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- Cayuga County -

St. Bernard's Catholic Church
Scipio Center
Baptisms 1870-1875

  - 1870 -
  On the microfilm these records are found as typed pages 
  rather than the handwritten, original records and may 
  contain errors.  I have transcribed them exactly as they 
  appear on the microfilm with no attempt to correct spelling.
  Birth Date:  Nov 15, 1870     Bapt. Date:  Dec 25, 1870
  Name:  Wm McMULLAN
  Parents:  Michael McMULLAN and Bridg. HALLEHAN
  Sponsors:  Miles CORRIGAN and Mary ROACH
  Birth Date:  Oct 19, 1870     Bapt. Date:  Nov 27, 1870
  Name:  Wm SCULLY
  Parents:  Wm SCULLY and Mary HANLON
  Sponsors:  Pat. HANLON and Mary MURPHY
  Birth Date:  Oct 27, 1870     Bapt Date:  Oct 30, 1870
  Name:  John WHALEN
  Parents:  Jas WHALEN and Mary HYLAND
  Sponsors:  John HYLAND and Helen WHALEN
  Birth Date:  Dec 21, 1869     Bapt. Date:  Feb 20, 1870
  Name:  Mary MURPHY
  Parents:  Wm MURPHY and Mary LYNCH
  Sponsors:  Jas FLYNN and Eliz. LYNCH

  - 1871 -
  Birth Date:  Nov 2, 1871      Bapt Date:  Nov 25, 1871
  Name:  John MURPHY
  Parents:  Wm MURPHY and Marg. LYNCH
  Sponsors:  Wm COTTER and Marg. HEFRON
  Birth Date:  Sept 15, 1871    Bapt. Date:  Oct 29, 1871
  Name:  Wm RINGWOOD
  Parents:  Jas RINGWOOD and ELIZ. TOOHILL
  Sponsors:  Thos RINGWOOD and Marg. DORAN
  Birth Date:  Oct 1, 1871      Bapt Date:  Oct 29, 1871
  Name:  Eliz. DOYLE
  Parents:  Pat DOYLE and Joan GREENWOOD
  Sponsors:  Dan GILLIGAN and Anna CONNOR
  Birth Date:  Oct 15, 1871     Bapt. Date:  Oct 29, 1871
  Name:  Thos FLYNN
  Parents:  Francis FLYNN and Mary LAVIN
  Sponsors:  Thos LAVIN and Anna FLYNN
  Birth Date:  Aug 1, 1871      Bapt. Date:  Sept 3, 1871
  Name:  Helen CONAUGHTY
  Parents:  John CONAUGHTY and Emily HORAN
  Sponsors:  John CONAUGHTY and Cath. ROACH
  Birth Date:  July 24, 1871    Bapt. Date:  Sept 3, 1871
  Name:  Helen NOLAN
  Parents:  Michael NOLAN and Mary CUSICK
  Sponsors:  Michael BRESNAHAN and Mary NOLAN
  Birth Date:  July 4, 1871     Bapt Date:  Aug 5, 1871
  Name:  Nancy GLEASON
  Parents:  Dan. GLEASON and Helen DALY
  Sponsors:  John HEFRON and Bridg. HEFRON
  Birth Date:  July 5, 1871     Bapt. Date:  Aug 5, 1871
  Name:  Jas TOOHILL
  Parents:  Pat. TOOHILL and Anna HANLON
  Sponsors:  Edw. HENNESY and Anna WHALEN
  Birth Date:  July 28, 1871    Bapt. Date:  Aug 5, 1871
  Name:  Bernard GALLERY
  Parents:  Chas GALLERY and Helen McGEE
  Sponsors:  Thos GALLERY and Diana McGEE
  Birth Date:  April 31, 1871   Bapt. Date:  May 14, 1871
  Name:  Marg. MULLALY
  Parents:  John MULLALLY and Mary FLANNERY
  Sponsors: Michael BRUTON and ELLEN FLANNERY
  Birth Date:  March 26, 1871   Bapt. Date:  May 14, 1871
  Name:  John McCORMICK
  Parents:  Jas McCORMICK and Mary POWERS
  Sponsors:  John KIELLEY and Mary McCORMICH
  Birth Date:  March 11, 1871   Bapt. Date:  Aug 16, 1871
  Name:  Marg. O’HERRIN
  Parents:  Maurice O’HERRIN and Cath. GLEASON
  Sponsors:  Thos KELLY and Marg. KILLIGAN
  Birth Date:  Jan 9, 1871      Bapt. Date:  March 6, 1871
  Name:  Timothy MURPHY
  Parents:  Edw. MURPHY and Mary DONNELLY
  Sponsors:  Jas CAMPBELL and Cath. QUINN
  Birth Date:  Jan 30, 1871     Bapt. Date:  March 5, 1871
  Name:  Stephen McDONALD
  Parents:  John McDONALD and Mary FLYNN
  Sponsors:  Michael WHALEN and Mary BRENNAN

