The original records are written in Latin. Where I am
uncertain what the English name would be I have entered
the name within quotation marks.
- 1895 -
Baptism Date: Feb 17th Birth Date: Jan 12th
Name: Charles John Walsh
Parents: Thomas WALSH and "Hellena" HYLAND
Sponsors: James Frances WHALEN and "Hellena" MAHAR
Baptism Date: April 14th Birth Date: March 23rd
Name: Frances BOWNESS
Parents: John BOWNESS and Catharine KENNALLY
Sponsors: John Frances KENNALLY and Joanna Anna NEVILLE
Baptism Date: June 16th Birth Date: May 20th
Name: James REDMOND
Parents: James Edward REDMOND and May Josephine WELCH
Sponsors: Patrick KINSELLA and Margaret "Hellena" WELCH
Baptism Date: June 16th Birth Date: May 27th
Name: Arthur Edward OWENS
Parents: John OWENS and Catharine "Hellena" HEFFERMAN
Sponsors: Thomas OWENS and Bridget Eliza HEFFERMAN
Baptism Date: June 25th Birth Date: June 21st
Name: John "Bernardum" McDONALD
Parents: Dennis McDONALD and Mary Eliza DWYER
Sponsors: Thomas Frances DWYER and Mary Eliza CASLER
Baptism Date: July 6th Birth Date: June 25th
Name: Patrick O'CONNELL
Parents: Thomas O'CONNELL and "Hellena" DESMOND
Sponsors: Michael and Mary O'CONNELL
Baptism Date: July 14th Birth Date: June 25th
Name: William "Clarencium" GRAY
Parents: William James GRAY and Mary Alice DENNETT
Sponsors: Frances and Margaret Eliza GRAY
Baptism Date: July 14th Birth Date: July 4th
Name: "Hannam" Frances MURPHY
Parents: Jeremia MURPHY and Mary FARRELLY
Sponsors: John Michael SHEILS and Catharine HANLON
Baptism Date: July 14th Birth Date: July 1st
Name: Thomas "Homeram" COSTELLO
Parents: Thomas Joseph COSTELLO and Julia COTTER
Sponsors: Frances Eugene MULDOON and Catharine CARMODY
Baptism Date: Aug 25th Birth Date: July 30th
Name: Elizabeth "Magdalenam" HEFFERNAN
Parents: James Thomas HEFFERNAN and Mary Ann REDMOND
Sponsors: Michael O'CONNELL and Catharine Elizabeth HEFFERNAN
Baptism Date: Sept 1st Birth Date: Aug 13th
Name: Joseph Patrick BURKE
Parents: Patrick BURKE and Bridget FAHEY
Sponsors: Daniel Edward MULLALLY and Honora MURPHY
Baptism Date: Nov 17th Birth Date: Oct 4th
Name: Catharine RINGWOOD
Parents: Thomas Richard RINGWOOD and Catharine Estella BRENNAN
Sponsors: John Patrick RINGWOOD and Mary Ludovica MULDOON
Baptism Date: Dec 4th Birth Date: Nov 19th
Name: John Patrick FARRELLY
Parents: John "Bernardo" FARRELLY and Mary Alice COSTELLO
Sponsors: Michael James COSTELLO and Catharine Hanna FARRELLY
Baptism Date: Dec 15th Birth Date: Dec 7th
Name: "Agnetem Irenam" NEVILLE
Parents: William NEVILLE and Margaret BOWNESS
Sponsors: Joseph BOWNESS and Margaret Elizabeth McCORMICK
- 1896 -
Records prior to 1900 were written in Latin. In cases where
I am uncertain of an English translation the names appear
in the original Latin inside quotation marks.
Handwritten entry at top of page 28:
"Note: Original records from here to July 5, 1908 were destroyed
by fire. SOME of them were recovered and supplied for and are to
be found in COPY contained in loose leaf binder of all records
from 1884 - 1936."
