for his congregation,
In daily visiting the camps of the Indians, I witness a vast amount of
destitution and suffering, and it is painful to think how little I can
do towards its alleviation. I am glad to hear such good news about Missionary
contributions coming in. [12]
When Jones traveled among the able-bodied Keetoowah, he found a resilient
and inspired people who were anxious to return to the homeland and reestablish
their position in the political and social affairs of their respective
Nations. If this meant joining the Federal Army and returning to Indian
Territory to engage the rebel brigades of Watie, McIntosh, and Jumper,
the loyal Keetoowahs were eager to do so. Remembering how Stand Watie and
his Knights of the Golden Circle had ruthlessly pursued them to the Kansas
border, there was strong resentment towards the Confederate Cherokee on
the part of the loyal Keetoowahs. [13]
There was also strong support within the state of Kansas for organizing
a force of colored troops in order to protect Kansas from its enemies
to the South. [14] It was believed that hordes
of whites and half breeds in the Indian country are in arms driving out
and killing Union men. They threaten to overrun Kansas and exterminate
both whites and Indians. [15] As early as August
1861, Senator James Lane of Kansas had sought among the Native Americans
of Kansas a brigade of Indians to use as Jayhawkers against the states
of Missouri, Arkansas, and Indian Territory. [16]
Lane had written the Indian Agents of Kansas stating his requests:
For the defence of Kansas I have determined to use the loyal
Indians of the Tribes above named... If you have means within your control
I would like to have you supply them when they march with a sufficient
quantity of powder, lead & subsistence for their march to this place,
where they will be fed by the government... I enjoin each of you to be
prompt and energetic that an early assembling of the said Indians can be
accomplished. [17]
Senator James H. Lane, the Grim Chieftain of the Republican Party and
self-styled King of Kansas politics was an unscrupulous political opportunist
who used the struggle over slavery in Kansas to pursue his own political
ambitions. [18] Lane was supported in his abolitionist
fervor by James Montgomery (a follower of John Brown), Charles Jennison,
David Anthony (brother of Susan B.), and a loyal cadre of militant journalists,
preachers, and politicians. Federal Agent Gorge Cutler, who had met with
Opothle Yahola's emissaries, wrote to Commissioner Dole to see if possible
that some measures are taken to rescue the Southern Indians from the rebels;
he specifically requested the formation of a brigade of friendly Indians
to rescue their abandoned families. [19] Dole
responded to his agent's request stating simply, I am disinclined to encourage
the Indians to engage in the war except in extreme cases, as guides. [20]
Senator Lane, however, was not to have his plan slowed by either Commissioner
Dole or General David Hunter, Commander of the Western Department, who
had military responsibility for the western frontier. [21]
By late 1861, Lane had used his power and influence in Washington and his
friends and supporters in Kansas to organize the Kansas Brigade. The
brigade swept across the border into Missouri burning, looting, and distributing
proclamations announcing the abolition of slavery on the frontier. Wherever
Lane's Kansas Jayhawkers swept, they liberated hundreds of black slaves
and allowed them to accompany the expedition as teamsters, cooks and even
soldiers. [22]
Lane was not averse to using the black soldiers for whatever purposes
he saw fit. At Fort Leavenworth, Kansas in early 1862, the wily Lane stated,
I do say that it would not pain me to see a Negro handling a gun and I
believe the Negro may just as well become food for powder as my son. [23]
In late November of 1861, Lane's Jayhawkers had liberated six hundred
ex-slaves and sent them back to the Happy Land of Canaan in a Black
Brigade led by two Methodist chaplains. When they arrived in Kansas, the
freed blacks cheered for James Lane, the liberator; the chaplains then
distributed the ex-slaves as laborers among the farms and villages of
southern Kansas. [24]
Because of Kansas's reputation as an abolitionist enclave, especially
in the areas around Lawrence, Leavenworth, Wyandotte, and Fort Scott, large
numbers of African American refugees began to flee Missouri, Arkansas,
and Indian Territory for the state. [25] In
addition, the fear of Lane's Jayhawkers led many slaveholders in states
surrounding Kansas to free their slaves as opposed to facing the scorched
earth policy of the Jayhawkers; some Missouri slaveholders took their slaves
to Texas, as did many Cherokee, to safeguard them until the war was over.
Many of the African-Americans in Kansas were among the Native American
refugees who had fled Indian Territory and were now living in camps in
the Southern part of the state. [26] By 1863,
there were nearly 8,000 former slaves in Kansas; by the end of the war
the state's African- American population had grown from 816 in 1860 to
nearly 13,000. [27]
Just as there was support in Kansas for the use of Indian troops to
protect the state from the hordes of whites and half breeds lurking
on their southern border, there began a movement among the abolitionist
forces to enlist African Americans in the army. The Leavenworth Conservative
Lane's refrain by stressing the need for colored troops to protect Kansas's
long border from Southern Indians and guerrillas. The Emporia
News argued
that if the South used colored troops to shoot down our brave boys, ought
we not retaliate by using them to subdue the enemies of the government?
[28] If the image of black soldiers was thought
to strike fear into the hearts of Southerners, what might this image have
upon those Southerners who were Cherokee?
As the Kansas citizens, military and political officials contemplated
the use of colored soldiers, the refugees themselves contemplated a return
home and the restoration of their once powerful Nation. If an army was
needed, then this army was willing. A pervasive image in Cherokee society,
that of the phoenix, was to be reborn in the midst of the new nation; out
of the nakedest of the naked, a new army was to rise.
The Home Front
Back home, Chief John Ross struggled to maintain control over a Cherokee
Nation that was spinning ruthlessly out of control. Confronted with the
fact that the very troops he had commissioned into military service to
protect his interests had deserted to Kansas, Ross found his leadership
and loyalty to the Confederate States of America seriously called into
question. Watie and the Knight of the Golden Circle had not only gained
a strategic advantage by the Keetoowah's desertion, they were using the
desertion to increase their own political and social standing within the
Nation. In addition to accusing the Keetoowah of spoiling the good name
of the Cherokee before their Confederate allies, the Knights even charged
Ross with having protected some of the deserters in his home. [29]
Some of the deserters were indeed returning to the Cherokee Nation and
attempting to reintegrate themselves into Cherokee society; others were
returning home to gather up what materials they had and to return to Kansas.
Ross, upon learning that Colonel Cooper intended to court-martial the deserters,
begged Cooper to be allowed to handle this situation himself. He explained
to Cooper that he was responsible for the confusion within the fullbloods
because his efforts at reconciliation with Opothle Yahola. He also stressed
the terms of the treaty with the Confederacy that the Cherokee soldiers
would be required to fight only in defense of their homeland; asking the
Cherokee to assault the fleeing renegades went against this policy he believed.
Through deft and diplomacy, Ross was able to convince Cooper to allow him
to handle the affair as he best saw fit. [30]
Ross reassembled Drew's regiment on December 19, 1861 and addressed
the troops as Colonel Cooper and Major Thomas Pegg stood by his side. He
began by chastising those among Drew's regiment who had deserted the Confederacy,
but promised a pardon to those who agreed to return to the regiment. He
then asserted that the treaty that the Cherokee people had secured with
the Confederate States of America was the best treaty ever secured by the
Cherokee Nation, and perhaps the best that could be expected under the
circumstances. The desertion was all a misunderstanding:
According to the stipulations of our treaty [with the Confederacy]
we must meet enemies of our allies whenever the South requires it, as they
are our enemies as well as the enemies of the south; and I feel sure that
no such occurrence as the one we deplore would have taken place if all
things were understood as I have endeavored to explain them. [31]
In spite of Ross's call to Drew's regiment to recognize the Cherokee Nation's
treaty with the Confederacy as legitimate entity, the plea fell upon many
a deaf ear. Even Major Pegg could not rally the remaining Keetoowah in
the Cherokee Nation around recognizing Confederate treaties; many of the
Keetoowah went home. [32] The war within the
Nation would be as fierce as the war to be waged from the North.
In late December, as Watie's troops were pursuing the fleeing Opothle
Yahola north to Kansas, the Civil War was brought home to the Pins who
had remained in the Nation. Chunestotie, a beloved man and one of the leaders
of the Keetoowah, was murdered and scalped by Charles Webber, the nephew
of Colonel Stand Watie. Chunestotie had deserted Drew's regiment before
the battle of Bird's Creek, had fought with Opothle Yahola against the
Confederate troops, and had returned to the Nation under Ross's amnesty.
Chunestotie, a well-known Pin, had also been part of a struggle which stopped
the Confederate flag from being raised over the Cherokee Council House
in August Mrs. John Ross had protested. [33]
For clinging to the old ways, Chunestotie was killed.
Colonel Drew called the murder of Chunestotie a barbarous crime and
called for the arrest and trial of Webber; the Keetoowahs held Watie and
the Knights of the Golden Circle responsible for the murder. Watie called
the murder regrettable, but said that his nephew was beside himself with
liquor at the time and the Ross party was just trying to make political
hay of an unfortunate but entirely understandable incident. Around the
same time Arch Snail, another of the Keetoowah deserters from Drew's troops
who had returned home, was killed by his own pistol.Watie's followers claimed
the Arch Snail had tried to ambush them and they were forced to kill him.
Ross wrote to Colonel Cooper urging him to investigate certain complaints
made against the reckless proceedings of Colonel Watie and some of his
men towards Cherokee citizens and demanded Cooper's immediate attention
to the Subjects therein embraced. [35]
Watie, in responding to Cooper's inquiry regarding the murders, was
incredulous. The murder of Chunestotie, Watie sardonically replied, is
called a barbarous crime and shocks the sensitive nerves of Colonel Drew,
Mr. Ross, and others, who of course never participated in the shedding
of innocent blood. [36] He further went on
to lay out his contempt for the Chunestotie, the Keetoowahs, as well as
John Ross:
Chunestotie has been for years hostile to Southern people and
their institutions; he was active last summer in repressing Southern movements
with a strong hand, with the advice and assistance of Capt. John Ross `who
accompanied you in your recent expedition.' He went at the head of many
others of like opinion to Tahlequah last summer for the avowed purpose
of butchering any and all who should attempt to raise a southern flag --
the flag was not raised as you remember... [37]
Watie concluded by stating that he was well aware that the personal relations
of myself with the unfortunate faction is seized upon with avidity by those
whose only ambition seem to be to misrepresent and injure me. [38]
Cooper's half-hearted investigation of Webber probably resulted from his
disinterest in prosecuting those who would kill an enemy of the Confederacy,
however, the inaction resulted in an increasingly clandestine internal
warfare between the Keetoowah and the Knights of the Golden Circle.
Drew's regiment was the only thing that stood between Ross and his enemies;
Ross began to refer to them as my regiment and the Keetoowah who remained
in the Nation were tied closely to Ross. Not only did they protect Ross,
but they worked against Watie and his Knights of the Golden Circle in their
efforts to move the Cherokee Nation closer to the Confederate States of
America. On January 11, 1862, Colonel Drew's troops left Fort Gibson to
go to Park Hill, the home of Chief John Ross in order to protect Chief
Ross, that it was thought that he was not safe. [39]
The troops were called to Park Hill because Ross had been threatened by
a drunk boy [who]goes there, calls him a Pin and an abolitionist. [40]
Ross's problems with this drunk boy were not only just the fear the
he might become another victim of someone beside himself with liquor,
there were deeper issues here. The boy was Return Foreman, the nephew of
Reverend Stephen Foreman, Pastor of Park Hill Presbyterian Church, Ross's
neighbor, and an follower of Stand Watie. The Foreman family ran down both
sides of the conflict: James Foreman, responsible for killing treaty party
members, was killed by Stand Watie in 1842. David Foreman, ordained by
Evan Jones at Flint Church in 1849, left Jones's church over the issue
of slaveholding ministry to pursue a ministry with the Southern Baptists
in 1861. Several of the Foreman family members were also brethren at Cherokee
Lodge #21. Members of the Foreman family also fought on both sides in the
Civil War: Stephen Foreman's sons fought with Watie's troops; John Foreman
fled North to Kansas with Opothle Yahola's forces.
Stephen Foreman shared his nephew's opinion about Ross. He never believed
Ross to have been committed to the Southern cause and that the whole purpose
of Drew's regiment was not to fight for the Confederacy, but to protect
Ross and the Keetoowahs from the Knights of the Golden Circle. Foreman,
a mixed blood slaveholder, distrusted Ross and Drew's regiment of Keetoowah:
His regiment showed their hand and his hand too at the Bird
Creek fight when they fought against our own men. Mr. Ross showed his hand
also in pardoning all those men without even a trial. Mr. Ross also showed
his hand harboring the leaders of those traitors of the country. It is
said that two or three of those traitors were in his house. [41]
It is likely that when Return Foreman, with so many family members on both
sides of the conflict, called John Ross a Pin, he knew was he talking
Cooper's investigation into the Chunestotie murder being a charade,
Ross felt further alienated and endangered; the Knights of the Golden Circle
kept up the intensity by consistently provoking incidents. Ross, with great
consternation, wrote a letter seeking assistance to brother Albert Pike:
I had intended going up to see the Troops of our Regiment;
also to visit the Head Qrs. of the Army at Cane Hill in view of affording
any aid in any manner within the reach of my power to repel the enemy.
