Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2011, All Rights Reserved U.S. Data Repository Please read U.S. Data Repository Copyright Statement on this page: Fairfax County, Virginia, Will Book B-1, pp. 347-349 Transcribed by Erick Montgomery, submitted by Rhoda Fone for the U.S. Data Repository =========================================================================== U.S. Data Repository NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================= Formatted by U.S. Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== WILL OF RICHARD SIMPSON Dated: September 19, 1761 Proved: December 21, 1762 In the name of God amen I Ritchard Simpson being at this time sick and week but in sound mind & perfect memory makes the following disposals of my worldly estate with which God has blessed me after my Just Debts & funeral Expenses are paid. Item I give and bequeath unto George Simpson the Land I now live on it being part of two tracks to him & his haiors for ever. Item I give and bequeath unto Moses Simpson two hundred and fore acres of Land lying on the south run of Pohick that I purchased of Sam Tollburd to him & his haiors for ever I further will and bequeath the use of my slaves (to wit) Jack, bes, James, Boson, Cate, Frank, Sezer, Tom, Hagor, Rbesare [?], Jack, Moll, Ben & Nan to my beloved wife Sary for & during hur natural life and after hur decease, I will the said Slaves Item I give and bequeath unto George Simpson two Negroes Jack and Bess, to him and his haiors. Item I give and bequeath unto Ritchard Simpson two Slaves Seser & Tom. Item I give and bequeath unto Moses Simpson two Slaves Ben & Nan to him and his heirs for ever. Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Halley two slaves Rbesare & Hagar to hur and hur forever. Item I give and bequeath unto Sary Windser two Slaves Boson and Cate. Item I give and bequeath unto Mary Canterbury two Slaves Jack and moll to hur and hur haiors for ever and in default of such haiors then I will the said Slaves to Elizabeth Halley & Sary Windser to be equally divided between them. Item I give unto my grand Daughter Caron Happack one Negroe James. Item I give unto my grandson George Windser one Negroe Frank. Item I give and bequeath unto Ritchard Simpson two fether beds and furniture the choice of five my further desire is that the rest of my Estate personall shoud be equally divided between my wife & six children and this I declare and publish to be my last will and Testament revoking and disanulling all former and other Wills & Testaments by me heretofore made and I do make plain constitute and appoint my two sons George Simpson and Moses Simpson Executors of this my last will and Testament. Signed with my hand and sealed with my hand & seal with my seale this 19th September in the year of our Lord 1761 in the presants of us his James Halley Junr Frances Halley Ritchard R Simpson John Winser mark At a Court held for the County of Fairfax 21st Decr. 1762 This Will was proved by the oath of James Halley Junr. and John Windsor two of the Witnesses and at a Court Continues and held for the said County the 22d of the same Instant This Will was presented in Court by George Simpson and Moses Simpson Executors herein named who made oath thereto and the same being further proved by the oath of Frances Halley another Witness is ordered to be recorded and the Executors having performed what the Law requires Certificate is granted then for obtaining a probate thereof in due form. Teste P Wagoner Ct Clerk ====================================================================== TRANSCRIBER NOTE: Please note: Regardless of what many abstracts say, the actual recorded will DOES NOT have Pritchard Simpson. The clerk of court just had a peculiar way of making a capital R, whereby the leg of the R is slightly set apart and in front of the P part of the R. He did, however, not know how to SPELL Richard, and records it as Ritchard Simpson. ===========================================================================