Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2014 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== The Evening Argus Owosso, MI 25 September 1906 TWO VERNON DEATHS ----------------- Mrs. W. D. GARRISON, Pioneer of That Village ------------ Sad Case of Mrs. OLRICH Who Died With No Relatives About Her. ------------ Vernon, Sept. 25. - Mrs. W. D. GARRISON, age about 70 years, died at her home in our village September 24, after a short illness that has con- fined her in the house for some time past. A husband and two sons survive her, which are W. D. GARRISON, husband, WILLIAM GARRISON, Wyandotte, Mich., and CHARLES GARRISON, of Pittsburg, Pa., sons. Mrs. GARRISON was one of the well known and highly respected pioneer residents of this locality and village, having lived the most of her life time in this locality, her old home being the PAINE farm south of town, her father owned. After her marriage to Mr. GARRISON she moved to our village about the year 1858, and has lived here ever since, this being her home town for about fifty years. Her husband, W. D. GARRISON, who survives her, was one of the early pioneer merchants in this village and county, and was known all through the county by his large busi- ness interests, which consisted of a store, creamery, elevator and banking business, and was president and director in the old Corunna bank, till a few years ago, when he retired from active business. The funeral and interment will be held in Vernon, Wednesday, 2 p.m., and will be attended by a large circle of relatives and friends, who greatly mourn her death. ------------------------------------------------ Mrs. OLRICH, age about 35 years, died today from a few days illness of a severe case of ery- sipelas, leaving three small children, two girls and one boy, ages from two to ten years old re- spectively. Mrs. OLRICH was formerly a resident of Durand, and a short time ago moved to this village and oc- cupied the *olly house. She intended making this place her home. Having no relatives here, when sickness came kind friends cared for her and did all they could and took the children to their homes to care for them during the illness. Her husband was working at Lansing. They had been separated for some time past, and she had only lived here about a month, and the illness was so short, very little was known of where her relatives were, making it a very sad case. The people of the village are doing all that can be done for them. [Transcriber's Note: In looking at the 1900 Federal Census it would seem likely that this is Edith S. Olrich, who was age 30 at the time the census was taken.] ===========================================================================