  - 1872 -
  Birth Date:  Dec 3, 1872      Bapt. Date:  Dec 21, 1872
  Name:  Jerome McDERMOTT
  Parents:  Chas McCERMOTT and Mary HONES
  Sponsors:  Pat. McINTYRE and Cath. HONES
  Birth Date:  Dec 3, 1872      Bapt. Date:  Dec 8, 1872
  Name:  Ellen DONOVAN
  Parents:  Dan. DONOVAN and Julia EARLY
  Sponsors:  Pat. SHAW and Mary MURPHY
  Birth Date:  Sept 20, 1872    Bapt Date:  Oct 6, 1872
  Name:  John CUNNINGHAM
  Parents:  John CUNNINGHAM and Mary CUNNINGHAM
  Sponsors:  Michael CONATY and Mary LAVEN
  Birth Date:  Sept 5, 1872     Bapt. Date:  Sept 8, 1872
  Name:  Bridg. HEFFERNON
  Parents:  Jerome HEFFERNON and Marg. NAVENS
  Sponsors:  D. SULLIVAN and Marg. HEFFERNON
  Birth Date:  Sept 5, 1872     Bapt Date:  Sept 8, 1872
  Name:  Mary HEFFERNON
  Parents:  Jerome HEFFERNON and Marg. NAVENS
  Sponsors:  G. BARRY and Mary GLEASON
  Birth Date:  July 2, 1872     Bapt. Date:  July 12, 1872
  Name:  Cath. HEFFERNON
  Parents:  Andrew HEFFRON and Bridg. O’REILLY
  Sponsors:  Pat ROCHE and Mary CORRIGAN
  Birth Date:  May 27, 1872     Bapt. Date:  June 16, 1872
  Name:  Wm DOYLE
  Parents:  John DOYLE and Mary DOYLE
  Sponsors:  Michael WHELAN and Anna WHELAN
  Birth Date:  Jan 23, 1872     Bapt. Date:  Feb 25, 1872
  Name:  John COTTER
  Parents:  Wm COTTER and Eliz. DOUGHLIN
  Sponsors:  John CONRON and Marg. CONRAN
  Birth Date:  Dec 27, 1871     Bapt. Date:  Jan 29, 1872
  Name:  Anastasia WALSH
  Parents:  Law. WALSH and Bridg. BYRNES
  Sponsors:  John DOYLE and Mary WALSH
  Birth Date:  Jan 12, 1872     Bapt. Date:  Jan 29, 1872
  Name: Cath MURPHY
  Parents:  John MURPHY and Mary MOORE
  Sponsors:  Thos GILLIGAN and Marg. MOORE