But I am sorry to say I have been dissuaded from going at present in consequence
of some unwarrantable conduct in the part of many base, reckless, and unprincipled
persons belonging to Watie's regiment who are under no restraint or subordination
of their leaders in domineering over and trampling upon the rights of peaceable
and unoffending citizens. I have at all times in the most unequivocable
manner assured the People that you will not only promptly discountenance,
but will take steps to put a stop to such proceedings for the protection
of their persons & property and to redress their wrongs. This is not
the time for crimination and recrimination; at a proper time I have certain
complaints to report for your investigation. [42]
Though Ross was articulating the fears of his supporters, it was clear
that an increasingly bloody feud between the Knights of the Golden Circle
and the Keetoowah's had been set in motion and in this conflict, there
would be no innocent parties:
...dey was a lot of dem Pin Indians all up on de Illinois River
and dey was wid de North and dey taken it out on de slave owners a lot
before de War and during it too. Dey would come in de night and hamstring
de horses and maybe set fire to de barn, and two of `em named Joab Scarrel
and Tom Starr killed my pappy one night just before de War broke out....
Them pins was after Master all de time for a while at de first of de
War, and he was afraid to ride into Fort Smith. Dey come to de house one
time when he was gone to Fort Smith and us children told dem he was at
Honey Springs, but dey knowed better and when he got home he said somebody
shot at him and bushwhacked him all the way from Wilson's Rock to dem Wildhorse
Mountains, but he run his horse like de devil was setting on his tail and
dey never did hit him. He never sen them neither. We told him `bout de
Pins coming for him and he just laughed.
...Pretty soon all de young Cherokee menfolks all gone off
to de War, and Pins was riding `round all de time, and it ain't safe to
be in dat part around Webber's falls, so old Master take us all to Fort
Smith where they was a lot of Confederate soldiers. [44]
...Mammy said the patrollers and Pin Indians caused a lot of trouble
after the war started. The master went to war and left my misterss to look
after the place. The Pins came to the farm one day and broke down the
doors, cut feather beds open and sent the feathers flying in the wind,
stole the horses, killed the sheep and done lots of mean things. The mistress
took her slaves and went somewhere in Texas until after the war. [45]
A new chaos arose within Indian Territory that eclipsed even the terrible
years following removal; each day the terror struck not just at Keetoowah
and Knight but also at those defenseless ones who made the easiest targets.
Hannah Hicks, the daughter of missionary Samuel Worcester, described the
dread that stalked the Nation, Today we hear that Watie's men declared
their intention to come back and rob every woman whose husband has gone
to the Federals and every woman who has Northern principles. [46]
The internecine struggle, being no respecter of persons, decimated with
equal ferocity the just and the unjust too.
Not just in the Cherokee Nation did the terror reign; it spread like
a wildfire among the Nations of Indian Territory. In the Creek Nation,
the crops which had been ready to gather were left in the field. The ceremonies
to celebrate the harvest and the beginning of a new season were not held;
the temples and churches saw little activity. There was only desolation:
We would see some lone cow that had been left. The roosters would continually
crow at some deserted home. The dogs would bark or howl. Those days were
lonesome to me, as young as I was, for I knew that most of our old acquaintances
were gone. [47]
Terror reigned. Men of the North and men of the South killed each other
on sight. Parties of armed factions rode the land looking for the spoils
of war. They stole everything they could not only from the homes of the
enemy, but also anyone thought to be their supporters. Homes were burned,
supplies were stolen and that which could not be used to support the struggle
was destroyed. The women and children hid in the woods by day and at night
returned to what was left of our homes. [48]
No one was left untouched by the pain and horror which swept the Indian
In March of 1862, the Confederate forces, including many of reinstated
Keetoowah of Drew's regiment as well as Watie's troops, fought a decisive
battle against Union forces at the Battle of Pea Ridge in northwestern
Arkansas. [49] For the first time, the Confederate
Indians were not only allowed to fight amongst the white soldiers in a
traditional Napoleonic confrontation, they were encouraged to fight in
their own fashion with traditional weapons. A member of Sterling Price's
Missouri brigade described the Confederate warriors:
They came trotting gaily into camp yelling forth a wild war
whoop that startled the army out of all of its propriety. Their faces were
painted for they were `on the warpath,' their long black hair qued in clubs
hung down their backs, buckskin shirts, leggins, and moccasins adorned
with little bells and rattles, together with bright colored turkey feathers
fastened on their heads completed unique uniforms uniforms not strictly
cut according to military regulations. Armed only with tomahawk, and war
clubs, and presented an image somewhat savage, but they were mostly Cherokees,
cool and cautious in danger, active and sinewy on persons, fine specimens
of the `noble red man.' [50]
Stand Watie's Confederate troops fought bravely and earned recognition
for their valor; after first being frightened by the thunder wagons of
Union artillery, they recovered and captured several cannons and artillerymen.
However, when the Battle of Pea Ridge was over, the Union forces under
General Samuel Curtis had soundly defeated the Confederate forces under
General Earl Van Dorn. The Western frontier was up for grabs. Furthermore,
there were troubling rumors of atrocities being committed against Union
soldiers by the Confederate Cherokee.
A Northern pamphlet charged that General Albert Pike had maddened them
[the Confederate Indians] with liquor to fire their savage natures, and,
with gaudy dress and a large plume on his head, disregarding all the usages
of civilized warfare, led them in a carnage of savagery, scalping wounded
and helpless soldiers, and committing other atrocities too horrible to
mention. [51] Nothing could be further than
the truth, but General Pike, upon examining the reports of Confederate
surgeons, found that, indeed, one of the Federal dead was found scalped.
Pike immediately denounced the scalpings and immediately asserted that
they were done by soldiers in another command; Union officers even reported
that the atrocities were committed by white Texans. [52]
However, the scalpings, paired with the Confederate Cherokee's wholesale
desertion in December, caught brother Albert Pike in a whirlwind which
he was not to escape unscathed. He was soon to resign his commission. [53]
Farther north in Kansas, a new storm was rising. Those who had fled
and had suffered greatly in the winter of discontent were gathering their
will and preparing to return home to rescue the land which had once been
theirs. An ill-wind blew across the prairie and the struggle to come would
be monumantal. At home, knowing of the impending cataclysm, the Confederate
forces gathered their strength for the coming days. In the forthcoming
battles, there would be no winners.
So Laudable an Enterprise
...the Indians of all tribes held a grand council last Thursday
at Fort Roe in regard to the war, at which they determined with great unanimity
to gather up and arm as best they could, all their able bodied men and
go down with the army on the own hook and aid in driving out the Rebels
from their homes in time to plant a crop for this season and then gather
all the Ponies they can and they think they can capture enough from the
Rebels with what they have come up for their families. Cannot the Government
aid so laudable an enterprise as that at least with a few guns and some
Agent Coffin to Commissioner Dole,
March 3, 1862
No sooner than he had visited among the Keetoowahs in Kansas, Reverend
Evan Jones set about upon a plan to rescue John Ross and the remainder
of the Keetoowahs from their desperate position in the Cherokee Nation.
Jones, in letters to Commissioner Dole which were forwarded to the War
Department, pleaded with the Federal officials that John Ross was, and
always had been, loyal to the government. The contingencies of life in
the Cherokee Nation and the threat of his old enemies had led Ross to certain
actions, but indeed these actions were simply delaying tactics until a
Federal force could recover Indian Territory. He articulated Ross's position
to Dole:
In view of all [of] which the best friends of the Union and
of the Nation were brought to their wits end and... to avert the overrunning
of their country by the secession troops, and having no military force
of their own, nor any other means of defense, the only choice seemed to
be to accept the best conditions they could obtain...[Drew' regiment] was
raised for home protection...the great majority of the officers and men
in this case being decidedly loyal Union men. [55]
Among the refugees the desire to return to their homes was great, even
if it meant having to fight their way back to their homelands. When General
Lane traveled to the refugee camps in early 1862, Chief Opothle Yahola
and Chief Aluk Tustenuke of the Seminole Nation met with him and pleaded
with him for assistance. Lane's boasts of his efforts to raise to raise
a Cherokee Expedition to return to Indian Territory and retake the Nation
aroused the loyalist forces and they believed their commission was imminent.
The people of Kansas supported the expedition, believing the Confederate
Indians on their border to be a grave threat to their safety; the reports
of atrocities committed against federal troops at Pea Ridge even furthered
their fears of being overrun by Confederate savages. What better plan than
to set the savages against each other? In addition, the possibility of
retaking Indian Territory following its act of treachery against the
people of the United States provided land speculators, railroad promoters,
and homesteaders with ample grist for the mill of speculation.
As much as the people of Kansas sought colored troops, the senior
officials in Kansas as well as Washington resisted the idea. Abraham Lincoln,
himself, was opposed to the arming and use of Indian troops. Especially
in light of the happenings at Bird Creek and particularly Pea Ridge, it
was felt that Native Americans were unreliable, undisciplined, and prone
to revert to savagery in battle. [57] Major
General David Hunter was sympathetic to the plight of the Indians, but
distrusted General Lane and was contemptuous of his marauding Jayhawkers
and the military activities engaged in by Lane's forces. Governor Charles
Robinson and General Henry Halleck, responsible for the Western frontier,
disapproved of the use of colored troops in general, but more specifically
under the command of the self-serving adventurer Lane. [58]
The struggle between General Hunter and General Lane for the control
and responsibility for the military affairs of Kansas led to the reorganization
of the Kansas regiments in early March. Lane, appointed as a Brigadier
General in the Federal Army, refused to accept his appointment under the
conditions of his being subservient to General David Hunter; Lane insisted
that he was acting as a senator and member of the Military Committee of
the Senate when he appeared before Hunter in late February. [59]
In spite of a complete reorganization of the Federal troops on the western
front, James Lane continued to exert considerable power and continued to
seek the arming of loyal Indians for a return to the Indian Territory.
The continual lobbying of Evan Jones for the rescue of Chief John Ross,
the insistence of James Lane for an Indian expeditionary force, and the
increasing costs of supporting a large army of unenlisted refugees from
the Indian Territory put pressure upon Congress to act. On March 13, 1862,
Commissioner Dole wrote to Secretary of the Interior Caleb Smith with the
following appeal:
Procure an order from the War Department detailing two Regiment
of Volunteers from Kansas to go with the Indians to their homes and remain
there for their protection as long (as) may be necessary, also to furnish
two thousand stand of arms and ammunition to be placed in the hands of
the loyal Indians. [61]
Within a week , the orders for the recruitment of an Indian Expeditionary
Force were sent down from Washington, but with a provision from Henry
Halleck that These Indians can be used only against Indians or in defense
of their own territory and homes. [62]
By the time of the organization of the Indian Expeditionary Force,
there were nearly ten thousand refugees in Kansas from a variety of Native
American nations. [63] General Hunter was ordered
to draw two regiments of infantry from among the refugees. In reality,
the First and Second regiments of the Indian Home Guard were mounted riflemen
just as were their counterparts in the Confederate Army. [64]
In addition to the Native American troops, there were three thousand white
troops largely from Kansas, Ohio, Indiana, and Wisconsin. [65]
The troops were placed under the command of Colonel William Weer, a good
officer but a chronic alcoholic. [66] They were
assigned to the Department of Kansas under the charge of General James
Blunt; Blunt and Weer were close associates of Senator James Lane. [67]
The Baptist missionary and political activist reverend Evan Jones was assigned
as an official emissary between Commissioner Dole and the Indian Home Guards.
The First Indian Home Guard was composed of loyal Creek followers of
Opothle Yahola and Seminole warriors led by Afro-Indian Seminole Billy
Bowlegs. Though history is to credit the entrance of African American troops
into the Civil War at a much later point, there is little doubt that many
of the leaders of the First Indian Home Guard were Afro-Indians. Aside
from Billy Bowlegs, the leaders of the Companies were the aging black
muscolge veterans of the Florida wars Halleck Tustenuggee, Tustenuggee
Emarthla (Jim Boy), and Gopher John. [69] Chitto
Harjo, a veteran of the Florida wars, spoke as a Keetoowah when he spoke
of the reasons for his enlistment in the Federal Army:
I left my laws and I left my government, I left my people and
my country and my home... in order to stand by my treaties... and I arrived
in Kansas. It was terrible hard times with me then...Then I got a weapon
in my hands, ...for I raised my hand to God to witness that I was ready
to die in the cause that was right and to help my father defend his treaties.
All this time the fire was going on and the war and battles were going
on. [70]
The Second Indian Home Guard was composed of a variety of Nations, but
at the core the leadership of the Second Indian Home Guards were Keetoowah
loyalists from the Cherokee Nation. Among the officers of the Second Indian
Home Guard were Captain James McDaniel, Captain Moses Price, Captain Archibald
Scraper, Captain Bud Gritts, Captain Dirtthrower, and Captain Springfrog.
That the Second Indian Home Guard was composed of fullblood troops is evidenced
by the roster of enrollees: Oochalata (future leader of the Keetoowah),
Littlebear Bigmush, Eli Tadpole, Goingsnake, Pelican, and Bullfrog. [71]
Many of the members of the Second Indian Home Guard were Baptists. [72]
The Reverend John B. Jones, one of the founders of the Keetoowah Society,
was Chaplain of the Second Indian Home Guard. [73]
Evan Jones continued to articulate John Ross's loyalty to the United
States of America in letters to Indian Commissioner Dole, and Dole maintained
a smaller position before the political officials in the War Department.
