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He then engaged in the commission business with Emerson, but later was taken ill and retired from the active duties of life. His death occurred in 1856. The mother had died of yellow fever in 1853. In the schools of New Orleans, EDWARD EDGAR secured a good education, and in 1856, the same year his father died, came to Texas, where he joined a cousin in Calhoun County, in the month of August. Here he learned the tinner's trade, and followed it until 1859, when he went to Indianola, and re- mained there unti 1861, when he enlisted in Company D, Sixth Texas In- fantry, and went to Victoria with the company, where the regiment was formed. From there he went to Arkansas Post, Arkansas, where he re- mained until its fall. He was then sent to Springfield, Ill., as a prisoner of war, and subsequently was exchanged at City Point, Va. After that he joined Gen. BRAGG'S army and was in the battle of Chicka- mauga, Missionary Ridge, New Hope Church, Dug Gap, and all the battles of the Atlanta campaign. Later he went back to Tennessee with Gen. HOOD, and was in the battles of Spring Hill, Franklin and Nashville. He joined Gen. JOHNSTON in North Carolina, and was with him until her surrendered at Bentonville, N.C., in April, 1865. Mr. EDGAR remained in Mobile until some time in May, 1867, and then returned to Port Lavaca, Texas. For several years after this he was in the printing business, and worked in Corpus Christi for a short time. He then drove cattle to Kansas, and remained in that State until 1873, engaged in the cattle and hay business. For four years after this he was in Corpus Christi, remained there until 1884, and then returned to Port Lavaca, where in 1886 he became deputy under Sheriff O'Neil for two years, during which time he did most of the business. In 1888 he was elected to the office of Sheriff and has been re-elected each successive time up to the present. The county has never known a more able or efficient officer than Mr. EDGAR, who is fearless in the discharge of his duty, and who has won the good opinion of all by his uprightness. Mr. EDGAR was married on January 28th, 1877, to Miss ANNIE B. O'NEIL, a native of Port Lavaca, Texas, and daughter of THOMAS O'NEIL. They have two chil- dren, JOHN E., and ETHEL E. Mr. EDGAR is a member of the Masonic Fra- ternity, W. P. Milby Lodge No. 84, also the Knights of Honor, and Woodmen of the World, Victoria Lodge. The father of Mr. EDGAR was born in Buncrana, Ireland, and the mother in Carrick Fergus. On the 30th of December, 1834, they came to America, and three children were born here: EDWARD SPROULE EDGAR, born October 11, 1835, at St. Louis, Mo., and died in that city, March 16, 1838; LETITIA MOORE, born in St. Louis, December 16, 1837, and MARY, born at Stubenville, Ohio, August 15, 1841. About this time the family returned to Ireland, and in that country these children were born: ROBERT MOORE, born July 5, 1843, at Buncrana, Ireland, and died in New Orleans, La., September 10, 1856; EDWARD EDGAR (subject), born at Buncrana, Ireland, October 20, 1844; JOHN, born February 1, 1846, at Buncrana, Ireland, is now a banker at Steubenville, Ohio; ANNIE, born February 2, 1848, also at the same place in Ireland, and then after the parents returned to this country another child was born, HELEN (McCLINTOCK), born November 9, 1849, resides in New Orleans. Members of the EDGAR family settled in South Carolina as early as 1780. =========================================================================== If you've reached this file through a SEARCH, you can access more information about Calhoun County, Texas by going to the following URL: ===========================================================================