  - 1873 -
   On the microfilm these records are written in Latin.
   Where I am uncertain what the actual name would be the
   name is written inside quotation marks. 
 Birth Date: Dec 3, 1873         Bapt. Date: Dec 14, 1873 
 Name: John WALSH 
 Parents: Law. WALSH and Bridg. BYRNE 
 Sponsors: Mich. FLYNN and Ellen MARSHALL 
 Birth Date: Nov 16, 1873        Bapt. Date: Nov 23, 1873 
 Name: Jas WHALEN 
 Parents: Jas WHALEN and Mary HYLAND 
 Sponsors: Jas FLYNN and Mary LOWRY 
 Birth Date: Oct 19, 1873        Bapt. Date: Nov 2, 1873 
 Name: Julia MULLALLY 
 Parents: John MULLALLY and Mary FLANNERY 
 Sponsors: John BRUTON and Marg. BOWNESS 
 Birth Date: Oct 23, 1873        Bapt. Date: Nov 2, 1873 
 Name: Edw. GERRAGHTY 
 Parents: John GERRAGHTY and Bridg. CORCORAN 
 Sponsors: John CONRAN and Mary GERRAGHTY 
 Birth Date: Oct 1, 1873         Bapt. Date: Oct 14, 1873 
 Name: Francis WALSH 
 Parents: Pat WALSH and Anna BURNS 
 Sponsors: Jas ROCHE and Marg. ROCHE 
 Birth Date: Sept 12, 1873       Bapt. Date: Oct 5, 1873 
 Name: Ellen McCORMICK 
 Parents: Jas McCORMICK and Mary POWERS 
 Sponsors: Peter McCORMICK and Cath LEE 
 Birth Date: July 28, 1873       Bapt Date: Sept 28, 1873 
 Name: Paul DONOVAN 
 Parents: Stephen DONOVAN and Ellen FINN 
 Sponsors: Jas HORAN and Mary WALSH 
 Birth Date: Aug 24, 1873        Bapt. Date: Sept 14, 1873 
 Name: Marg. CONNAUGHTY 
 Parents: John CONNAUGHTY and Emily HORAN 
 Sponsors: Pat MULLALLY and Ellen FLANNERY 
 Birth Date: Aug 9, 1873         Bapt. Date: Sept 14, 1873 
 Name: Dan GLEASON 
 Parents: Dan GLEASON and Ellen DALY 
 Sponsors: Jas GLEASON and Eliz. GLEASON 
 Birth Date: April 11, 1873      Bapt. Date: July 27, 1873 
 Name: Mary FISHER 
 Parents: Henry FISHER and Phebe GIFFORD 
 Sponsors: Wm COTTER and Mary FARLEY 
 Birth Date: July 3, 1873        Bapt. Date: July 27, 1873 
 Name: Wm MURPHY 
 Parents: Wm MURPHY and Marg. LYNCH 
 Sponsors: Dan. DALY and Anna DALY 
 Birth Date: April 9, 1873       Bapt. Date: June 1, 1873 
 Name: Wm O'HERON 
 Parents: Morris O'HERRON and Cath. GLEASON 
 Sponsors: Mary DONOVAN and Mich. O'HERRON 
 Birth Date: May 7, 1873         Bapt. Date: May 23, 1873 
 Name: Marg. BEGAN 
 Parents: Dan. BEGAN and Mary HANDLEY 
 Sponsors: Mary KEYGAN 
 Birth Date: April 27, 1873      Bapt. Date: May 18, 1873 
 Name: Anna MURPHY 
 Parents: John MURPHY and Mary MURPHY 
 Sponsors: John MULLALY and Marg. MOORE 
 Birth Date: Feb 13, 1873        Bapt. Date: Feb 23, 1873 
 Name: Cath McDONNELL 
 Parents: John McDONNELL and Mary FLYNN 
 Sponsors: P. McDONNELL and Ellen GALLERY 
 **Transcriber's note: This surname should have been McDONALD 
 Birth Date: Dec 26, 1872        Bapt. Date: Feb 8, 1873 
 Name: Eliz. GAVEN 
 Parents: Wm GAVEN and Eliz NOLAN 
 Sponsors: Jas McCARTHY and Bridg. GUILDAY 
 Birth Date: Nov 18, 1872        Bapt. Date: Jan 12, 1873 
 Name: Ellen SULLIVAN 
 Parents: Eugene SULLIVAN and Bridg. NOLAN 
 Sponsors: Mich BRESGENETT and Marg. BRESGENETT 

  - 1874 -
 Birth Date: Dec 6, 1874         Bapt. Date: Dec 25, 1874 
 Name: Ellen DWYER 
 Parents: Thos DWYER and Cath WHELAN 
 Sponsors: Wm GRANT and Anna ROCHE 

 Birth Date: Nov 1, 1874         Bapt. Date: Nov 8, 1874 
 Name: Eliz. O'TOOLE 
 Parents: Pat. O'TOOLE and Anna HANLON 
 Sponsors: Jas RINGWOOD and Eliz O'TOOLE 

 Birth Date: Sept 24, 1874       Bapt. Date: Sept 27, 1874 
 Name: John SHAW 
 Parents: Pat SHAW and Hana MURPHY 
 Sponsors: Wm WISEMAN and Mary SHAW 

 Birth Date: Sept 9, 1874        Bapt. Date: Sept 20, 1874 
 Name: Cath MULDOON 
 Parents: Jas MULDOON and Mary KINSELLA 
 Sponsors: John MULDOON and Cath. MULDOON 

 Birth Date: Aug 28, 1874        Bapt. Date: Sept 6, 1874 
 Name: Cath HOLAHAN 
 Parents: Denis HOLAHAN and Ellen BURNS 
 Sponsors: Wm. CONRAN and Cath. MORAN 

 Birth Date: July 29, 1874       Bapt. Date: Aug 30, 1874 
 Name: Oliver HICKEY 
 Parents: Oliver HICKEY and Julia DEARING 
 Sponsors: Jas McCARTHY and Mary McCARTHY 