Believing that Jones's position was credible and indeed rooted within sources
deep in the Cherokee Nation, the War Department set forth a plan to test
Ross's loyalty and to perhaps return the Cherokee Nation to the United
States. The War Department planned to use the Federal Indian Home Guards
to sweep deep into the Indian Territory in a series of early summer engagements.
Jones was authorized to compose a confidential message to Ross from the
War Department to be delivered to him under a flag of truce when the Indian
Expedition reached the Cherokee Nation. It was believed by all that Ross
and the Keetoowah loyalists still within the Nation would reunite with
their brethren from the North and seal the fate of the Civil War within
the Indian Territory. [75]
Leading up to the summer invasion, the Indians were drilled daily by
white officers in the proper procedures of military warfare. They were
marched and drilled, issued uniforms and caps, issued discard rifles from
the federal stocks, and taught to operate the shooting wagons of the
Federal artillery. The recent atrocities still fresh in mind, it was
incumbent upon the white officers to instill discipline in their unruly
and unsophisticated troops. The troops, many still gaunt from their horrible
winter, hardly filled out what uniforms they had and their kepi caps sat
precariously upon full heads of hair. What the troops lacked in military
demeanor, they made up for in earnestness and commitment to their cause.
The struggle was not just to reunite a nation, it was to reestablish the
In preparation for the upcoming return to their homelands, the Indian
Home Guards engaged in their traditional preparation for wartime much to
the amusement and perhaps to the concern of the Federal troops under whom
they were commissioned. They drank great quantities of black drink which
they believed would render them impervious to Confederate bullets and engaged
in ritual cleansing:
they foolishly physic themselves nearly to death danc [dance]
all night and then jump into the river just at daylight to render themselves
bullet proof...they have followed this up now every night for over two
weeks and it has no doubt caused many deaths [76]
Wiley Britton, in his The Union Indian Brigade in the Civil War
reported that the white soldiers saw hundreds of families, women and children,
bathing nude in the warm shallow water of the stream, apparently unconscious
of what we call shame. They were mostly Creeks and Seminoles. [77]
The Native troops chanted curious incantations to the spirits for protection
and frequently punctuated drill practice with traditional war whoops. [78]
In addition, the Creek soldiers were carrying two objects as sacred to
them as the ark of the covenant carried by the Israelites; they carried
the scales from an Uktena and the uwod from the magical lizard. [79]
A week before the Indian Expedition was to set out for Indian Territory,
a group of Union Osage scouts from Kansas encountered some pro-Union Cherokee
who were heading to Kansas to meet up with their brethren prior to the
invasion. The Cherokee, members of the Keetoowah Society, were bringing
messages of support and solidarity for the invasion; they reported two-thousand
warriors within the Nation led by a Cherokee named Salmon. There were even
reports of a significant number of former slaves, being enrolled as wooly-headed
Indians, joining up with the loyalist forces in the Indian Territory. [80]
The messengers were sent by Salmon to ascertain the status of the invasion
force and to detail the frightful situation of the Cherokee remaining within
the Nation. Watie's men had picked up the intensity of the internecine
warfare in recent weeks and Salmon sought assurances that the Keetoowah
would not be abandoned to face the struggle alone. Upon hearing of the
Keetoowah support within the Nation, Colonel Weer wrote that John Ross
is undoubtedly with us, and will out openly when we reach there. [81]
On June 21, 1862, the Indian Expedition containing nearly six thousand
Native American, black indians, and white soldiers set forth from Humboldt
Kansas bound for Indian Territory; the spectacle of this new army in Federal
uniforms marching military style was one to behold:
...the first and second Indian Regiments left for Indian Territory
in good stile and in fine spirits the Indians with their new uniforms and
small Military caps on their Hugh Heads of Hair made rather a Comical Ludecrous
apperance...they marched off in columns of 4 a breast singing a war song
all joining in the chourse and a more animated seen is not often witnessed.
On June 26, 1862, Lieutenant James Phillips of the United States Army wrote
to Chief John Ross informing him of the impending invasion by the remaining
Keetoowah and instructing him to prepare for the inevitable:
I have learned from your friends with me that you and your
people are truly loyal to the United States; but from stress of circumstances
have not been able to carry out your loyal principles during the present
unholy rebellion...My purpose is to afford you protection and to relieve
you and your Country from your present embarassment and to give to you
and all your friends an opportunity to show their loyalty to the United
States Government. [83]
Accompanying the expedition were two federal Indian Agents, E.H. Carruth
and H.W. Martin, who were to provide liaison between the Indians and the
military authorities. They were also to aid the loyal refugees in their
return to their homeland and to provide assistance for Indian resettlement
once the Indian Territory was secured. [84]
Following the military troops were 1500 refugees, who had gathered all
that they had left from among their possessions, hoping to return to their
homes in time to get their crops into the field. [85]
Reverend Evan Jones also accompanied the expedition as an official envoy
of Commisioner Dole and Superintendent William Coffin. He carried with
him a letter to John Ross from Superintendent Coffin which stated:
As our mutual friend, Evan Jones, is about leaving with the
military expedition that is about marching for the Protection of the Indian
Territory, I embrace the opportunity as an Agent of the Government to assure
you that the United States Government has no disposition to shrink from
or evade any of its obligations to the Indian Tribes that remain loyal
to it, and I earnestly hope that the time is not distant when Communications,
so long cut off, may be renewed... And I would most respectfully state
to your Excellency that Mr. Jones has, during his exile, been the most
unceasing advocate of your people and their rights, and is eminently worthy
of your consideration and regard. [86]
Evan Jones and his son John Jones were still in the employ of the American
Baptist Missionary Union, but their activities by this point had strayed
far from their responsibilities as missionaries. John Jones, Chaplain of
the Second Indian Home Guard, could be seen as acting within his religious
responsibilities, however, they were largely overshadowed by his political
and military activities. In his last letters to the Board in May, Evan
Jones made no mention of the expedition nor his role as intermediary for
the federal government. During the length of their involvement in the expedition,
neither Jones issued a report or a letter to the missionary board. [87]
Not long after the Indian Expeditionary Force entered the Indian Territory,
it encountered some of Stand Watie's Confederate Regiment near Locust Grove
on the Grand River. A large body of Watie's troops, J. J. Clarkson's Missourians,
were completely surprised in their beds by the Creeks in the First Union
Home Guard and fell into complete disarray; they scattered in their bedclothes
but being completely surrounded they were forced to surrender. [88]
Several times, the Union troops came very close to capturing the head of
the Knights of the Golden Circle; the cavalry surprised Stand Watie as
he was eating supper and he narrowly escaped. [89]
Advance guards seeing Watie in dubious flight emptied their revolvers
at him with little effect; however, one his attendants was killed. [90]
The Federal troops captured the home of Stand Watie; they also captured
Colonel William Penn Adair (Flint Lodge #74), one of the leaders of the
Knights of the Golden Circle and close associate of Watie. When the shooting
was over, about 100 Confederates were killed or wounded and Clarkson and
110 men were captured; Union losses were 3 killed and 2 wounded. [91]
The remainder of Watie's troops fled to Tahlequah and Park Hill and informed
the Cherokee that the Union soldiers were in their immediate midst. [92]
Colonel Weer and his troops proceeded to Flat Rock on the Grand River
not far from the home of John Ross where they set up encampment on July
3, 1862. No sooner had he set up camp than many of Colonel John Drew's
full-blood troops turned themselves over to him and informed Weer that
they would like to join the federal army. [93]
After being enlisted into the Union Army, the word was spread among the
Keetoowah that the federal troops had arrived and recruits began to flood
in from throughout the Nation. During the next week, so many Keetoowahs
joined the federal forces that the Second Indian Home Guard had to be expanded
and the Third Indian Home Guard had to be formed under the leadership of
Colonel William A. Phillips, a Scotsman and former journalist from Kansas.
If the Second Indian Home Guard was composed of Keetoowah, the Third
Indian Home Guard was even more so; they were led by Lt. Colonel Lewis
Downing, Major John Foreman, Captain Smith Christie, Lt. Samuel Houston
Benge, Captain Thomas Pegg, Captain Huckleberry Downing, and Captain James
Vann. [95] Reverend Lewis Downing, the Chaplain
of Drew's Regiment, brought with him nearly two hundred soldiers. [96]
At various times, John Jones, Evan Jones, and Budd Gritts served as Chaplains
of the various units of the Indian Home Guard. [97]
If there was ever a doubt as to the loyalty of the Keetoowahs to their
treaties with the federal government and their commitment to each other
and the Cherokee Nation, it was laid to rest. David Corwin, commander of
the Second Indian Home Guard of the United States Army, was to later write:
We were in constant communication with the loyal portion of
the Cherokee and it was then perfectly understood between us, before Colonel's
Weer's expedition had been finally decided upon, that as soon as the United
States troops advanced into the Nation, the loyal Indians, including Colonel
Drew's regiment would join us. They said at that time, and I believe with
entire truth, that Colonel Drew's regiment had been raised [by Ross] in
order to protect the loyal portion of the Cherokees from the outrages of
Stand Watie's rebel band. [98]
The invasion of the Cherokee Nation by the Federal army provided the opportunity
for a reunion of the disparate Keetoowah brothers; no longer separated
by the winds of the war, the Keetoowah steeled themselves for the struggle
to regain their national identity.
In addition to the broken brotherhood, there were other bonds to be
renewed; families ripped apart in the flight North to Kansas were being
reunited as the refugees returned home. African Americans from throughout
the Cherokee Nation heard of the invading army of liberation and fled to
join with them in the struggle against slavery. The Kansas regiments, being
composed largely of abolitionist forces, freely accepted these runaway
slaves into their midst giving them shelter and protection. [99]
Although the actual recruitment of colored men would not begin in
Kansas for another few weeks under the auspices of James Lane, the number
of colored troops within the Federal Indian Home Guards began to swell.
When three hundred Cherokee and thirty African American troops rode through
Park Hill on their way to join up with Weer's forces, there was little
doubt as to the nature of this new army. [101]
Throughout the Nation, the fear of a slave uprising catalyzed Southern
sympathizers. Wardell, in his A
Political History of the Cherokees discussed
the nature of the problem, The slavery question was annoying in that the
slaves were ranging over the country and were insolent. [102]
The fears of a slave uprising were not without some merit. Colonel Weer
proposed that a proclamation be issued inviting the Cherokees to abolish
slavery by vote and accept compensation from the United States government
for the freed slaves. Weer also encouraged Blunt to write to President
Lincoln encouraging an amendment be added to the Emancipation Proclamation
which would allow the the Indian Nations to avail themselves of its benefits.
Though the proclamation was never issued, there were serious problems in
the Nation as evidenced by a letter from William Potter Ross to Colonel
Drew, I greatly regret the Confusion which exists, and owing to the apprehensions
entertained of further Negro difficulties, will remain here (Park Hill)
until I here from you. [104] The returning
refugees, protected by the Union troops, sought revenge upon those who
had once so viciously pursued them. Many of the homes of the Confederate
Cherokee were burned and several of them were killed; women and children
were forced to flee to Confederate camps for protection. [105]
Over the next week, Colonel Weer sent several requests to Chief John
Ross requesting that he meet with the Federal officials to discuss the
position of the Cherokee Nation and to plan for a reconciliation with the
United States. Ross, however, was less than eager to comply. [106]
He realized that the Southern sympathizers were still a dominant force
in the Nation and would consider his meeting with Weer an act of betrayal.
Ross, though protected by a hundred of Drew's men considered friendly
to the Union although ostensibly still serving the Confederacy, [107]
refused to meet with United States officials (he also ignored orders from
General Cooper of the C.S.A. to begin involuntary conscription). Mindful
of his treaty obligations with the Confederacy conducted with the authority
of the whole Cherokee people, Ross wrote to Weer, I cannot, under the
existing circumstances, entertain the proposition for an official interview
between us at your camp. [108] Reverend Evan
Jones and Chaplain John Jones of the Third Cherokee Home Guard accompanied
the correspondences between Ross and Weer. [109]
On July 12, 1862, Colonel Weer sent Captain Harris S. Greeno and a company
of white and Cherokee soldiers to capture Chief John Ross, his brothers
Lewis and William, and the remaining members of Colonel Drew's regiment.
Upon riding into Tahlequah, Greeno was met by a Negro who informed him
that Ross and his followers were waiting for him at Park Hill. On July
15, 1862 Colonel Weer sent Doctor Rufus Gilpatrick, Chief Ross's personal
physician and a Union Officer, and several Cherokee to Park Hill to see
if the word that he had been given were to be true. Finding it to be so
and meeting with no resistance from the troops surrounding Ross, Greeno
and his Union Cherokee easily captured Ross and the remaining members of
the Keetoowah Society. Among those captured were the entire Ross family,
Major Thomas Pegg, Lieutenant Anderson Benge, Lieutenant Archibald Scraper,
Lieutenant Joseph Cornsilk, and Lieutenant John Shell. [110]
Chief John Ross was placed under house arrest to be subsequently paroled.
