Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2016 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== Burning of the Newhall House Published by Bleyer Bros. Cramer, Aikens & Cramer, Printers - 1883 TO THE PUBLIC In offering to the public this memorial record of the Newhall House fire, the undersigned are actuated by a desire to place in the hands of those interested a correct account of an event that has passed into the history of Milwaukee as one of deepest sorrow. The awful spectacle, the hair-breadth escapes and horrible deaths incident to the conflagration, were fully reported by the press, but the developments necessary to cor- rectly record the dire event were so slow of evolution, and the press records covered so many pages of newspapers that cannot be conveniently preserved, that the necessity of this volume presented itself. No crimi- nations are printed in its pages, neither is the question of origin or the culpability of managers or suspected incendiaries discussed, the pro- vince of the volume being only to record. As a record, it is respectfully submitted. JULIUS BLEYER HERMAN BLEYER Milwaukee, Wis., January, 1883. =========================================================================== If you've reached this file through a SEARCH, you can access more of our growing collection of FREE online information by going to the following URL: ===========================================================================