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- Cayuga County -

St. Bernard's Catholic Church
Scipio Center
Baptisms 1886-1889

  The original records are written in Latin. Where I am 
  uncertain of what the English name would be the name
  is entered here inside quotation marks.

  - 1886 -
  Baptism Date: Dec 5th      Birth Date: Nov 6th
  Name: Mary WHALAN
  Parents: Jas WHELAN and Mary HYLAND
  Sponsors: John DOYLE and Helen WHALEN

  Baptism Date: Dec 5th      Birth Date: Nov 9th
  Name: John MULLALLY
  Parents: Mich. MULLALLY and Mary SULLIVAN
  Sponsors: Dan. MULLALLY and Mary McCORMICK

  Baptism Date: Dec 5th      Birth Date: Oct 28th
  Name: Wm. CONRAN
  Parents: Thos. CONRAN and Catharine DONOVAN
  Sponsors: Thos. BREEN and Mary BREEN

  Baptism Date: Sept 12th      Birth Date: Aug 29th
  Name: Eugene MULLALLY
  Parents: John MULLALLY and Cath. DAY
  Sponsors: Dan. DAY and Mary DAY

  Baptism Date: July 31st      Birth Date: July 24th
  Name: Eliz. SHAW
  Parents: Pat. SHAW and Hanna MURPHY
  Sponsors: John MURPHY and Alice MAHAR

  Baptism Date: July 18th      Birth Date: March 21, 1861
  Name: John Edw. FROMAN
  Parents: Henry FROMAN and Mary RAUCH
  Sponsors: Hugh FARRELLY and Honora BRESNAN

  Baptism Date: July 18th      Birth Date: July 11th
  Name: Thos. NEVILLE
  Parents: Wm. NEVILLE and Marg. BOWNESS
  Sponsors: Jas NEVILLE and Cath. GRAY

  Baptism Date: June 27th      Birth Date: June 16th
  Name: Mary CONRAN
  Parents: Wm. CONRAN and Marg. DILLON
  Sponsors: Andrew HOLIHAN and Mary COSS

  Baptism Date: June 20th      Birth Date: June 2nd
  Name: Wm. MULLALLY
  Parents: Peter MULLALLY and Hanna COSTELLO
  Sponsors: Dan MULLALLY and Anna FLYNN

  Baptism Date: June 13th      Birth Date: May 21st
  Name: Mary CONRAN
  Parents: Jas CONRAN and Mary VICTOR
  Sponsors: Rich. BALDWIN and Mary DUNN
  (Transcriber Note:  Removed to Michigan about 1892.)

  Baptism Date: May 30th      Birth Date: March 25th
  Name: Thos McDERMOTT
  Parents: Jas McDERMOTT and Eliz. COLLIGAN
  Sponsors: Thos GEAGHAN and Mary NARRY

  Baptism Date: May 15th      Birth Date: March 31st
  Name: Mary DILLON
  Parents: Peter DILLON and Mary O'BRIEN
  Sponsors: Jas O'BRIEN and Cath. O'BRIEN

  Baptism Date: Apr 25th      Birth Date: Apr 10th
  Name: Geo. GILBERT
  Parents: Henry GILBERT and Laura McINTOSH
  Sponsors: John FARRELLY and Exerena McINTOSH

  Baptism Date: Apr 25th      Birth Date: March 19th
  Name: Joseph DORAN
  Parents: Mich. DORAN and Eliz. CORCORAN
  Sponsors: Jos. MEE and Bridg. MEE

  Baptism Date: Apr 4th      Birth Date: March 2nd
  Name: Mich. BRUTON
  Parents: John BRUTON and Anna COLLIGAN
  Sponsors: Thos. COLLIGAN and Cath. BRUTON

  Baptism Date: March 7th      Birth Date: March 10th
  Name: Wm. BARNES
  Parents: Wm. BARNES and Anna RIDDLE
  Sponsors: Thos. APPLEBY and Mary ROACH
  (Transcriber Note: dates contain obvious error.)

  Baptism Date: Jan 3rd      Birth Date: Dec 22, 1885
  Name: Wm. CASLER
  Parents: Wm CASLER and Bridg. DWYER
  Sponsors: Wm. DWYER and Anna DWYER  