It was now evident to all that the Keetoowahs had not joined Drew's
regiment to fight for the Confederacy but to protect the interest of the
loyal Cherokee until the Union came to their rescue. [112]
What had been suspected by enemies of John Ross was found to be true: Ross
had been in allegiance with the Keetoowahs all along and that Drew's troops
were indeed traitors to the Confederacy. The easy capture and parole
of Ross and his troops infuriated Watie and embarrassed General Albert
Pike. Pike attempted to defend Ross by stating that either Ross had no
choice but to surrender, or, that he is falser and more treacherous than
I can ever believe him to be. [113] With respect
to the easy surrender of Ross, Annie Abel was later to remark, there were
many people who thought, both then and long afterwards, that the whole
affair had been arranged for beforehand and that victor and victim had
been in collusion with each other all the way through. [114]
At a council gathered at Tahlequah to address the crisis in the Cherokee
Nation, Colonel Greeno addressed the loyal Cherokees. He told them that
he understood their plight and if they would now join the Union, he would
restore all loyal Indians to their homes and protect their interests. After
citing the spate of recent Union victories, Colonel Weer offered up his
assurances of protection to those Cherokee who had been loyal to their
treaties. Without realizing the irony of the situation, he spoke to the
The successes of the Federal arms are referred to show you
that part of the Federal forces employed in these operations will be released
for operations in Arkansas and the Indian country, and that it is the firm
intention of the Government to exercise its lawful authority in all this
region, and to meet, engage and destroy all opposition as rapidly as practicable,
and it has been pointed out to you the earnestness with which the government
has taken hold of this matter. [115]
On that day in July, the hopes and the dreams of the Keetoowah for a new
Nation came one step closer to reality.
Several days later, there was another council. This council was a war
council held among the officers and soldiers of the white troops under
the leadership of Colonel Weer. Colonel Frederick Solomon wrote to General
Blunt of the council:
Upon this and other information [regarding distance from supply
lines and the movement of Watie's troops] the council of war decided that
our only safety lay in falling back to some point where we could reopen
communication and learn the whereabouts of our train of subsistence. To
this decision of the council he at the time assented, and said that he
would arrange with the commanders of the brigades the order of march. Subsequently
he issued an order putting the command on half rations, declaring that
he would not fall back, and refused utterly, upon my application, to take
any steps for the safety or salvation of his command. I could not but conclude
that the man was either insane, premeditated treachery to his troops, or
perhaps that his grossly intemperate habits long continued had produced
idiocy or monomania. In either case the command was imperiled, and a military
necessity demanded that something be done, and that without delay. I took
the only step I believed available to save your troops. I arrested the
man, have drawn charges against him, and now hold him subject to your orders.
It is without a doubt that the troops were in a desperate position being
160 miles behind enemy lines and being cut off from their supply lines.
It was also quite hot and troops from Wisconsin and Ohio were not accustomed
to the hot dry prairie climate; there was also little water suitable for
drinking and even less grain for the animals. [117]
Though the situation of the Indian Expedition may have been perilous,
there were also other reasons why the white troops mutinied against their
commanding officer. Annie Abel reports in her The Indian as Participant
in the Civil War that the Germans were particularly discontented and
came to despise the miserable company in which they found themselves.
An army of renegades and refugees surrounded the white troops and there
is little doubt that many of these refugees and the soldiers protecting
them were full-bloods and persons of African descent. Though Lane and his
followers such as Weer may have had a commitment to the recruitment and
use of colored troops, those soldiers who were in the most direct contact
with the refugees seemed not to share Lane's liberal sentiments. [119]
Salomon and his white troops decided to return to Kansas.
Before he left, Colonel Salomon implored John Ross to leave with him
and flee to the safety of Kansas. Chief Ross, considering both his status
as prisoner and yet the implications of his leaving the Nation, found himself
once again caught between two fires. After a considerable discussion with
Chief Ross and Evan Jones, Salomon decided not to force Ross to come with
him as he fled the Nation. [120] At two o'clock
in the morning on July 19th, Colonel Salomon and the white troops in his
command commenced a retrograde movement back towards Kansas. [121]
Before he left, Colonel Solomon placed Colonel Robert Furnas in charge
of the three Indian regiments and ordered them to cover his retreat while
he fled North towards Fort Scott in Kansas. [122]
Though Salomon ordered the Indian troops to disperse and protect him from
several positions, they consolidated their position at the point where
the Creek Nation and the Cherokee Nation shared a common border. [123]
With the bulk of the Federal army now in retreat for Kansas, the loyal
Indian troops now found themselves vulnerable once again to the assault
of the Confederate Cherokee whom they were assured would once again drive
them from the Nation. [124]
Believing in Colonel Weer's promise of protection, hundreds of refugees
and loyalists had made their way back to the Cherokee Nation and to the
farms and families. The seizing of Confederate lands and the insurrectionary
activities pursuant the negro difficulties had created a great instability
within the Nation. There was great fear that Watie and his soldiers would
return to teach the loyalists a frightful lesson. Some of the refugees
who had returned to the Nation now retreated in haste back to Kansas pursuing
the Federal army which had once promised to protect them. Even some of
the Union Indians of the 1st and 2nd Indian Home Guard became demoralized
and deserted their regiments to return to their homes. [125]
On July 18, 1862, the Union officers of the Indian regiments met to
decide what steps would be necessary to maintain the integrity of the Cherokee
Nation. Colonel Furnas ordered the 3d Kansas Indian Home Guard, composed
of Lewis Downing, Smith Christie, John Foreman, Evan Jones and the Keetoowahs,
to camp on Pryor Creek in order to serve as a solidifying force for the
remaining regiments and to protect the interests of the people. On July
23, 1862, Colonel William Phillips, Commanding Officer of the 3d Kansas
Indian Home Guard learned that detachments of Stand Watie's rebel forces
had crossed the Arkansas river and were committing depradations against
those Cherokees who had declared for the Union. [126]
After dividing his troops into three columns, Phillips and his Keetoowah
troops set forth to engage the Confederate armies near Fort Gibson which
had previously been abandoned by the Federal forces. On July 27, rebel
forces waiting near Bayou Meynard fired upon one of the columns of the
Union troops which retreated back towards Park Hill; rebel forces pursued
these troops and found themselves surrounded by the remaining Union forces.
After a brief but sharp conflict, the rebel forces were routed in what
was known as the battle of Bayou Menard; Confederate losses were put at
125 including Colonel Thomas Taylor and Captain Jefferson Davis Hicks of
Watie's regiment, as well as two Choctaw captains. The Keetoowahs suffered
but one casualty, a severely wounded private. [127]
General Blunt, hearing of Salomon's retreat, was concerned that Ross
and the Keetoowahs had been left in the Nation to fend for themselves with
little or no support from those who had promised such. On July 26, 1862,
he ordered Lieutenant William Cloud and 1500 soldiers back to Park Hill
to seize Ross and his entire family and conduct them to Fort Leavenworth,
Kansas. Preceding Cloud were Evan Jones, John Jones, and Doctor Rufus Gilpatrick;
these men convinced Ross to surrender and that his country would be protected.
On August 3, 1862 Chief John Ross and his party of nearly forty members
left for Kansas carrying with them the official records and treasury of
the Cherokee Nation. [128] Serving as bodyguards
for the Ross expedition was Captain Huckleberry Downing and the men of
Company F of the 3d Kansas Indian Home Guard of the United States of America.
The remaining troops of the Indian Home Guard, finding themselves out
of provisions and military support, retreated to a point less than fifty
miles from the Kansas border. Before they did, they seized nearly six hundred
head of cattle and a large number of ponies which Colonel Phillips held
for the use of the loyal Indians. As they engaged in a retrograde movement,
the loyalist troops protected refugees once again fleeing the Nation. [130]
Those who had returned triumphantly hoping for the promise of new nation
within their own homelands found that, once again, their nation existed
as an ideal existing solely among the beloved community. It would be
some time before that ideal it would become a reality.
The Reverend Stephen Foreman, once a member of the beloved community,
watched the proceedings from his homestead not far from Ross's home in
Park Hill. He reflected the attitudes of many in the Southern Rights Party
when he recorded in his diary on July 28, 1862:
The far-famed Evan Jones is said to be at Mr. Ross's now. He
came in yesterday escorted by about 1500 northern pins and feds. Something,
it is believed, will be done by Mr. Jones and Mr. Ross now that they have
gotten together...To me it appears plain that he had been deceiving the
South and that the Pins -- or his party -- the Joneses and the Feds all
understood this, knew the time also when he would have to be taken prisoner
in order to have things look smooth, and to conceal as much as possible
his duplicity...they [the Keetoowahs] were on their way to the Feds camp
to join the Northern army -- that they were a part of the Pin or Ross party,
and in this move they were only carrying out the plan long since laid by
Evan Jones and Chief Ross...The two Joneses I thought were the originators
of the Pin organization. Chief Ross was knowing to the whole plan and sanctioned
every measure... [131]
When Ross left the Nation in early August, Foreman was disgusted:
He has gone to Fort Leavenworth where he and his favorites
will be safe and where he and the far-famed Joneses can talk politics and
religion and lay some dark and deep plans for the downfall of the Cherokee
Nation...By this turn of things Mr. Ross has succeeded in turning up `Jack
at the right place.' But this he always does when he has Mr. Jones behind
the curtains pulling the wires for him. [132]
Yet, nowhere was his agony greater than for those for whom he had once
been so close:
When I think the Joneses are the cause of all our present sufferings
and losses and will be the cause of the final overthrow of the Cherokee
Nation, I am astonished. I know not what to say. Old Mr. Jones has been
among us some forty years, laboring as a missionary. His son John was born
among us and speaks the Cherokee language perfectly. He also is a preacher
and, with his father, has been laboring for the spiritual good of this
people. But where are they now? Why have they gone north with their church
members and preachers and are engaged in killing and robbing those who
differ with them in opinion? If that is according to the Gospel, keep it
away from us. [133]
Fraught with Danger, Distress, and Ruin
The advance of the Indian Expedition gave the Cherokee people
an opportunity to manifest their views by taking as far as possible a prompt
and decided stand in favor of their relations with the U States Government.
The withdrawal of the expedition and the reabandonment of that people and
Country to the forces of the Confederate States leaves them in a position
fraught with danger, distress, and ruin.
John Ross to Abraham Lincoln
On August, 21 1862, exactly one year from the time which John Ross announced
that the Cherokee Nation had decided to ally with the Confederate States
of America, a general council was held in Tahlequah. This council of Confederate
Cherokee, which consisted entirely of Stand Watie and his 700 soldiers,
reaffirmed the Cherokee constitution and laws of 1839 and reasserted their
treaty with the Confederacy. Declaring all offices of the Cherokee Nation
to be vacant, he then established himself to be Principal Chief and replaced
all officials whom he considered to be disloyal with his own men. The National
Council also declared all who had deserted Drew's regiment to be outlaws.
Hannah Hicks, daughter of Samuel Worcester, wrote in her diary on August
24: Stand Watie has been elected Chief; Sam Taylor, second Chief; S[tephen]
Foreman, Treasurer, and [they] are now making new laws. [136]
Among the new laws were a forced conscription bill passed on August
31, 1862 which compelled all men between the ages of sixteen of thirty-five
to enter the Confederate Army; anyone who did not obey this law was determined
to be an outlaw and a traitor to the Confederate States of America. Watie's
troops began scouring the Nation arresting and imprisoning the lucky and
killing the unfortunate. On September 3, 1862, General Thomas Hindman ordered
Watie to treat all deserters, and anyone who tried to flee to Kansas, as
disloyal enemies of the Confederacy. [137]
Those unlucky Cherokee who were found to be enemies of Watie and thus the
Confederacy were killed on such suspicion. [138]
Fort Gibson, Tahlequah, Park Hill, and nearly all of the Cherokee country
north to the Springplace mission was in Confederate hands; Stand Watie
and his Knights of the Golden Circle were in control of the destiny of
the Cherokee Nation. The Confederate Cherokee seized Fort Gibson and destroyed
a general store owned by a member of the Ross family. After dumping one
hundred hogsheads of valuable supplies on the ground, the Watie men took
Daniel Ross and Dan Gunter, proprietors of the store, as prisoners. Terror
once gain ruled the Nation:
Today I went to the Printing Office. I did not know how completely
it had been cleared out. The Press, Types, paper and all carried off. By
Watie's men, with the help of the Texans. We hear today that the Pins
are committing outrages on Hungry mountain and in Flint, robbing, destroying,
and killing. It is so dreadful that they will do so. Last week, some of
Watie's men, went and robbed the Ross's place up at the mill; completely
ruined them. Alas, alas, for this miserable people, destroying each other
as fast as they can. [139]
Union Cherokees who attempted to remain in the Nation did so at great risk;
many either swore allegiance to the Confederacy or fled to the woods. Mrs.
William Potter Ross's mother, who had remained behind in the Nation, reported
to her relatives in the East that the day after they had fled Park Hill,
Watie's troops killed two men in the Murrell orchard and a few days later
killed several more. William Potter Ross, in writing his son, let him know
that even the elderly were not spared, Your grandmother's house at the
mill was broken into and all that she had was stolen. [140]
As soon as Evan Jones got back to the safety of Lawrence, Kansas, he
wrote his first report to the Board since late Spring. Writing nothing
of his role with the Federal officials nor the arrest of John Ross, he
addressed his concerns for his flock:
I have just returned from the Cherokee Nation to which I have
had the sad privilege of making two visits and seeing a great number of
our brethren, sisters, and other friends, among whom I may name our faithful
brethren and fellow labourers, Lewis Downing, Smith Christy, and Toostoo.
