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- Erie County -

Obituary & Death Notices

Veteran Lake Captain Who Died
Yesterday at His Home in York Street.

CAPT. CHARLES McCREA, who had resided in Buffalo for almost 70 years, and who had sailed the Great Lakes for half a century, died at his home, 177 York street, yesterday afternoon, CAPT. McCREA was born in Prescott, Ont., in 1827, and came to Buffalo as a lad. Later he went into what was to be his life business and shipped on the Lakes. For 30 years he held a captain's berth and in the first Presidential term of GROVER CLEVELAND was appointed to the office of Inspector of Hulls. For many years he had been retired from active life. The deceased is survived by a son, E. W. McCREA of New York, and two daughters, ROSELLA E. and NELLIE M. McCREA. The funeral will be from the family residence on Thursday morning at 9 o'clock, and later from the Holy Angels' Church. Burial will be at the Holy Cross Cemetery.

Buffalo Evening News - February 1, 1905

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