 Birth Date: July 23, 1874       Bapt. Date: Aug 30, 1874 
 Name: Jos. HELLAN 
 Parents: Pat HELLAN and Cath MURRAY 
 Sponsors: Michael DONOVAN and Mary CROHAN 

 Birth Date: Aug 2, 1874         Bapt. Date: Aug 23, 1874 
 Parents: Thos FITZPATRICK and Cath COUGHLIN 
 Sponsors: John CROWLEY and Mary NEVILLE 

 Birth Date: July 6, 1874        Bapt. Date: Aug 9, 1874 
 Name: Cath FORAN 
 Parents: Andrew FORAN and Cath CRONAN 
 Sponsors: John CONATY and Emily HORAN 

 Birth Date: July 10, 1874       Bapt. Date: Aug 9, 1874 
 Name: Peter CUNNINGHAM 
 Parents: John CUNNINGHAM and Mary DALY 
 Sponsors: Denis DALY and Ellen DALY 

 Birth Date: July 6, 1874        Bapt. Date: Aug 9, 1874 
 Name: Edw. FORAN 
 Parents: Andrew FORAN and Cath CRONAN 
 Sponsors: Pat FEAHAN and Bridg. TWOMEY 

 Birth Date: July 18, 1874       Bapt. Date: July 26, 1874 
 Name: Denis NOLAN 
 Parents: John NOLAN and Ellen WHELAN 
 Sponsors: John DOYLE and Mary WHELAN 

 Birth Date: June 20, 1874       Bapt. Date: July 5, 1874 
 Name: Cornnel DONOVAN 
 Parents: Denis DONOVAN and Julia HURLEY 
 Sponsors: John MURPHY and Mary HURLEY 

 Birth Date: May 26, 1874        Bapt. Date: June 21, 1874 
 Name: Michael McDERMOTT 
 Parents: Chas McDERMOTT and Mary OWENS 
 Sponsors: Jas OWENS and Mary HURLEY 

 Birth Date: March 13, 1874      Bapt. Date: May 10, 1874 
 Name: Mary CONRAN 
 Parents: Wm CONRAN and Cath HOLOHAN 
 Sponsors: Dennis HOLOHAN and Ellen BURNS 

 Birth Date: Feb 28, 1874        Bapt. Date: Mary 29, 1874 
 Name: Ellen CURTIN 
 Parents: Dennis CURTIN and Ellen CONNER 
 Sponsors: Martin MURPHY and Rose DOYLE 

 Birth Date: Feb 18, 1874        Bapt. Date: March 29, 1874
 Name: John RINGWOOD 
 Parents: Jas RINGWOOD and Eliz O'TOOLE 
 Sponsors: Jas MULDOON and Marg. BURNS 

 Birth Date: March 12, 1874      Bapt. Date: March 28, 1874
 Name: Mary GALLERY 
 Parents: Chas GALLERY and Ellen McGEE 
 Sponsors: Jas NOLAN and Marg. GALLERY 

 Birth Date: Feb 18, 1874        Bapt. Date: March 8, 1874 
 Name: Anna GERRAGHTY 
 Parents: Richard GERRAGHTY and Cath McLOUGHLIN 
 Sponsors: John MARSHALL and Eliz. DORAN 

 Birth Date: Feb 28, 1874        Bapt. Date: March 8, 1874 
 Name: Bernard McCORMICK 
 Parents: Ge* McCORMICK and Lucy MORGAN 
 Sponsors: Wm BOWNESS and MARG. BOWNESS 

 Birth Date: Jan 27, 1874        Bapt. Date: March 8, 1874 
 Name: Pat KENALY 
 Parents: John KENALY and Cath BOWER 
 Sponsors: Martin MURPHY and Cath MULDOON 

 Birth Date: Jan 15, 1874        Bapt. Date: Feb 8, 1874 
 Name: Francis FOLEY 
 Parents: John FOLEY and Lucy BURNS 
 Sponsors: Pat BENTLEY and Marg. BURNS 