I have also heard from our brother Tanenolee, who, amid the trouble with
which the country has been afflicted, has continued to labor for the cause
of our redeemer. [141]
In a later letter, he addressed the source of the problem:
And but for the disastrous retrograde movement of the Federal
Army, the Cherokee country could have been occupied at once, and held by
a small force; and at the same time much of the subsequent losses and sufferings
of the people prevented. But that unhappy retreat inspired the rebels with
new spirit, gave them time to rally, and return with reinforcements to
ravage the country. [142]
With the Confederate Cherokee in charge of the Nation and with Chief Ross
in flight, once again the Keetoowahs were in flight to Kansas. In a later
statement to Commissioner Dole, Ross and Evan Jones described the flight
into Kansas:
By that retreat [Salomon's], the whole country was abandoned
to the rebels, who returned anew the plunder of the unprotected families
of the loyal men of the Federal army, who were the objects of special hate
and abuse, and many hundreds were compelled to abandon home and property
and follow their husbands, fathers, and friends, to escape ruffian violence.
Most of these women and children, with old and infirm men, with great toil
and fatigue, made their way to Drywood Kansas, on the neutral land, a short
distance from Fort Scott, where they quartered several months, exposed
to sun and rain and sickly dews, without tent or shelter, and almost without
clothing, the results of such sickness and many deaths. [143]
Finally settling in desperation in Drywood, Kansas, the members of the
Keetoowah Society described the refugees' plight:
They had been robbed of all means of their subsistence, &
their lives threatened, & that course seemed to only course to save
life, for the country was being fast overrun by guerrilla bands, committing
every possible depredation. These refugees were collected on the Dry Wood,
near Fort Scott [Kansas], & at one time numbered about 1,700. Their
sufferings were great on the way up, but still greater after their arrival.
Gen. Blunt furnished them with provisions, but they were compelled to camp
out in the open air, as Gen. B had no tents at his command. When the fall
rains came on and the winter frosts, these women and children were thus
exposed, & were most miserably clad withal. Sickness made dreadful
havock among them. The campground at Dry Wood is literally a grave yard.
In November, 1862, Evan Jones was able to sneak back into the Nation, get
to the Baptist mission, and bring his family out to Lawrence, Kansas. He
was escorted by a small military component provided by federal authorities;
most likely it was Lewis Downing, Smith Christie, Toostoo and Keetoowah
members of the Third Indian Home Guard. [145]
In a letter to the Board, he was thankful for the gracious protection
and guidance of the Divine providence, but acknowledged that they had
suffered much in privations as well as anxiety.
Of his Cherokee ministers still in the Nation, their sufferings were
I have seen many of our Cherokee brethren, and spent several
weeks with some of them. They have suffered much but the details would
be too long to write .We are much afraid that our very good Brother, Tanenolee,
is dead...I have been within seven miles of his house, but have heard that
he was robbed of everything by the rebels and driven from his home into
the woods while in very destitute circumstances, as are hundreds of others
who have been similarly treated. [146]
Shortly after his family left the Nation, the Confederate Cherokee took
advantage of Hindman's order to punish disloyal members of the Cherokee
Nation. The Baptist Mission was burned to the ground, the press which had
produced scriptures and hymns in Cherokee was taken and the type scattered,
and the mission's crops and orchards were reduced to waste. In burning
the Baptist mission, the Knights of the Golden Circle must have believed
that the very heart of the Keetoowah Society had been destroyed. [147]
Yet across the border, the Kituwah Spirit prevailed. At the beginning
of December, a new mission was formed near Neosho, Missouri. [148]
Major James Foreman (Cherokee Lodge #21), of the Third Indian Home Guard
petitioned General Blunt for the relief of the refugees:
Major James Foreman represented the extreme sufferings and
destitution of these refugees, upon which Gen. Blunt ordered that officer
to come to town with four companies of the 3rd. Indian Reg. & whatever
number of Refugees might wish to accompany him here to establish a military
post, & gather in refugees who desired to come, from Dry Wood &
elsewhere, & put them in abandoned houses here. [149]
On Christmas Day, 1862, the majority of the refugees arrived at Neosho
under the auspices of Major James Foreman of the United States Army, commandant
of the post:
Major Foreman has put them in abandoned houses here, &
they have been sheltered from the weather. He has gathered in supplies,
partly from the surrounding country, & in part they have been forwarded
from Camp Scott. Major Foreman is worthy of the highest praise for the
arduous and noble work he has performed in supply these people & rendering
them comfortable. During the month that we have spent here, they have been
well fed, & sheltered from the inclemency of the weather, as well as
possible. [150]
In the homes of the enemy, the Keetoowah gathered for prayer and consolation.
In the midst of great suffering and depredations, there was once again
a revival. When the flesh was weak, the spirit was willing:
After the Federal Army came down, and we had the opportunity
once more to mingle with them and found in them a willingness to hear the
gospel. This was especially manifest at Neosho, when the refugees were
brought there. At that place, J.B. Jones had favorable opportunities to
preach to large congregations for several weeks last fall and winter. A
good meeting house was reserved for religious exercises. They had preaching
on Sabbaths in Cherokee and English, and on week days prayer and conference
meetings, principally in the Cherokee language. These exercises appear
to have been favored with the presence of God, and the gracious manifestation
of the Holy Spirit...The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered
in the Cherokee language; after which quite a number of anxious persons
came up for prayer and conversation...
They had a Sabbath school, at which one hundred and sixty youth
attended. In the Cherokee regiments there is preaching every Sabbath, and
in the tent there are prayer meetings or other religious exercises nearly
every night... [151]
In the tents and camp meetings of the Federal army, the Keetoowah Society
kept its commitment to its sacred vows through prayer meetings and other
religious exercises. Though their suffering had been great, they knew
that by the grace of God and the perseverance of the Kituwah Spirit, they
would return home to their lands and their families. Deliverance would
come and like a phoenix rising from the ashes, a new Nation would be borne
for all of the people of the Cherokee Nation:
For several weeks they had regular and interesting religious
services, under the care of the Chaplain of the 2nd Indian regiment, and
they cherished hopes of returning to their homes in the spring in season
to put in, at least a partial crop. The idea of wasting the season in idleness,
living on rations from either the military or civilian department, was
no pleasant condition for them to contemplate. Their most anxious desire
all the time, had been to return to their homes as soon as possible. [152]
A New Nation
On August 4th, 1862, Colonel James Williams of the Fifth Kansas Cavalry
was appointed Recruiting Officer for that portion of Kansas lying north
of the Kansas river, for the purpose of recruiting and organizing a regiment
for the United States service, to be composed of men of African descent.
By the end of October, there were two regiments of African American soldiers
outfitted in federal uniforms drilling daily at Camp Jim Lane in Southern
Kansas. Colonel Williams reported the colored people entering into the
work heartily, and evincing by their actions a willing readiness to link
their future and share the perils with their white brethren in the war
of rebellion, which then waged with such violence as to seriously threaten
the nationality and life of the republic.
Though Lane and supporters may have believed that the Negro may just
as well become food for powder as my son, [155]
the feeling was much less than universal. William's recruits were arrested
and jailed on fraudulent charges by county officials and the white officers
in his proposed regiment were harassed with frivolous charges, such as
unlawfully depriving a person of his freedom. [156]
Williams saw as the source of the problem an intolerant prejudice against
the colored race, which would deny them the honorable position in society
which every soldier is entitled to, even though he gained the position
at the risk of his life in the cause of the nation. [157]
On October 27, 1862 the Kansas Colored Volunteers quieted their critics.
In an assault on a rebel stronghold at the Osage River in Bates County,
Missouri, the African-American regiment defeated a force of six hundred
Confederate soldiers. The Battle of Island Mounds was the first engagement
in the war in which colored troops were actively engaged. [158]
William Truman, a leader of the Rebel forces, reported that the black
devils fought like tigers...and not one would surrender, though they [the
Rebels] had tried to take a prisoner. [159]
A report of the Battle of Island Mounds from a New York Times correspondent
highlighted the activities of two especially courageous black soldiers.
One of the soldiers, Sixkiller, a Cherokee Negro fell with half a dozen
wounds after shooting two men, bayoneting a third and laying a forth hors
de combat with the butt of his gun. [160]
A second, Sergeant Edward Lowrie ( a prominent Cherokee name), was reloading
his gun when three men on horseback ordered him to surrender. As an answer
he knocked one of them off his horse with a stunning blow from his rifle,
and as the other two charged, he felled them also with the butt of his
gun. [161]
The First and Second Kansas Colored Volunteers were made up of refugee
African-Americans from the Indian Territory. [162]
Though certainly there were large numbers of blacks who had fled to Kansas
from Missouri and Arkansas, it was the Black Indians who had gained such
a reputation for their bravery and military leadership who made up the
officers of the regiments. [163] Many of the
African American soldiers who served in the First and Second Kansas Colored
Volunteers had previously served in the First Indian Home Guard Regiments
which had been established in June of 1862. It was these experienced military
veterans who made up the vanguard of the new colored regiments; it was
these Black Indians who were actually the first African-American troops
to see combat in the Civil War. [164]
On January 13, 1863, at Fort Scott in Kansas, six companies of African-American
soldiers were mustered into the United States service by Lieutenant Sabin
of the regular army. Between January 13 and May 2, 1863, the remaining
four companies were organized and the Kansas First Colored Volunteers Infantry
Regiment of the United States Army was commissioned. This was nearly four
months before the commissioning of the most famous of the black regiments,
the Massachusetts Fifty-fourth; the battle of Island Mounds was nearly
nine months before the Fifty-fourth's assault on Fort Wagner. When the
First Kansas was mustered out of the Civil War in 1865 as the 79th U.S.
Colored Troops, it was ranked as twenty-first among all Union regiments
in the percentage of total enrollment killed in battle. [165]
In a letter to John Ross in early January, Keetoowah Huckleberry Downing
mentioned that Chilly and D.N. McIntosh propose to surrender, & to
come into the Union army, with two regiments of Creeks. [166]
Colonel Phillips, commander of the Third Indian Home Guard, informed Chilly
McIntosh to be patient and to manifest no affection for the North for to
do so would be premature and foolhardy. He told McIntosh to bide his time
until he could send a brigade of Federal troops into Indian Territory to
cover the surrender and retreat of further Creek forces. [167]
At this point, even some of Stand Watie's troops were deserting to the
North. [168]
In early February, Phillips and the Third Indian Home Guard slipped
across the border and established Camp Ross at Cowskin Prairie, an area
in the Cherokee Nation which was immediately accessible from the Federal
lines. On February 17, 1863, Lieutenant-colonel Lewis Downing called a
National Council of the Cherokee Nation; Colonel Phillips stood by to protect
the Council as it began its proceedings. The National Council elected John
Ross as its chief and Major Thomas Pegg as acting principal chief. Lieutenant-colonel
Lewis Downing was chosen president pro-tem of the upper house as well as
school commissioner, and Toostoo, Speaker of the Lower House. Reverend
John B. Jones, Chaplain of the Second Indian Home Guard, was chosen clerk
of the Senate. [169] Three of the five members
of the new National Council were founding members of the Keetoowah Society;
there is little doubt that all of the persons elected were Keetoowahs.
The first act of the new National Council decreed the treaty with the
rebels was declared to have been entered into under duress, and, therefore,
to have no binding effect, either in law or in morals. It was, therefore,
abrogated and revoked, and declared to be null and void. [170]
The Council then passed an act expelling every disloyal person, and declared
their offices vacant. [171] The first act
of the new Keetoowah Council were to assert its continuing treaty relationship
with the United and abrogate its false treaties with the Confederate States
of America. It then removed the officers of the Knights of the Golden Circle
from the positions that they had attained following Ross's surrender to
Federal officials.
The next act of the Keetoowah Council was one of critical and lasting
importance. It declared, that early day (February, 1863) -- before
any slave State made a movement towards emancipation -- the Cherokee Nation
abolished Slavery unconditionally and forever, and the enslaving or the
holding in slavery of a human being within the limits of the Cherokee Nation,
was declared to be a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of from one thousand
to five thousand dollars for every offence. [172]
The Act of Emancipation, signed by John Jones, Lewis Downing, Thomas Pegg,
and George Foster stated:
Be it enacted by the National Council: That all Negroes and
other slaves with the lands of the Cherokee Nation be and they are hereby
emancipated from slavery, and any person or persons who may have been in
slavery are hereby declared to be forever free. [173]
The Act of Emancipation would have little effect upon the majority of the
slaves in the Cherokee Nation for they were owned by mixed blood Cherokee
who remained loyal to the Confederacy. These Cherokee would have little
sympathy for slaves who attempted to take advantage of the act of the National
Council; Stand Watie's Confederate Cherokee would serve to enforce the
will of the slaveowners. [174] However, the
Act of Emancipation was of critical strategic importance for the loyal
Cherokee. The abolition of slavery and the freeing of former slaves within
the Cherokee Nation would have a profound impact upon their military allies
-- the Kansas First Colored Volunteers. Black soldiers would now fight
as free men for a Cherokee Nation which would be their own. The tide of
the war changed that day.