Baptism date: Feb 23 Birth date: Jan 16
Name: William CROWLEY
Parents: John Henry CROWLEY and Catharine Eliza. HEFFERNAN
Sponsors: Patrick Thomas and Maria "Theresia" HEFFERNAN
Baptism date: March 8 Birth date: Jan 15
Name: Catharine O'BRIEN
Parents: James O'BRIEN and Catharine DILLON
Sponsors: William James CONRAN and Margaret DILLON
Baptism date: March 23 Birth date: Feb 15
Parents: John KINSELLA and Margaret "Hellena" WELCH
Sponsors: Daniel BRESNAN and "Theresia" WELCH
Baptism date: June 7 Birth date: May 10
Name: John BUNN
Parents: John BUNN and Elizabeth "Agnete" HANLON
Sponsors: "Bernardus" McCORMICK and Anna FURGUSON
Baptism date: June 21 Birth date: June 3
Name: John "Gualterium" BOWNESS
Parents: John BOWNESS and Maria Elizabeth KENNALLY
Sponsors: William BOWNESS and Maria KENNALLY
Baptism date: July 15 Birth date: July 2
Name: Henry "Jeromum" CASLER
Parents: William H CASLER and Bridget C. DWYER
Sponsors: "*auricus Bernardus" GRADY and Maria Eliz. CASLER
Baptism date: Aug 2 Birth date: July 15
Name: William Edward MULLALLY
Parents: Daniel S. MULLALLY and Honora MURPHEY
Sponsors: Patrick BURKE and Bridget Agnes GALLERY
Baptism date: Sept 27 Birth date: Dec 14, 1893
Name: "Theresiam Emeliam" QUINN
Parents: Thomas QUINN and "Hellena" BLAIR
Sponsors: Lawrence WELCH and Agnes Cecilia DWYRE
Baptism date: Sept 27 Birth date: June 2
Name: "Mariam Agnetum" QUINN
Parents: Thomas QUINN and "Hellena: BLAIR
Sponsors: Lawrence WELCH and Maria FARRELLY
Baptism date: Oct 4 Birth date: Aug 23
Name: Arthur O'HERRON
Parents: William O'HERRON and Catharine "Agnete" NOLAN
Sponsors: Thomas Henry and Maria "Hellena" NOLAN
Baptism date: Oct 31 Birth date: Oct 7
Name: Anna GRANT
Parents: William Robert GRANT and Maria SHEILS
Sponsors: Thomas Francis WALSH and Maria Ludovica GRANT
Baptism date: Dec 20 Birth date: Nov 18
Name: "Mariam Jamesinam" REDMOND
Parents: John Edward REDMOND and Maria Josephine WELCH
Sponsors: Eugene Joseph and Catharine WALSH
Baptism date: Dec 21 Birth date: Nov 30
Name: George Peter McCORMICK
Parents: John McCORMICK and Margaret MONTAGUE
Sponsors: John MORGAN and Anna Maria V*N RYAN
- 1897 -
Baptism date: Jan 3 Birth date: Dec 25, 1896
Name: Stephen Henry MURPHY
Parents: John Henry MURPHY and Maria BRENNAN
Sponsors: Frances FOLEY and Margaret FITZGERALD
Baptism date: Jan 3 Birth date: Dec 1, 1896
Name: Joseph Frances GRADY
Parents: James GRADY and Elizabeth COLEMAN
Sponsors: John H. PAYNE and "Hellena" TEHAN
Baptism date: Feb 7 Birth date: Dec 16, 1875
Name: "Clarencium" Joseph FRANCIS
Parents: (incognito) FRANCIS and Emma (incognito)
Sponsors: Joseph MAHAR and Maria Agnes MULLALLY
Baptism date: Apr 4 Birth date: Feb 27
Name: John Michael BOYCE
Parents: John BOYCE and Catharine REILLY
Sponsors: Thomas OWENS and Margaret REILLY
Baptism date: Apr 4 Birth date: Feb 26
Name: William Thomas WELCH
Parents: Thomas WELCH and Maria Anna DOYLE
Sponsors: William Henry MULLALLY and Rosa Francesca BRITON
Baptism date: Apr 11 Birth date: March 15
Name: Henry HARTNETT
Parents: Edward HARTNETT and "Joanna" GRAY
