Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2024 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== Cemetery Inscriptions From Leona Chapel Cemetery Uvalde, Texas Copied by Georgia Belle Getzendaner Indexed and Published by Chedwato Service West Hartford, Conn. On April 21, 1902 a warranty deed was made by A. B. Dillard to A. B. Dillard and E. S. Dillard (volume 27 page 386) "for one acre of land out of Survey No. 64 which was reserved by the said A. B. Dillard when he sold his place to J. F. Simpson." "Said acre of land having on it the Grave yard established by said A. B. Dillard and it is expressly stipulated that said "Graveyard is to be used for white people only."" Henry J. Shane obtained permanent permission from the Commissioners Court that the families connected with the Leona Chapel Association Cemetery have ingress and egress to the said Cemetery at all times; and that the roads be kept in good condition. INSCRIPTIONS from LEONA CHAPEL CEMETERY located 8 miles south of Uvalde, Texas ALLEN DILLARD Born March 12, 1790 Died July 30, 1875 Settled in Texas 1836 When this you see Remember me When my bones is dust And I am dead and gone And you and you have me forgotten this Sept. 25, 1853 Allen Dillard A, B. DILLARD Born Dec. 24, 1825 Died Feb. 11, 1912 I am the Reserrection and the Life John XI-5 Mrs. E. S. DILLARD wife of A. B. DILLARD Born July 26, 1831 Died Dec. 10, 1903 This hard to break the tender cord Where love has bound the heart This hard so hard To speak the word Must we forever part Dearest loved one we laid thee In the peaceful graves embrace SIPHRONEY A. SPENCER Wife of A. J. Spencer Born July 25, 1850 Died Feb. 5, 1873 (first grave in cemetery) A. J. SPENCER Born July 20, 1848 Died Aug. 29, 1891 O twill be sweet to meet On that blest shore All sorrow passed All pains forever o'er LENORA JANE SPENCER Died Feb. 16, 1946 Age 71 yrs., 1 mo., 1 day Mrs. N. E. SHANE Born Oct. 1, 1852 Died Dec. 14, 1902 Aged 50 yrs., 2 mos., 14 days "At Rest" "Hope" MATTIE KNIPPA Wife of F. J. Knippa Born Sept. 12, 1870 Died May 22, 1907 She was the Sunshine of our Home FLORA and CHARLES WATT Daughter and Son of F. J. and Mattie Knippa "Come Home How soon fades the Tender flowers RUBY BELLE 1893 - 1894 JOHN A. WALKER infant son Born June 26, 1893 Died Oct. 14, 1893 "Not lost but gone before" Sacred to the memory of MARY L. WALKER Born May 31, 1873 Died April 28, 1895 "On the bright immortal shore We shall meet to part no more" A. JIM DILLARD Born Feb. 23, 1857 Died Nov. 15, 1898 In Memory of FLORENCE E. DILLARD N. E. DAVIS In Memory of W. FRANK DAVIS Born Nov. 3, 1870 Died Oct. 15, 1893 JEFF D. DILLARD Born Sept. 5, 1861 Died Oct. 5, 1879 "God is Love" MAUD Wife of Jude Heard Born Nov. 10, 1864 Died Nov. 1, 1885 She was good as she was fair None none on Earth above her An pure in thought as Angels are To know her was to love her J. H. DILLARD Born Dec. 26, 1868 Died Feb. 20, 1895 One daughter "Georgie" infant daughter of J & M Heard Born Oct. 2, 1884 Diec April 26, 1885 "Sleep on sweet baby and take thy rest God called thee home He thought it best" SUSIAN DILLARD Wife of J. W. Watkins Son of J. W. Watkins buried in infancy -OHN W. WATKINS daughter of J. W. and Sue Watkins Born -- 3, 1863 Died -- 28, 1874 (second grave in cemetery - stone very dim) Two unmarked graves near