As the council was meeting, a long line of persons [175]
was weaving its way through the ice and snow for Kansas; remaining members
of the Creek Nation, having decided that their fortunes did not lie with
the South began to flee to Kansas. As they fled, they wore a white badge
on their hat that signified their loyalty to the Union; such sign had been
agreed upon by Phillips and McIntosh to provide for their protection. Though
nearly half of the Creek Nation had fled to Kansas, the Southern Creeks
maintained their unity and carried on their governmental actions wherever
they happened to be camped. In spite of their overtures, the McIntoshes
made no effort to flee to Kansas. [176]
In early March, the leaders of the Creek Nation decided to follow upon
the lead of their brethren within the Cherokee Nation. Chief Opthle Yahola,
aged and near death yet steadfast in his commitment to his treaties, refused
to acknowledge the treaties that had been set forth by the Confederate
Creeks; he saw no need to establish new treaties. However, through the
subtle diplomacy of African American interpreter Reverend Harry Islands
and with the assistance of Sands Harjo, an agreement was reached to negotiate
a new treaty. It was the last public act of the great old chief, he died
shortly afterwards. [177]
The new treaty was negotiated through Reverend Island of North Fork
Baptist Church, [178] a shrewd Creek Negro
who apparently looked after the interest of his race according to Angie
Debo in her The Road to Disappearance . [179]
The treaty recognized the necessity, justice, and humanity of the Emancipation
Proclamation. In the treaty, the Creek Nation agreed that slavery should
cease and that they would set aside a portion of their lands for occupancy
by the freedmen and all others of the African race who shall be permitted
to settle among them. [180] Setting aside
the implications of Debo's assertions, it seems apparent, on the basis
of the historical role of African-Americans within the Creek Nation, that
the treaty was in the best interest of all members of the Creek Nation.
The Cherokee National Council at Cowskin Prairie also chose three delegates
to proceed to Washington, D.C. to assist Chief John Ross in his negotiations
with the United States government: Lieutenant-colonel Lewis Downing, Captain
James Mc Daniel, and Chaplain Evan Jones of the First Indian Home Guard.
The delegation was instructed to make a treaty with the United States on
behalf of the new Council, to obtain unpaid annuities and compensation
for losses from Confederate depredations, and to request assistance for
the refugees in Kansas. The final demand was for a military expedition
to free their Nation from the occupying force so that the Cherokee could
return to their homes in safety. [182]
The Turning Point
In April 1863, Colonel Phillips received the command that he had been
waiting for -- the Union Army was to advance in force into Indian Territory
and attempt to seize it that the refugees may attempt to return home in
time to get a crop in. The refugees were, by this time, in dire straits
having both depleted material resources from the surrounding area and taxed
the welfare and generosity of the people of Kansas. In addition, typhus
and smallpox was spreading among the Indians and the Federal officials
feared a wider epidemic. General Blunt ordered Phillips' Indian Home Guard
Units, which now numbered five, to return to the Nation taking all of the
refugees with them. [183]
On May 2, 1863, the Kansas First Colored Volunteers were ordered by
General James Blunt to occupy a position at Baxter Springs, formerly the
home of the refugees and within a day's ride from Indian Territory, for
the expressed purpose of protecting Colonel Phillip's supply lines. [184]
The Indian Home Guard easily having taken Fort Gibson in Northeast Indian
Territory and established a post there, the Texas Road which William's
protected was a vital link in the Union line. [185]
The federal troops of the Indian Home Guard and the First Colored Volunteers,
camped within twenty miles of each other, protected the refugees whom.
Federal authorities being confident of their safety, had returned the refugees
to Indian Territory and asked them to attempt to return to their previous
lives. [186]
However, the troops of the Knights of the Golden Circle, which still
were a force to be reckoned with in the Nation, were angry and frustrated.
Watie addressed his troops at Webbers Falls in late April with a heavy
heart, for evil times have come upon our country for disaster upon disaster
has followed the Confederate arms in the Cherokee country. [187]
Watie had sought to break up the January council of the Keetoowah leaders,
but had been deterred by the presence of Phillips and Federal troops. The
Federal troops now occupied several strategic positions adjacent to the
Nation and had provided for the return of the loyal Cherokee and the recovery
of at least a part of the Nation.
Even as he spoke, Federal troops were marching on his position. Watie
had planned to have a Confederate Cherokee National Council the following
morning to reelect a Principal Chief and to discuss the military situation
in the Cherokee Nation. At dawn of April 25, 1863, the Keetoowahs under
the leadership of Colonel Phillips, having conducted a night march, attacked
Watie's position and catching the Knights still in the bedclothes sent
them scurrying with hardly a shot being fired. The Confederate Cherokee
National Council was not held. [188]
Shortly after the disruption of the Confederate Cherokee National Council,
the Keetoowah National Council held a second meeting and followed up on
the abolition of slavery with what William G. McLoughlin referred to as
one of the most controversial acts of the war. [189]
The Council authorized the confiscation and sale of all personal property
and improvements owned by those who disloyal to the Cherokee Nation by
their associations and actions on behalf of the rebellion. The purpose
of the act was to recover land stolen or destroyed by Confederate soldiers
and to provide for the relief and assistance of the returning refugees.
However, the confiscation act can also be seen as an attempt to mitigate
against the progressive influences in the Nation such as mercantile capitalism,
plantation agriculture, individualism, and racial polarization. What William
G. McLoughlin refers to the act as an effort to redistribute the wealth
by the Keetoowahs who dominated the Indian Home Guard regiments. [190]
He also states the intent of the Keetoowah was to inform the wealthy Cherokee
that they would no longer enjoy the large homes and plantations they had
possessed before. [191] These intents may
be true, but they are also consistent with the old way to which the Keetoowah
were dedicated when the Cherokee loved one another for they were just
like one family, just as if they had been raised from one family. They
all came as a unit to their fire to smoke, to aid one another and to protect
their government with what little powder and lead they had to use in protecting
it. [192]
At the same time, in spite of the proximity of Federal troops, another
kind of confiscation was going on,
About the 21st of May, the rebel Indians under the command
of Stand Watie, entered the Territory and robbed the women and children
of everything they could find, and took off horses, cattle, wagons, farming
utensils, and drove off the inhabitants and laid open their farms to be
entered and eaten up by stock. Crops were not sufficiently forward to mature
without further cultivation, and were consequently mostly lost. Robbing,
sometimes murdering and burning, continued until about the fourth day of
July without abatement...The military authorities were, or seemed unable,
to afford protection to the nation at their homes. They were compelled
to leave their crops and seek protection at Fort Gibson. [193]
Stand Watie and his nearly 1000 Confederate troops were able to take advantage
of the fact that Federal troops, in spite of their force of arms, could
not be in all places at all times. With the men enlisted in the army, the
farms were managed by women and children which proved easy prey for the
Confederate. Something had to be done.
On June 26, 1863 the First Kansas Colored Volunteers Infantry Regiment
made its way from Baxter Springs into Indian Territory where it was joined
by Major James Foreman and the Kansas Indian Home Guard from nearby Neosho.
On July 2, 1863, Major Foreman, commander of the point, sent back message
to Williams, the officer in charge, that the Indian Home Guard had encountered
an undetermined number of Confederate troops under the leadership of Stand
Watie. That evening, as General Lee planned his assault on the federal
position on Cemetery Ridge at Gettysburg, Colonel Williams planned his
assault upon the Confederate Cherokee at Cabin Creek. [194]
The following morning, the Confederate soldiers looked out across their
lines to see a dense formation of Federal troops, caissons, and artillery;
from out of the midst of these troops came a long line of Black and Indian
troops bearing the colors and uniforms of the United States of America.
The assault was led by Major Foreman and the Third Indian Home Guard; they
jumped to their feet yelling and screaming and carrying their weapons above
their heads, they attempted to ford the creek. A surprise Confederate musket
barrage caught the vulnerable Keetoowahs and they took heavy losses; Major
Foreman was shot twice by Confederate muskets and his horse was shot out
from under him. Losing Foreman was a serious blow for the Native American
troops and they retired back across the creek.
The First Kansas Colored Volunteers jumped up from behind the Native
Americans and assumed the Third Indian Home Guards positions pushing forward
across the creek. A second company opened up upon the Confederate troops
forcing them down behind their entrenchments and protected the oncoming
African-American troops; the black regiment quickly broke the Southern
earthworks and secured the far bank. The black soldiers separated and a
cavalry assault from the Ninth Kansas Cavalry regiment swelled up from
the midst of the infantry as the First Kansas provided supporting fire.
The Confederate line broke under the ferocious assault and the Confederate
Cherokee fled as the Federal troops pursued them for nearly five miles.
With a force of only 900 men, Colonel Williams and his rainbow army
had defeated a Confederate Force more than twice its size; his losses were
one black soldier killed and twenty African-American and Native American
soldiers wounded. Confederate losses were estimated at fifty killed, fifty
wounded, and nine prisoners taken. Going into the battle, the Federal troops
knew that if they did not win that there would be no quarter given nor
prisoners taken when colored troops were involved in an engagement. Following
the battle, the morale was high, the step lively, and the spirit of soldierly
unity grew. [195] In another part of the world,
Gettysburg and Vicksburg fell to the Union and the tide of the war changed.
William's troops, led by the First Kansas Colored Volunteers and the
Kansas Indian Home Guards, pushed forward into Indian Territory until they
arrived at Fort Gibson, located on the border between the Creek and Cherokee
Nations halfway between Park Hill and Ebenezer Mission. Arriving at Fort
Gibson, the Union forces learned that the Confederate Army was consolidating
it forces and preparing for a decisive battle to determine the fate of
Indian territory. On July 11, 1863 General Blunt, Commander of the District
of the Frontier, arrived at Fort Gibson with six hundred cavalrymen from
Kansas and Wisconsin. General Blunt order the assembled troops to prepare
for a major campaign against the Confederate forces in Indian Territory.
On July 17, 1863, in what has come to be known as the Gettysburg of
the West, three thousand Federal troops under the leadership of William
Blunt encountered six thousand Confederate troops led by Douglas Cooper
at Honey Springs, Indian Territory. The First Kansas Colored Volunteers
formed the center of the Federal line; the Second Indian Home Guard formed
to the right of the First Kansas and the First Indian Home Guard formed
to the left of the First Kansas. [197] The
Third Indian Home Guard, having led the charge at Cabin Creek, served as
reinforcements for the Federal troops; Chaplains Evan Jones and John B.
Jones were present at the battle and reported the results to John Ross.
Before the assault on the Confederate Troops, Colonel Williams addressed
his troops:
This is the day we have been patiently waiting for; the enemy
at Cabin Creek did not wait to give you an opportunity of showing them
what men can do fighting for their natural rights and for their recently
acquired freedom and the freedom of their children and their children's
children...We are going to engage the enemy in a few moments and I am going
to lead you. We are engaged in a holy war; in the history of the world,
soldiers never fought for a holier cause than the cause for which the Union
soldiers are fighting, the preservation of the Union and the equal rights
and freedom of all men. You know what the soldiers of the Southern army
are fighting for; you know that they are fighting for the continued existence
and extension of slavery on this continent, and if they are successful,
to take you and your wives and children back into slavery. You know it
is common report that the Confederate troops boast that they will not give
quarters to colored troops and their officers, and you know that they did
not give quarters to your comrades in the fight with the forage detachment
near Sherwood last May. Show the enemy this day that you are not asking
for quarter, and that you know how and are eager to fight for your freedom
and finally, keep cool and do not fire until you receive the order, and
then aim deliberately below the waist belt. The people of the whole country
will read the reports of you conduct in this engagement; let it be that
of brave, disciplined men. [198]
When the battle was over, the Union forces vanquished the Confederate forces
driving them south deep into Creek territory that had been the stronghold
of African-American settlements prior to the war. The Southern casualties
were 150 killed and buried in the field, 400 wounded and seventy-seven
captured; two hundred stands of arms and fifteen wagons were seized and
burned at Honey Springs Depot. [199] In addition,
four hundred pairs of handcuffs were found at the depot. A black deserter
from the Confederate army, David Griffith, reported that the handcuffs
were to be used on colored soldiers they expected to capture and send
back south as trophies of their valor. [200]
Colonel Williams, just as Major Foreman before him, was seriously wounded
as his horse was shot out from beneath him under Confederate fire; he was
carried from the field and taken to the rear. He joined the seventeen Union
dead and sixty wounded in the makeshift Federal hospital. When General
Blunt approached Colonel Williams, the first thing Williams asked General
Blunt was, General, how did my regiment fight? General Blunt replied,
Like veterans; most gallantly, Sir! Colonel Williams responded, I am
now ready to die!
The tide of the Civil War in Indian Territory changed that day. Though
the war was to drag on for another two years, there was never any doubt
as to the outcome of the struggle. As Evan and John Jones watched, the
very people who made up the constituency of their mission fought the battle
that decided the fate of slavery in the Indian Nation. Though the conflict
was over slavery, it was also about something much more -- it was about
a Nation founded on freedom, kinship, and equality. On that day in July,
a new Cherokee Nation was born. You can be free in a lot of places, but
until your home is free -- freedom has no meaning. This is the heart of
the Keetoowah message:
I got free while I was in Kansas. We all knowed it was comin'.