  - 1875 -
 Birth Date: Dec 16, 1875        Bapt. Date: Dec 27, 1875 
 Name: Jas KEELY 
 Parents: Mich. KEELY and Cath. FLYNN 
 Sponsors: Jos. FLYNN and Jane FLYNN 
 Birth Date: Oct 24, 1875        Bapt. Date: Nov 14, 1875 
 Name: Thos GAVIN 
 Parents: Wm. GAVIN and Eliz. NOLAN 
 Sponsors: Law. FARRELL and Rose BRADY 
 Birth Date: Oct 27, 1875        Bapt. Date: Nov 7, 1875 
 Name: Arthur NOLAN 
 Parents: Miles FITZGERALD and Eliz FITZGERALD 
 Sponsors: Thos NOLAN and Mary FITZGERALD 
 Birth Date: Oct 8, 1875         Bapt. Date: Oct *1, 1875 
 Name: Ellen DALY 
 Parents: Denis DALY and Mary FLANNIGAN 
 Sponsors: Chas. McDONALD and Mary LAVIN 
 Birth Date: Oct 19, 1875        Bapt. Date: Oct 24, 1875 
 Name: Jas SMITH 
 Parents: John SMITH and Cath MULDOON 
 Sponsors: Jas MULDOON and Mary KEEGAN 
 Birth Date: Sept 3, 1875        Bapt. Date: Oct 15, 1875 
 Name: Mary LAVIN 
 Parents: John LAVIN and Marg. HARTNETT 
 Sponsors: Mary HARTNETT 
 Birth Date: Sept 6, 1875        Bapt. Date: Sept 26, 1875 
 Name: John CONATY 
 Parents: John CONATY and Emily HORAN 
 Sponsors: Thos CONATY and Julia MURPHY 
 Birth Date: Aug 25, 1875        Bapt. Date: Sept 12, 1875 
 Parents: Michael CUNNINGHAM and May FLANNIGAN 
 Sponsors: Wm RYAN and Cecelia FLANNIGAN 
 Birth Date: Aug 2, 1875         Bapt. Date: Aug 15, 1875 
 Name: Jas COSS 
 Parents: Wm COSS and Mary MORGAN 
 Sponsors: Thos CONRAN and Anna BURNS 
 Birth Date: June 19, 1875       Bapt. Date: July 4, 1875 
 Name: John FLYNN 
 Parents: Francis FLYNN and Mary LAVIN 
 Sponsors: John LAVIN and Marg. ROCHE 
 Birth Date: May 2, 1875         Bapt. Date: June 19, 1875 
 Name: Chas MURPHY 
 Parents: Wm MURPHY and Marg. LYNCH 
 Sponsors: Timothy ANDELL and Marg. ANDELL 
 Birth Date: May 17, 1875        Bapt. Date: June 6, 1875 
 Name: Andrew HICKEY 
 Parents: Michael HICKEY and Mary NOLAN 
 Sponsors: Denis KINSELLA and Mary ROCHE 
 Birth Date: April 12, 1875      Bapt. Date: May 27, 1875 
 Name: Geo DORAN 
 Parents: Michael DORAN and Eliz CORCORAN 
 Sponsors: Peter WALSH and Mary MORAN 
 Birth Date: May 23, 1875        Bapt. Date: May 27, 1875 
 Name: Pat GALLERY 
 Parents: John GALLERY and Marg. O'TOOLE 
 Sponsors: Jas NOLAN and Ellen McGEE 
 Birth Date: April 22, 1875      Bapt. Date: May 16, 1875 
 Name: Eliz. McDONALD 
 Parents: John McDONALD and Mary FLYNN 
 Sponsors: Francis FLYNN and Jane CRAWFORD 
 Birth Date: April 27, 1875      Bapt. Date: May 16, 1875 
 Name: Cath GERAGHTY 
 Parents: John GERAGHTY and Bridg. CORCORAN 
 Sponsors: Denis DOYLE and Anna DOYLE 
 Birth Date: April 18, 1875      Bapt. Date: May 9, 1875 
 Name: Law. GRAY 
 Parents: Thos GRAY and Eliz GRANT 
 Sponsors: Martin GRAY and Julia GRANT 
 Birth Date: Jan 17, 1875        Bapt. Date: May 2, 1875 
 Name: Ellen DOYLE 
 Parents: John DOYLE and Mary WHELAN 
 Sponsors: Wm. CONRAN and Mary ROONEY 
 Birth Date: April 10, 1875      Bapt. Date: May 2, 1875 
 Name: Andrew HEFFERNAN 
 Parents: Andrew HEFFERNAN and Eliz REILLY 
 Sponsors: Richard MULALLY and Ellen CORRIGAN 
 Birth Date: Feb 12, 1875        Bapt. Date: April 18, 1875
 Name: John GLEASON 
 Parents: Dan GLEASON and Ellen DALY 
 Sponsors: Richard HEFFERNAN and Eliz. LYNCH 
 Birth Date: Jan 24, 1875        Bapt. Date: Jan 29, 1875 
 Name: Daniel COUGHLIN 
 Parents: Jer. COUGLIN and Sarah MELANEY 
 Sponsors: Thos. NEVILLE and Cath CROWLEY 

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