  - 1887 - 
  Baptism Date: Dec 13th      Birth Date: Dec 1st
  Name: Margaret GRANT
  Parents: William Robert GRANT and Maria SHEILS
  Sponsors: William James GRAY, Anna SHEILS, and Catharine COTTER
  **Side margin note: Mostly unreadable - 
  Margaret GRANT married (unreadable) on Aug. 17, 1916 in Summerhill.
  Baptism Date: Nov 13th      Birth Date: Oct 22nd
  Name: Catharine Elizabeth FROMAN
  Parents: Edward FROMAN and Margaret Theresa DWYRE
  Sponsors: Francis McDONALD and Anna DWYRE
  Baptism Date: Oct 1st      Birth Date: Sept 15th
  Name: "Carolum" CONATY
  Parents: John CONATY and Emelia HORAN
  Sponsors: Thomas and Catharine OWENS
  Baptism Date: Sept 25th      Birth Date: July 25th
  Name: "Juliam" GAIDES
  Parents: Michael GAIDES and Maria RAPCUM
  Sponsors: Michael James DORAN and Elizabeth CORCORAN
  Baptism Date: July 10th      Birth Date: June 16th
  Name: Anna O'BRIEN
  Parents: James O'BRIEN and Catharine DILLON
  Sponsors: Bartholomew RINGWOOD and Maria O'BRIEN
  Baptism Date: July 10th      Birth Date: June 16th
  Name: "Aliceam" O'BRIEN
  Parents: James O'BRIEN and Catharine DILLON
  Sponsors: Michael O'BRIEN and Alicea MAHAR
  Baptism Date: July 3rd      Birth Date: July 2nd
  Name: Elizabeth BOWNESS
  Parents: William BOWNESS and Elizabeth Bridget NEVILLE
  Sponsors: John BOWNESS and Catharine HICKEY
  Baptism Date: May 29th      Birth Date: May 2nd
  Name: Anna NOLAN
  Parents: Thomas NOLAN and Maria FITZGERALD
  Sponsors: Robert LAITES and Maria Josephine WALSH

  - 1888 -
  Baptism Date: Dec 30th      Birth Date: Dec 14th
  Name: Elizabeth Catharine RINGWOOD
  Parents: Thomas Richard RINGWOOD and Catharine El. BRENNAN
  Sponsors: James Henry RINGWOOD and Maria B*****
  Baptism Date: Dec 15th      Birth Date: Sept 6th
  Name: Anna "Agnem" DOYLE
  Parents: Dennis DOYLE and Anna MULLALLY
  Sponsors: John MULLALLY and Maria FLANNERY
  Baptism Date: Nov 18th      Birth Date: Oct 28th
  Name: Robert James MULLALLY
  Parents: Peter MULLALLY and Hanna COSTELLO
  Sponsors: Thomas COSTELLO and Hanora MULLALLY
  Baptism Date: Oct 28th      Birth Date: Oct 10th
  Name: John "Carolem" POWER
  Parents: Michael POWER and Maria "Agnete" MULLALLY
  Sponsors: Daniel Edward MULLALLY and Catharine A. COTTER
  **Side margin note: Marriage Contract, Jan. (2nd or 27th), 
  1917 by Rev. D. B. O'ROURKE. Wit: George (unreadable) and 
  (unreadable) SHOTZ
  Baptism Date: Sept 30th      Birth Date: Sept 19th
  Name: Daniel O'ROURKE
  Parents: Peter James O'ROURKE and "Hellena" HOGAN
  Sponsors: Michael HOGAN and Margaret MULLALLY
  **Side margin note: "Ordained June, 1915"
  Baptism Date: Sept 23rd      Birth Date: Sept 21st
  Name: John Francis DONOVAN
  Parents: James DONOVAN and Maria Joanna KANALLEY
  Sponsors: Daniel Francis O'HERRON and Catharine "Hellena" KANALLEY
  Baptism Date: Sept 2nd      Birth Date: Aug 14th
  Name: Margaret "Hellenam" SHAW
  Parents: Patrick SHAW and Hanna MURPHY
  Sponsors: James and Maria DONOVAN
  Baptism Date: June 17th      Birth Date: June 2nd
  Name: "Joannam" Elizabeth WALSH
  Parents: Thomas WALSH and "Hellena" HYLAND
  Sponsors: James WHALEN and Maria HYLAND
  Baptism Date: April 29th      Birth Date: March 25th
  Name: John WALSH
  Parents: Thomas WALSH and Maria Anna DOYLE
  Sponsors: John BOYCE and Julia Francesca MULLALLY
  **Side margin note: Marriage Contract to Gertrude G. KELLY 
  in Groton, NY April 6, 1911. Wit: James CONNELL and (unreadable)
  Baptism Date: April 15th      Birth Date: March 14th
  Name: James William BURNS
  Parents: William Henry BURNS and Maria HARTNETT
  Sponsors: Edward HARTNETT and Joanna GRAY
  Baptism Date: March 25th      Birth Date: Feb 4th
  Name: Francis (Frank) CONRAN
  Parents: James CONRAN and Maria "Agnete" (VICTOR)
  Sponsors: Henry James McCANN and "Hellena" GRAY
  **Note: Items in brackets were left blank and included 
  from my family files.