The colored folks never worried once they got up north. What do I like
best, the northerner or the southerner people? Now you are asking me something
I don't know how to answer. I like it the way I is, free. It's a good thing,
freedom. Do I like the northern folks -- if I should go back to Ft. Scott,
they'd have to haul me away, I'd die a cryin'. They was awful good to me
up there. And I bet all those old timers are gone. And do I love my folks
here? Well, I'se born down here, here's where I belong. You know how it
is, when you go away from where you first belong, seems like something
calls you back. [201]
[1] Abel, The Indian as Participant in the
Civil War, 256.
[2] United States War Department, The War
of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and
Confederate Armies, 130 Volumes, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing
Office, 1880-1900), Volume VIII, 482.
[3] Edmund Danzinger, Jr. The Office of Indian
Affairs and the Problems of Civil War Refugees in Kansas Kansas Historical
Quarterly 35 (Autumn, 1969): 261-263.
[4] Abel, The Indian as Slaveholder and
Secessionist, 259-261; Annie Abel, The American Indian in the Civil
War: 1862-1865, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1992), 80-81.
[5] Kansas Adjutant General's Office, Reports
of the Adjutant General of the state of Kansas, for the years 1862, 1865,
1866, 1867, and 1868. Including the reports of the Quartermaster General
for the years 1862, 1865 and 1867, and the reports of the Kansas regiments
at the battle of Springfield, August 10, 1861 (Topeka, W.Y. Morgan,
State Printer, 1902). See also by S. David Buice, The Civil War and
the Five Civilized Tribes : a study in federal-Indian relations (Ph.D.
Dissertation, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK., 1970); David A. Nichols,
and the Indians: Civil War policy and politics (Columbia ; London :
University of Missouri Press, 1978).
[6] Campbell quoted in Dean Banks, Civil War
Refugees from Indian Territories to the North. Chronicles of Oklahoma
41 (1963-64): 289.
[7] Seminole Agent G.C. Snow, quoted in Abel,
American Indian in the Civil War, 1862-1865, 83.
[8] Annie Abel, The American Indian in the
Civil War: 1862-1865 (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1992),
[9] Debo, The Road to Disappearance, 152;
Debo, A History of the Indians of the United States, 176.
[10] William Mc Loughlin, Champions of
the Cherokees, 401.
[11] Abel, The Indian as Participant in
the Civil War, 1862-1865, 85.
[12] Evan Jones, letters, ABMU, May 12, 1862.
[13] ibid.
[14] For a background on the situation in
Kansas, see American Abolition Society, The Kansas struggle, of 1856,
in Congress, and in the Presidential Campaign: with Suggestions for the
Future, [Microform] (New York: American Abolition Society, 1857); James
A. Rawley, Race & politics; "bleeding Kansas" and the coming of
the Civil War (Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1969); Robert Townsend, ed.,
of decision, 1855-1865, Drawings by Frederic James, (Kansas City, Mo.,
Kansas City Life Insurance Company, 1960); James P. Barry, Bloody Kansas,
1854-65; Guerrilla Warfare Delays Peaceful American Settlement
York, Watts, 1972); Henry C. Bruce, The New Man: Twenty-nine Years a Slave,
Twenty-nine Years a Free Man: Recollections of H.C. Bruce (Lincoln ; London
: University of Nebraska Press, 1997; Albert E. Castel, A frontier State
at war : Kansas, 1861-1865 (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1979);
[15] Augustus Wattles to Major Farnsworth,
August 25, 1861, in Abel, The American Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist,
[16] Wardell, 151. For background on Lane,
see Reeder McCandless Fish, The Grim chieftain of Kansas, and other
free-state men in their struggles against slavery. Some political seances,
incidents, inside political views and movements in their career, [microform]
(Cherryvale, Kan., Clarion Book Print, 1885); John Speer, Life of Gen.
James H. Lane [microform]: "the liberator of Kansas" : with corroborative
incidents of pioneer history (Garden City, Kan.: J. Speer, 1896); Wendell
Holmes Stephenson, The Political Career of General James H. Lane,
(Topeka, Kansas State Historical Society, 1930).
[17] James H. Lane to Indian Agents Sac and
Foxes-Shawnees-Delawares-Kickapoos-Potawatomies- and Kaws, August 22, 1861
in Abel, The American Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist, 229.
[18] Albert Castel, Civil War Kansas and
the Negro in Journal of Negro History Vol. LI (January 1966, No.
1): 127. Castel referes to Lane as a master demagogue, hypnotic orator,
and utterly unscrupulous. Most historians share Castel's assessment.
[19] George Cutler quoted in Nichols, 34.
[20] Dole to Captain Price, September 13,
1861, in Abel, The American Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist,
[21] Nichols, 35.
[22] Castel, 127.
[23] Larry Rampp, Negro Troop Activity in
Indian Territory, 1863-1865 in Chronicles of Oklahoma 47 (1969):
531-39. For background on the use of African American troops in the Civil
War, see Dudley Taylor Cornish, The sable arm: Negro troops in the Union
Army, 1861-1865 (New York: Longmans & Green, 1956); George Washington
Williams, A history of the Negro troops in the War of the Rebellion,
1861-1865: preceded by a review of the military services of Negroes in
ancient and modern times (New York: Negro Universities Press, 1969);
Charles Harris Wesley and Patricia Romero, Negro Americans in the Civil
War: from slavery to citizenship, (New York, Publishers Company, 1969);
William Wells Brown, The Negro in the American Rebellion, his Heroism
and his Fidelity [Microform] (Boston : Lee & Shepard, 1867); H.C.
Blackerby, Blacks in Blue and Gray: Afro-American Service in the Civil
War (Tuscaloosa, Ala.: Portals, 1979). For African American casualties,
see United States War Department, U.S. Colored troops : statistical
table of deaths from 1861-1865, from official records (Washington,
D.C.: War Department, 1890); Herbert Aptheker, Negro casualties in the
Civil War (Washington, D.C. : The Association for the Study of Negro
Life and History, Inc., 1945).
[24] Castel, 127.
[25] For information on early Black settlements,
see Kansas State Historical Society: Historic Sites Survey, Black Historic
Sites, a Beginning Point (Topeka, Kan. : Kansas State Historical Society
, 1977); Walter Lynwood Fleming, "Pap" Singleton, the Moses of the Colored
exodus [microform] (Baton Rouge, La., Ortlieb's Printing House, 1909).
There are many books on the exoduster period of Black migration of the
latter half of the nineteenth century, but few focus on this early period
of black history in Kansas.
[26] Littlefield, Africans and Seminoles,
[27] Castel, 128.
[28] Castel, 131.
[29] Ross, Papers of Chief John Ross,
2: 560-568.
[30] Gaines, 57.
[31] Ross, quoted in Wardell, 132.
[32] McLoughlin, After the Trail of Tears,
195; Abel, The American Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist, 257;
Gaines, 57.
[33] Wardell, 132; Gaines, 61.
[34] Dale and Lytton, Cherokee Cavaliers,
[35] Ross, Papers of Chief John Ross,
2: 508.
[36] United States War Department, The
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union
and Confederate Armies, 130 Volumes, (Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Office, 1880-1900), Volume III, 1691. In this sarcastic statement,
Watie was referring to the murder of his relatives by conservatives following
the Treaty of New Echota in the early days of Indian Territory.
[37] ibid.
[38] ibid.
[39] Stephen Foreman, Diary, January 11, 1862
in Western History Collection, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma.
[40] Franks, Stand Watie, 182-183.
[41] Foreman, Diary, January 11, 1862.
[42] Ross, 508.
[43] There is no evidence that any of the
Starr boys were members of the Keetoowah Society. The person relating the
story is probably confused. The Starr boys were friends and family members
of the Watie family. For more information on the Starr Gang, see C. W.
West, Outlaws and peace officers of Indian Territory (Muskogee,
OK: Muscogee Publishing Company, 1987); Glenn Shirley, Last of the real
badmen: Henry Starr (New York : David McKay Company, Inc., 1965); Evett
Dumas Nix, Oklahombres: particularly the Wilder Ones (Lincoln: University
of Nebraska Press, 1993).
[44] Morris Sheppard in T. Lindsey Baker and
Julie P. Baker, The WPA Oklahoma Slave Narratives (Norman: University
of Oklahoma Press, 1996), 378-379.
[45] Patsy Perryman in Baker, 315.
[46] Hannah Hicks, The Diary of Hannah Hicks,
Scene 13 (1972): 10.
[47] Malucy Bear, quoted in Debo, The Road
to Disappearance, 153.
[48] Debo, The Road to Disappearance, 153.
[49] Pea Ridge National Military Park, The
Battle of Pea Ridge, 1862 (Rogers, Ark.: The Park, 1963), 3-5; See
also William L. Shea, War in the west : Pea Ridge and Prairie Grove
(Fort Worth, Tex.: Ryan Place Publishers, 1996); Claire Norris Moody, Battle
of Pea Ridge: or Elkhorn Tavern (Little Rock, Arkansas Valley Printing
Company, 1956); Roy A. Clifford, The Indian Regiments in the Battle of
Pea Ridge. Chronicles of Oklahoma 25, no. Winter (1947-48): 314-322;
Wiley Britton, The Civil War on the Border (New York: G.P. Putnam's
Sons, 1899); Annie Heloise Abel, The American Indian as slaveholder
and secessionist (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1992); Jay
Monaghan, Civil War on the Western Border (Lincoln: University of
Nebraska, 1955).
[50] R.S. Bevier, History of the First
and Second Missouri Brigades, 1861-1862 (St. Louis, n.p., 1879), 92-93.
all probability, these were Drew's Keetoowah's for General Albert Pike
had only given specific orders to fight in their own fashion to Drew's
full-blood brigade. [Official Records, vol. xiii, 819]
[51] Gaines, 89.
[52] Gaines, 90.
[53] Albert Pike, To the Chiefs and People
of the Cherokees, Creeks, Seminoles, Chickasaws, and Choctaws, [microform]
(Fort McCulloch, OK: n.p., 1862).
[54] Coffin to Dole, March 3, 1862, in Abel,
American Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist, 279.
[55] Evan Jones to Commissioner William Dole,
United States Office of Indian Affairs, Annual Report of the Commissioner
of Indian Affairs 1862 (New York: AMS Press, 1976), 155-158.
[56] Abel, The American Indian in the Civil
War: 1862-1865, 92.
[57] David Nichols, Lincoln and the Indians
University of Missouri Press, 1978), 38-41.
[58] Abel, The American Indian in the Civil
War: 1862-1865, 75.
[59] Britton, The Union Indian Brigade
in the Civil War, 49; Nichols, 34-47.
[60] Wardell, 151; Nichols, 38-41.
[61] Abel, The American Indian in the Civil
War: 1862-1865, 99.
[62] Nichols, 49.
[63] Debo, A History of the Indians of
the United States, 176; McLoughlin, After the Trail of Tears,
[64] Abel, The American Indian in the Civil
War: 1862-1865, 114; McLoughlin, After the Trail of Tears, 202.
[65] Britton, The Union Indian Brigade
in the Civil War, 62; Britton, The Civil War on the Border, 299.
[66] Britton, The Union Indian Brigade
in the Civil War, 63.
[67] Gaines, 96. Hunter was furious that Lane
and his supporters had taken the lead in this Indian expedition. Lane,
at every chance, thumbed his nose at Hunter and this further drove Hunter
close to the edge. In his furor, Hunter wrote several letters to President
Lincoln that he had been bested by Lane and slighted by Lincoln. Lincoln,
finding it hard to answer so ugly a letter in good temper, suggested
to Hunter, if I dare to make a suggestion I would say you are adopting
the best possible way to ruin yourself. The most serious consequences
of the Lane/Hunter struggle was of course the Native Americans who were
undersupplied and overextended. [Nichols, 40]
[68] Evan Jones, letters, ABMU, May 12, 1862;
Wardell, 152.
[69] Abel, The American Indian in the Civil
War: 1862-1865, 108; Kenneth Wiggins Porter, Billy Bowlegs (Holata
Micco) in the Civil War Florida Historical Quarterly 45 (April,
1967): 390-401.
[70] Chitto Harjo quoted in Debo, A History
of the Indians of the United States, 176.
[71] Starr, History of the Cherokee Indians,
[72] McLoughlin, Champions of the Cherokees,
[73] Gaines, 99.
[74] Evan Jones to William Dole, January 21,
1862, Ross Papers, Gilcrease Institute, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
[75] Woodward, 275; Britton, The Union
Indian Brigade in the Civil War, 64.
[76] Coffin to Dole, April 7, 1862, in Abel,
Indian in the Civil War: 1862-1865, 103; Britton, The Union Indian
Brigade in the Civil War, 62
[77] Britton, The Union Indian Brigade
in the Civil War, 62.
[78] ibid.
[79] Jack Kilpatrick and Anna G. Kilpatrick,
of Thunder: Folktales of the Oklahoma Cherokee (Norman: University
of Oklahoma, 1964), 168. The Uktena is a magical giant snake with the horns
of a deer which plays a prominent role in the religion of the Southeastern
Native Americans. It is believed that an earthquake in the early nineteenth
century was attributed to be the rumblings of Uktena which foretold the
removal of the people to the Indian Territory west of the Mississippi.