Sponsors: James J. POWERS and Maria CONRAN
Baptism date: Apr 18 Birth date: March 23
Name: William "Gualterium" GLEASON
Parents: Daniel "Henrice" GLEASON and Julia Frances MULLALLY
Sponsors: John Joseph CANNON and Anna Ludovica GLEASON
Baptism date: May 23 Birth date: April 10
Name: Elizabeth Irene DILLON
Parents: Peter DILLON and Maria Anna O'BRIEN
Sponsors: John Patrick RINGWOOD and Anna "Theresia" MULDOON
Baptism date: May 26 Birth date: May 9
Name: Edward Francis FARRELLY
Parents: John "Bernardo" FARRELLY and Mary Alice COSTELLO
Sponsors: Hugh Patrick FARRELLY, Julia Cecilia COSTELLO and Catharine HANLON
Baptism date: June 27 Birth date: June 17
Name: "Florenciam" NEVILLE
Parents: James NEVILLE and "Joanna" Anna BOWNESS
Sponsors: John and "Joanna" Anna NEVILLE
Baptism date: July 13 Birth date: June 16
Parents: James FITZGERALD and Elizabeth "Joanora" CUNNINGHAM
Sponsors: Timothy D. CUNNINGHAM and Margaret Augusta CANNON
Baptism date: July 26 Birth date: Feb 24
Name: "Rosam Ludovicam" WRIGHT
Parents: Sherman WRIGHT and Bridget KEEFE
Sponsors: Jeremia MURPHY and Maria FARRELLY
Baptism date: Aug 15 Birth date: July 27
Name: "Clarencium" HOFFERNAN
Parents: Thomas E HOFFERNAN and Maria "Hellena" CONATY
Sponsors: James HARTIGAN and "Joanna" HEFFERNAN
Baptism date: Aug 22 Birth date: Aug 3
Name: John "Guallerium" GRAY
Parents: William James GRAY and Maria Alice DONNETT
Sponsors: John Joseph TIERNEY and Maria Anna GRANT
Baptism date: Oct 9 Birth date: Feb 26, 1870
Name: David Francis JAGNETT
Parents: William JAGNETT and Marietta DUNCAN
Sponsors: James HARTNETT and Maria SHAW
Baptism date: Oct 17 Birth date: Sept 23
Name: "Rosam" Margaret BOWNESS
Parents: John BOWNESS and Catharine Elizabeth KANALLEY
Sponsors: Patrick William KANALLEY and "Joanna" Anna BOWNESS
Baptism date: Dec 5 Birth date: Oct 27
Name: John BURKE
Parents: Patrick Edward BURKE and Bridget FAHEY
Sponsors: James "Patritius" GALLERY and "Hellena" McGEE
Bottom of page and hard to read
Baptism date: Dec 28 Birth date: Jan 31, 1878
Name: Albert Andrew AUSTIN
Parents: Alonzo Albert AUSTIN and Victoria (Marten (?), Masten(?))
Sponsors: Andrew J. Br**** and Sara RAFFERTY
- 1898 -
Baptism Date: Nov 20th Birth Date: Nov 10th
Name: Maria WALSH
Parents: Eugene WALSH and Mary CONRAN
Sponsors: Joseph FLYNN and Catharine FLYNN
Baptism Date: Feb 26th Birth Date: Jan 20th
Name: Walter O'HERRON
Parents: Michael O'HERRON and Mary NEVILLE
Sponsors: Henry NEVILLE and Mary GROOM
- 1899 -
Baptism Date: Feb (?) Birth Date: Jan 23rd
Name: Hugh Francis GRANT
Parents: William GRANT and Margaret SHEILS
Sponsors: George GROOM and Eliza SHEILS
Baptism Date: Oct 5th Birth Date: Sept 9th
Name: Francis McCORMICK
Parents: William McCORMICK and Elizabeth WELCH
Sponsors: John McCORMICK and Anna WELCH
Baptism Date: Nov 9th Birth Date: Oct 21st
Name: Wm. O'HARRON
Parents: James O'HARRON and Margaret KELLEY
Sponsors: Timothy CUNNINGHAM and Ella CUNNINGHAM
Baptism Date: Dec 14th Birth Date: Nov 19th
Name: Herbert GRADY
Parents: Patrick GRADY and Mary McANDREWS
Sponsors: William DWYRE and Hannah McDONALD