Copyright © USGenNet Inc., 2015, All Rights Reserved USGennet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Data Repository Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository ========================================================================= USGenNet Data Repository NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================= Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== Memorial and Family History of Erie County, New York Vol. I, Biographical and Genealogical The Genealogical Publishing Co., Buffalo; 1906-8 [120] GEORGE URBAN, JR., is universally recognized as one of the strongest men in the fields of Buffalo industrialism, finance and corporate enterprise. MR. URBAN's business connections are remarkable for extent and diversity. He stands in the frontrank of those far- sighted, brainy men who are developing to the utmost the powers of electrical science and are applying it to the uses of transportation, manufacture and commerce. He is also very prominently identified with the management of several important banking institutions. He is a director of two insurance companies. He has large land interests and is a potent factor in the commercial problems relating to the great grain and produce staples of the country. He has found time to take a high and responsible role in Republican politics, to show a citizen- like earnestness and a practical capability in municipal affairs, and to give a share of his attention to the amenities and obligations of social life. =========================================================================== If you've reached this file through a SEARCH, you can access more of our growing collection of FREE online information by going to the following URL: ===========================================================================