  - 1889 -
  Baptism Date: Dec 9th      Birth Date: Dec 3rd
  Name: James Peter O'HERRON
  Parents: Michael O'HERRON and Maria NEVILLE
  Sponsors: Peter CONNOLLY and Catharine HICKEY
  Baptism Date: Nov 24th      Birth Date: Oct 1st
  Name: William John QUINN
  Parents: Thomas Edward QUINN and "Hellena" BLAIR
  Sponsors: James POWERS and Maria Ludovica MULDOON
  Baptism Date: Nov 6th      Birth Date: Oct 19th
  Name: Albert CONATY
  Parents: John CONATY and Emilia HORAN
  Sponsors: Edward Dennis FORAN and Agnes Catharine FORAN
  Baptism Date: Oct 27th      Birth Date: Oct 7th
  Name: Francis Christopher RINGWOOD
  Parents: James RINGWOOD and Anna RYAN
  Baptism Date: Sept 1st      Birth Date: April 12th
  Name: Anna Elizabeth MALLON
  Parents: James MALLON and Bridget BURKE
  Sponsors: Edward CUSHMAN and Elizabeth DORAN
  Baptism Date: Aug 11th      Birth Date: July 13th
  Name: Elizabeth MULLALLY
  Parents: Richard Francis MULLALLY and Maria Elizabeth SULLIVAN
  Sponsors: Michael Peter and Honora O'ROURKE
  Baptism Date: Aug 4th      Birth Date: June 30th
  Name: Mariam COWLEY
  Parents: Christopher COWLEY and Bridget MURRAY
  Sponsors: James McGARRY and Maria COLGAN
  Baptism Date: July 21st      Birth Date: 7th (no month written)
  Name: Aurora Margaret NOLAN
  Parents: Thomas NOLAN and Maria FITZGERALD
  Sponsors: Thomas FITZGERALD and Maria BROWN
  Baptism Date: June 23rd      Birth Date: June 10th
  Name: Margaret Elizabeth TIERNEY
  Parents: John Joseph TIERNEY and Maria Anna GRANT
  Sponsors: James Henry TIERNEY and Maria FARRELLY
  **Side margin note: Maried Feb 25, 1950 to 
  Clarance B*SSICK at St. Peter's, Utica, NY
  Baptism Date: June 9th      Birth Date: May 11th
  Name: Joseph Henry FLYNN
  Parents: Joseph Henry FLYNN and Catharine MORAN
  Sponsors: John Joseph MORAN and Margaret Agnes MORAN
  Baptism Date: June 2nd      Birth Date: May 6th
  Name: William SMART
  Parents: James SMART and Maria Anna FITZPATRICK
  Sponsors: William BUGGY and Elizabeth DUNN
  Baptism Date: April 21st      Birth Date: March 21st
  Name: Catharine DILLON
  Parents: Peter DILLON and Maria Anna O'BRIEN
  Sponsors: Michael J. O'BRIEN and "Hellena" Elizabeth LYNCH
  Baptism Date: April 13th      Birth Date: April 12th
  Name: William Andrew NEVILLE
  Parents: James NEVILLE and Joanna Anna BOWNESS
  Sponsors: John and Margaret BOWNESS
  ** Side margin note: Marriage Contract Feb 17, 1917 
  in Scipio, NY to Emeline H. ALLEN by J. Dwyre. 
  Wit: James J. HARTNETT and Mariam NEVILLE
  Baptism Date: March 16th      Birth Date: Feb 7th
  Name: "Mariam Aliceam" GRAY
  Parents: Thomas GRAY and Elizabeth GRANT
  Sponsors: William James GRAY and Maria SHEILS
  ** Side margin note: Marriage Contract Oct 28, 1943 
  to Henry Ed. DUIGNAN(YARD?)
  Baptism Date: Feb 10th      Birth Date: Dec 2, 1888
  Name: Harriet Elizabeth HAVENS
  Parents: Edward J. HAVENS and Elizabeth SULLIVAN
  Sponsors: Francis SULLIVAN and Margaret MAGHAR
  Baptism Date: Feb 3rd      Birth Date: Jan 23rd
  Name: Margaret "Lorritam" MULLALLY
  Parents: John MULLALLY and Catharine Loritta DAY
  Sponsors: Patrick Eugene and "Hellena" Josephine DAY
  Baptism Date: Jan 27th      Birth Date: Jan 7th
  Name: Charles Thomas CASLER
  Parents: William CASLER and Bridget Catharine DWYRE
  Sponsors: Francis McDONALD and Margaret Theresa DWYRE
  **NOTE: The word "married" appears written just over 
  the sponsor's names
  Baptism Date: Jan 22nd      Birth Date: Jan 18th
  Name: William BOWNESS
  Parents: William BOWNESS and Bridget Elizabeth NEVILLE
  Sponsors: Joseph BOWNESS and Maria NEVILLE
  Baptism Date: Jan 13th      Birth Date: Jan 11th
  Name: John William DESMOND
  Parents: William DESMOND and Maria DENNEHY
  Sponsors: Dennis DENNEHY and Catharine DESMOND

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