FLORA E. DILLARD Born Feb. 27, 1871 Died Feb. 15, 1881 Suffer little children to come Unto me and forbid them Not for such in the kingdom of Heaven EDWIN PORTER DILLARD Born June 30, 1873 Died March 8, 1928 Aged 54 yrs., 8 mo., 8 days FRED J. HAILES Died June 20, 1942 Age 73 yrs., 3 mo., 14 days MINNIE E. HAILES 1892 - 1953 Three unmarked graves Two unmarked graves east of Hailes Two unmarked graves west of Hailes G. W. PATTERSON Born April 7, 1791 Died July 22, 1879 Aged 88 years, 3 mon. 15 days "Weep not for me" (Wife of G. W. Patterson buried in little cemtery of Old Patterson Settlement, six miles south of Sabinal, Texas. Her stone reads) ELIZABETH McCOLLUM PATTERSON died July 23, 1869 Age 74 yrs., 8 mo., 15 days (Also in Old Patterson Cemetery) JOHN BOWLES who was massacred by Indians Oct. 28, 1859 Born in Virginia, Feb. 13, 1802. JOHN C. PATTERSON Born in Marim Co., Alabama Aug. 7, 1827 Died June 3, 1886 In Memory Of MARTHA ANN - - - - - - - (blurred) Born Nov. 6, 1831 Died Oct. 16, 1878 JAMES DALRYMPLE Born July 24, 1844 Died June 2, 1912 "Come ye Blessed" TELITHA J. Wife of James Dalrymple Born June 3, 1852 Died Dec. 29, 1899 "Lone are the paths and sad the bowers Whence thy sweet smile has gone But oh a brighter home than ours In Heaven is thine own." In Memory of WILLIAM T. son of James & T. J. Dalrymple Born July 1, 1878 Died July 1, 1878 OTTIE JANET DALRYMPLE Born April 19, 1880 Died Mar. 12, 1903 "Death loves a shining mark" JAMES HENRY DALRYMPLE Born Oct. 24, 1889 Died Feb. 5, 1918 At Camp Bowie, Fort Worth, Texas Age 28 yrs., 3 mos., 11 days Company C. 141 Inf. 36 Div. BABY DALRYMPLE Born Dec. 13, 1914 Died - - - - - - MARY L. DALRYMPLE Born Aug. 31, 1917 Died Dec. 18, 1917 GEORGE W. PATTERSON 1839 - 1904 ELIZABETH M. PATTERSON 1842 - 1904 SAMUEL D. PATTERSON 1864 - 1941 D. BUTCHER PATTERSON 1859 - 1929 HIRAM R. PATTERSON 1861 - 1900 ELLA L. COLLIER 1866 - 1890 THOMAS M. PATTERSON 1858 - 1886 GEORGE H. PATTERSON 1871 - 1879 Our father T. E. TAYLOR Born March 14, 1831 Died Oct. 12, 1906 "A friend to his Country And a believer in Christ." WILLIE BRYAN Son of W. R. and EMMA HILLER Born March 12, 1898 Diec March 31, 1902 LEONA P. Daughter of Rebekah and A. Elliott Born Dec. 7, 1875 Died June 14, 1877 Four unmarked graves Sacred to the memory of W. E. CALHOUN Born Aug. 25, 1850 Died Sept. 23, 1875 An unmarked grave LEILE IRENE the loving wife of Gid. H. Thompson And daughter of Wm. A. and Myra Meacham Born Sept. 10, 1872 Died Jan. 14, 1896 MARY E. R. REDMAN Born Feb. 20, 1842 Died Dec. 23, 1877 Five unmarked graves MATTIE R. CARLISLE Born Aug. 22, 1873 Died June 14, 1910 An unmarked child's grave Mrs. M. M. HAAG Born May 7, 1886 Died July 5, 1949 ADOLPH WILLIAM HAAG Born July 7, 1873 Died Jan. 6, 1929 LENA MAREA HAAG Born Feb. 27, 1916 Died Dec. 10, 1929 ELIZABETH Wife of Richard Eggers Born in Watauga Co., N.C. Jan. 1, 1936 Died Sept. 17, 1883 Two unmarked graves To east of Eggers, four unmarked graves G. M. MAYBERRY Born Mar. 13, 1840 Died June 15, 1912 "At rest - loved ones meet me." Mother SUE D. MAYBERRY Sept. 23 July 6 1856 1935 An unmarked child's grave KATIE MYRTLE SELLERS Died Dec. 10, 1951 Age 65 yrs, 6 mo., 1 day S. F. WEATHERSBY Born Jan. 26, 1869 Died Nov. 2, 1893 Five unmarked graves. ===========================================================================