Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2016 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== The New York Times January 19, 1883 EVIDENCE AGAINST SCHELLER ALLEGED TO HAVE REMOVED HIS STOCK THE DAY BEFORE THE FIRE. MILWAUKEE, Jan. 18. - Scheller's where-abouts is still unknown, but the officials say he can be produced at any time. The District Attorney states that the case will not be taken up until after the inquest, and that the real investiga- tion into the origin of the Newhall House fire will be conducted before a Grand Jury. The lat- ter institution was practically abandoned in Wisconsin six years ago, but the Judge of any court has the right to call a Grand Jury, and in this case a Grand Jury will be called. It will consist of 17 members, 12 of whom will suf- fice for an indictment. The remains of the 40 unidentified persons will be interred in Forest Home cemetery, the officers of which have offered a burial site. A meeting of the clergy of all denominations had been called to make arrangements and agree upon the ceremonies for the gigantic funeral. The day has yet to be determined. A careful compiling places the number of victims of the catastrophe at 75. Seventeen bodies of those killed by jumping were taken to the Morgue on the morning of the fire; eight of the survivors have died since. Three identified and 43 unrecognizable bodies had been taken from the ruins up to tonight. The list of saved embraces 102 names. Taking for granted Chief Clerk Tice's statement of 110 guests and 67 employes being in the hotel at the time of the fire, these figures leave four persons unaccounted for who are, pre- sumably in the ruins. The work of searching the ruins will be finished tomorrow. The most damaging evidence in connection with Scheller's arrest on a charge of having set the Newhall House on fire came to light today despite the efforts of the Police to keep the direct causes leading to the arrest secret. On the day before the fire Scheller removed part of his stock of liquors from the Newhall House bar-room to his private resi- dence. The stock so removed is valued at $700. The insurance agents have done nothing toward the ad- justment of Scheller's policies since his arrest. Surprising developments are expected. The insurance men now openly assert that Scheller's stock was worth hardly one-half the amount insured for. =========================================================================== If you've reached this file through a SEARCH, you can access more of our growing collection of FREE online information by going to the following URL: ===========================================================================