Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2023 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== This bible was last seen listed for sale online. I have no further information of its current whereabouts or the family. Any letters that I could not make out with certainty are replaced by * Pg 1 Marriage Record This Certifies That John Collins and Elizabeth McDonald of Springport of Springport State of New York State of New York Were United In HOLY MATRIMONY ACCORING TO THE RITE OF THE HOLY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH at Springport on the 22 day of January in the Year of "Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety" 1886 Witnesses James Doland Eliza Doland [Transcriber's Note: text in quotations above is pre-printed in the bible. Actual year is 1886.] ------------------------------------------------------------- Pg 2 BIRTHS John Collins - Born february 2* 186* Elizabeth Collins - Born Nov 22 1869 May Collins - Born July 22 1887 Leroy Collins - Born April 17 1892 --------------------------------------------------------------- Pg 3 DEATHS Thomas Collins died May 14 1896 May Collins died Jan 17 1905 Thomas H Collins died Oct 12 1910 John McDonald died Feb 17 1907 Ann McDonald died May 25 1909 ================================================================================