The uwod are brown spots taken from the inside of a giant magical lizard
in the olden days and serve to protect their holders from harm.
[80] United States War Department, The
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union
and Confederate Armies, 130 Volumes, (Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Office, 1880-1900), Volume XIII, 486.
[81] United States War Department, The
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union
and Confederate Armies, 130 Volumes, (Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Office, 1880-1900), Volume XIII, 430-431.
[82] Coffin to Dole, June 25, 1862, in Abel,
Indian in the Civil War: 1862-1865, 123.
[83] United States War Department, The
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union
and Confederate Armies, 130 Volumes, (Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Office, 1880-1900), Volume XIII, 450.
[84] Wardell, 152.
[85] Debo, A History of the Indians of
the United States, 176.
[86] William E. Coffin to John Ross, June
16, 1862, John Ross Collection, Western History Collection, University
of Oklahoma.
[87] McLoughlin, Champions of the Cherokees,
[88] Britton, The Union Indian Brigade
in the Civil War, 65.
[89] Britton, The Civil War on the Border,
Franks, Stand Watie, 129.
[90] Britton, The Union Indian Brigade
in the Civil War, 65; Franks, Stand Watie, 129.
[91] United States War Department, The
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union
and Confederate Armies, 130 Volumes, (Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Office, 1880-1900), Volume XIII, 137.
[92] in Abel, American Indian in the Civil
War: 1862-1865, 132; Franks, Stand Watie, 129.
[93] Franks, Stand Watie, 129.
[94] United States War Department, The
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union
and Confederate Armies, 130 Volumes, (Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Office, 1880-1900), Volume XIII, 138; Gaines, 104; Grant Foreman,
History of Oklahoma, (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1942),
124; Abel, American Indian in the Civil War: 1862-1865, 132; McLoughlin,
of the Cherokees, 403; McLoughlin, After the Trail of Tears,
204; Britton, The Civil War on the Border, 301.
[95] Starr, 161-163.
[96] United States War Department, The
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union
and Confederate Armies, 130 Volumes, (Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Office, 1880-1900), Volume XIII, 138.
[97] McLoughlin, Champions of the Cherokees,
[98] David Corwin, quoted in McLoughlin,
After the Trail of Tears, 204.
[99] Gaines, 104; Larry Rampp, Negro Troop
Activity in Indian Territory, 1863-1865 in Chronicles of Oklahoma
47 (1969): 531-39. See also James G. Blunt, General Blunt's Acoount of
His Civil War Experiences Kansas Historical Quarterly I (May, 1932):
243-245; Barney King Neal, Federal Ascendancy in Indian Territory,
1862-1863 (Master's Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.,1966);
Sharon Dixon Wyant, Colonel William A. Phillips and the Civil War in
Indian Territory (Master's Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater,
OK, 1967);
[100] Rampp, 534. See also Thomas J. Boyd,
Use of Negro Troops by Kansas During the Civil War (Masters Thesis,
Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kansas, 1950). It is General
David Hunter who is credited with the introduction of the first African-American
troops on the side of the Federal forces when he established the First
South Carolina Volunteer Regiment in early May of 1862. One wonders if
it was not General Hunter's experience with Black troops in the Indian
Home Guards that led him to recruit colored troops in South Carolina.
[101] The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation
of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. 130 Volumes.
Washington, D.C., Volume XIII, 486.
[102] Wardell, 154.
[103] ibid.
[104] William P. Ross to John Drew, July
12, 1862, in Drew Papers, Gilcrease Institute, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
[105] The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation
of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. 130 Volumes.
Washington, D.C., Volume XIII, 138; Britton, The Union Indian Brigade
in the Civil War, 65.
[106] Britton, The Union Indian Brigade
in the Civil War, 65; Britton, The Civil War on the Border, 302;
Franks, Stand Watie, 129.
[107] Abel, The Indian as Participant
in the Civil War, 137.
[108] John Ross to Thomas Hindman, Papers
of Chief John Ross, 512.
[109] McLoughlin, After the Trail of Tears,
[110] United States War Department, The
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union
and Confederate Armies, 130 Volumes, (Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Office, 1880-1900), Volume XIII, 162.
[111] Abel, The Indian as Participant
in the Civil War, 137; Britton, The Union Indian Brigade in the
Civil War, 69; Woodward, 281; Wardell, 155.
[112] Woodward, 278.
[113] Albert Pike, quoted in Gaines, 111.
[114] Abel, The Indian as Participant
in the Civil War, 138.
[115] Britton, The Union Indian Brigade
in the Civil War, 72.
[116] Frederick Salomon to James Blunt, in
Abel, The Indian as Participant in the Civil War, 142; United States
War Department, The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official
Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, 130 Volumes, (Washington,
D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1880-1900), Volume XIII, 475-476.
[117] Abel, The Indian as Participant
in the Civil War, 138; Britton, The Union Indian Brigade in the
Civil War, 72; Britton, The Civil War on the Border, 308.
[118] Abel, The Indian as Participant
in the Civil War, 138.
[119] As Craig Gaines put it in his The
Confederate Cherokees, Obviously Salomon had little interest in the
fate of the Union Indians. [Gaines, 117]
[120] McLoughlin, Champions of the Cherokees,
[121] United States War Department, The
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union
and Confederate Armies, 130 Volumes, (Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Office, 1880-1900), Volume XIII, 477.
[122] Woodward, 281.
[123] United States War Department, The
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union
and Confederate Armies, 130 Volumes, (Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Office, 1880-1900), Volume XIII, 512: Woodward, 281; Gaines, 114.
[124] Britton, The Union Indian Brigade
in the Civil War, 74.
[125] Gaines, 114.
[126] Britton, The Civil War on the Border,
[127] United States War Department, The
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union
and Confederate Armies, 130 Volumes, (Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Office, 1880-1900), Volume XIII, 181-184; Britton, The Civil
War on the Border, 310-311; Gaines, 114.
[128] Woodward, 280; Franks, Stand Watie,
Wardell, 155.
[129] Gaines, 115.
[130] Britton, The Civil War on the Border,
[131] Stephen Foreman, Journals, July
28, 1862, Western History Collection, University of Oklahoma, Norman Oklahoma.
[132] Stephen Foreman, Journals, August
3, 1862, Western History Collection, University of Oklahoma, Norman Oklahoma.
[133] Stephen Foreman, Journals, July
30, 1862, Western History Collection, University of Oklahoma, Norman Oklahoma.
[134] John Ross to Abraham Lincoln, September
16, 1862, Papers of Chief John Ross, 517.
[135] Perdue, 137; Wardell, 160; Mcloughlin,
the Trail of Tears, 207.
[136] Hannah Hicks, The Diary of Hannah
Hicks, American Scene 13 (1972): 10.
[137] Franks, 131.
[138] McLoughlin, After the Trail of Tears,
[139] Hicks, 8.
[140] Woodward, 281.
[141] Evan Jones, letters, ABMU, September
1, 1862.
[142] Evan Jones to ABMU, Forty Ninth
Annual Report, AMBU, July 1863, 288.
[143] Statement of John Ross and Evan Jones,
February 15, 1866, in Papers of Chief John Ross, 561.
[144] Huckleberry Downing et. al. to John
Ross, January 8, 1863, in Papers of Chief John Ross, 528.
[145] McLoughlin, Champions of the Cherokees,
[146] ibid.
[147] ibid.
[148] Many African-Americans were among the
Native American refugees who had fled Indian Territory and were now living
in camps in the Southern part of Kansas and Missouri. Daniel Littlefield,
in his Africans and Seminoles, notes that refugee blacks and Indians
spent the winter in their camps at Neosho Falls and elsewhere. [Littlefield,
[149] Huckleberry Downing et. al. to John
Ross, January 8, 1863, in Papers of Chief John Ross, 528.
[150] ibid.
[151] Evan Jones to ABMU, Forty Ninth
Annual Report, AMBU, July 1863, 290.
[152] Statement of John Ross and Evan Jones,
February 15, 1866, in Papers of Chief John Ross, 561.
[153] Report of J.M. Williams, Colonel 1st
Kansas Colored Volunteer Infantry, in Joseph T. Wilson, The Black Phalanx:
African American Soldiers in the War of Independence, the War of 1812,
and the Civil War, (New York: De Capo Press Inc., 1994) 227.
[154] Williams in Wilson, 228.
[155] Lane quoted in Rampp, 534.
[156] Rampp, 536.
[157] Williams in Wilson, 228.
[158] Williams in Wilson, 231; See also Booker
T. Washington, The Story of the Negro: The Rise of the Race from Slavery
[Volume I] (New York: Doubleday, Page, and Co., 1909), 323; Albert Castell,
Civil War Kansas and the Negro, Journal of Negro History Vol LI,
January, 1966, No. 1, 135; Patricia L. Faust, ed., Historical
Times Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Civil War, (New York: Harper
and Row, Co., 1986), 668.
[159] William Truman, quoted in Benjamin
Quarles, The Negro in the Civil War [Second Edition], (New
York: De Capo Press, Inc., 1989), 115.
[160] Benjamin Quarles, The Negro in the
Civil War (New York: De Capo Press, Inc., 1989), 115.
[161] ibid.
[162] Hondon B Hargrove, Black Union Soldiers
in the Civil War, (Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, 1988), 52; DanielLittlefield,
Africans and Seminoles, 184.
[163] Daniel Littlefield, Africans
and Creeks: from the colonial period to the Civil War (Westport, Conn.:
Greenwood Press, 1979), 239.
[164] ibid.
[165] Patricia L. Faust, ed., Historical
Times Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Civil War (New York: Harper and
Row, Co., 1986), 668.
[166] Huckleberry Downing et. al. to John
Ross, January 8, 1863, in Papers of Chief John Ross, 528. It must
be remembered that Chilly McIntosh had been converted by Evan Jones and
his native ministers through the Cherokee Baptist Missionary Society's
outreach to the Creek Nation prior to the Civil War. Both Chilly and D.N.
McIntosh were affiliated with the Ebenezer Baptist Church and were to become
Baptist ministers after the war. There must have been more than a few African
Americans among the Creek soldiers.
[167] Abel, The Indian as Participant
in the Civil War, 254.
[168] Franks, 135.
[169] McLoughlin, Champions of the Cherokee,
[170] Cherokee Nation, Memorial of the
Delegates of the Cherokee Nation to the President of the United States
and the Senate and House of Representatives in Congress, (Washington,
D.C.: Washington Chronicle Print, 1866), 7.
[171] ibid.
[172] ibid.
[173] Haliburton, 132.
[174] McLoughlin, After the Trail of Tears,
[175] United States War Department, The
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union
and Confederate Armies, 130 Volumes, (Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Office, 1880-1900), Volume XXII, 101.
[176] Debo, The Road to Disappearance,
[177] Debo, The Road to Disappearance,
Littlefield, Africans and Creeks: from the colonial period to the Civil
War, 239.
[178] North Fork Baptist Church was located
in the Creek Nation. It was the church which Reverend Henry Davise of Peavine
Baptist Church was sent to do his missionary outreach to the Creek nation
on behalf of the Cherokee Baptist Missionary Association.
[179] Debo, The Road to Disappearance,
[180] Littlefield, Africans and Creeks:
from the Colonial Period to the Civil War, 239.
[181] It is important to remember that the
First Indian Home Guard was composed largely of members of the Creek Nation
so Ross was quite well acquainted with them and their needs by this time.
[182] McLoughlin, After the Trail of Tears,
[183] Alvin Josephy, Civil War on the
American Frontier (New York: Vintage Books, 1993), 370-371; Britton,
169-171; Abel, The American Indian in the Civil War, 258-261; Franks,
141; Foreman, History of Oklahoma, 115-117.
[184] Rampp, 536; Britton, Union Indian
Brigade, 176; Abel, The Indian as Participant in the Civil War,
[185] Rampp, 536.
[186] McLoughlin, After the Trail of Tears,
[187] Stand Watie, quoted in Franks, 136-137.
[188] Franks, 137.
[189] McLoughlin, After the Trail of Tears,
[190] ibid.
[191] ibid.
[192] "Keetoowah Laws - April 29, 1859" in
Howard Tyner, The Keetoowah Society in Cherokee History. (MA, University
of Tulsa, 1949), Appendix A.
[193] Justin Harlin to W.D. Coffin, September
2, 1863 in The Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs (Washington,
D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1963), 179.
[194] Rammp, 537-538.
[195] United States War Department, The
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union
and Confederate Armies, 130 Volumes, (Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Office, 1880-1900), Volume XXII, 379-381; see also Rammp, 539-541;
Britton, 260-266.
[196] Rampp, 541; Britton, Union Indian
Brigade, 268; Abel, The Indian as Participant in the Civil War,
[197] Britton, Union Indian Brigade, 277-278.
[198] James Williams quoted in Britton, The
Union Brigade in the Civil War, 276-277.
[199] Rampp, 547.
[200] Britton, The Union Brigade in the
Civil War, 282.
[201] Reminiscences of Aunt Chaney McNair,
One-time slave of William Penn Adair in George Rawick, ed., The American
Slave: A Composite Autobiography, (Westport CT.: Greenwood Press, 1972),