Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2016 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== The Chicago Tribune Tuesday, February 6, 1883 THE NEWHALL HOUSE ----------------- It's Owners Censured by the Coroner's Jury - The New Grand Jury. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Feb 5 - [Special] - As was shown in these dispatches it was likely to be the case, the Coroner's jury in the case of the Newhall House fire reached a decision and rendered a verdict today. The jury finds that the fire began at or near the base of the elevator-shaft, and rose rapidly to the upper stories, spreading to the corri- dors, etc.; that the said Newhall House was set on fire and burned on the morning of Jan. 10, at 3:30, by persons unknown to the jury; that the night-clerk and night- watchman, by obeying previous instruc- tions of the proprietors, lost valuable time by useless efforts to extinguish the fire and neglecting to arouse the inmates, and when the attempt was made they found the upper corridors filled with black, hot, stifling smoke that obliged them to retreat and seek their own safety; that the proprietors were guilty of culpable negligence in not having employed a sufficient number of watchmen to guard the house against fire and to waken the inmates in time to save all the lives pos- sible; that the Newhall House was easy of egress and devoid of intricate passages, with two outside escapes, ladders, etc. (the report then enumerates the fire escapes, bridges, etc.), nevertheless that the owners of the Newhall House, knowing that many fires had taken place at various times in the hotel, are guilty of culpable negligence in not having provided more outside escapes in case of fire; that many lives sacrificed in said fire could have been saved had the Chief of the Fire Department not been absent at another fire two miles away, at which he had nearly half the force, but that he re- sponded as soon as possible; that the mis- fortune was further enhanced by the absence of the Assistant Chief, etc. The jury also finds a great deal of fault with the net- work of telegraph wires surrounding the hotel. THE NEW GRAND JURY. The grand jury called in the case of the Newhall House fire was ordered to meet in Judge Mallory's court-room at 11 o'clock this morning. At that hour only a portion of those called were present. A new call was issued, and the jury was ordered to be present at 2:00 o'clock p.m. All were present at that time, and were sworn. Judge Mallory gave very full instructions as to the duties of the jury. So long a time has elapsed since a grand jury has been called, that the Judge took unusual care and pains to furnish a clear and specific idea of the full nature of the duties to be performed. The following is a list of the jurymen: John A. Dutchar, foreman; Horace Enos, Amos Thomas, I. G. Barndt, John Ruan, Thomas Rawson, Thomas H. Wood, H. G. Storey, W. J. Quinn, Dennis Traynor, George Geiler, H. Bond, J. B. Merrill, A. K. Shepard, Chauncey Simonds, William Langston, John Joys, and John R. Drake. The Judge specially called the attention of the jury to the importance to be attached to any recommendations it might see fit to make, or any suggestions it might offer bearing on subjects outside the matter of finding or not finding an indictment, but directly connected with the subject matter in hand. After the jury retired Judge Mal- lory, who has been connected with the court for nearly thirty years, first as District Attorney and then as Judge, in conversation with THE TRIBUNE correspondent, said the jury was made up of the finest and strongest list of men ever drawn on any jury in the court. =========================================================================== If you've reached this file through a SEARCH, you can access more of our growing collection of FREE online information by going to the following URL: ===========================================================================