Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2010, All Rights Reserved U.S. Data Repository Please read U.S. Data Repository Copyright Statement on this page: Title: History of Livingston County, New York: with illustrations and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers Authors: Smith, James H. City of Publication: Syracuse, N.Y. : Publisher: D. Mason & Co., Publication Date: 1881 Transcribed by Linda Talbott ========================================================================== Page 343 (facing) ATHERTON, Oliver Oliver Atherton, the subject of this sketch, was born in Chesterfield, Cheshire county, N.H., Dec. 5, 1806. He was the second son of a family of seven children, four sons and three daughters. He remained at home with his parents, assisting his father on the farm, until 19 years of age, when he went to Warsaw, now Wyoming county, and in partnership with a man named Marvin, bought the stage route running between LeRoy and Angelica. This proved to be a bad investment, for his partner was unreliable, and he then commenced working in a hotel for Col. Wm. Bingham, of Warsaw, with whom he remained two years. After this he drove the stage for Gen. McElwain, from Warsaw to Moscow, and in 1838 commenced the grocery and restaurant business in Moscow, where he continued till his death, which occurred Feb. 5, 1865. Mr. Atherton was successful as a merchant, careful, prudent, and industrious. Feb. 27, (1839) he was married to Maryette, daughter of William and Clarinda Knapp, of Perry, Wyoming county. They adopted a son who is as dear to Mrs. Atherton as though he were her own. He carries on the same business, begun by his father and occupied the same building until 1880, when he moved to the present large and commodious building near the old one. In politics, Mr. Atherton was a Republican, supporting his party by his vote only, never interfering with others in their political views. ==========================================================================