Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2024 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== St. Joseph Traveler Wednesday, 15 June 1859 A Heart-Rending Affair The numerous friends of HON. HENRY BARNS of the Detroit Tribune, will read the following account with grief and sympathy for the bereaved: From the Detroit Tribune of Friday. Distressing Occurrence - Accidental Death. - We were startled about 11 o'clock this forenoon by the announcement that HENRY T., second son of HENRY BARNS, senior editor of the Tribune, had been found dead in the Gymnasium, over F. Raymond's bookstore. We could hardly believe it, but, alas, it was proved too true. It seems that between 10 and 11 o'clock he went to the Gymnasium, which is in the fourth story, as he was wont to do. At 11 o'clock another young man - and it would seem the first one who went after he did - repaired to the room and found HENRY hanging by a strap from one of the ladders, and lifeless! He was immediately cut down, but life had fled. Justice Lane held an inquest and summoned a jury, who, after examining the spot, and several witnesses, returned a verdict of accidental hanging. It is sup- posed that he was experimenting with the strap about his neck, upon the ladder, and that he accidentally lost his foothold and was so suddenly strangled as to prevent his helping himself with his hands or feet. He was stripped and belted for ordinary exercise. He was of a naturally cheerful disposition, was not sub- ject to despondency; and had no reason for committing self-destruction that is known, or that was ever inti- mated by word or hint, which seem to preclude any idea save that which the jury have embodied in their verdict. He connected himself with the Baptist Church about a year since, with an older brother and sister, and had derived great happiness from his new experience and his church relation. There is left to the afflicted family of our young friend in this hour of sudden and deep distress, an unspeakable consolation in the assurance that he was a Christian. The cup of sorrow has this rich joy - "forever with the Lord!" May they be comforted thereby! ===========================================================================