Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2019 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== Traverse City Record-Eagle January 14, 1926 ONAWAY BLAZE WRECKS PLANT, BLOW TO TOWN 4 EMPLOYES MISSING American Wood Rim Co. Factory Swept by Flames This Afternoon That Do Damage Estimated at $750,000 BULLETIN Onaway, Jan. 14. - (United Press) - Two bodies, burned beyond recognition, were re- moved from the charred ruins of the American Wood Rim company plant here shortly be- fore three o'clock this after- noon. They are believed to be L. D. SMITH and FRED VAN PLAUM. Onaway, Mich., Jan. 14. - (United Press) - Fire today practically completely destroyed the American Wood Rim Company plant. Four employes of the plant, where 800 work, were re- ported unaccounted for early this afternoon. Damage to the plant is estimated at between $500,000 and $750,000. Swept by the wintry blizzard, the flames, which were first discovered about eight o'clock, were not under control until around noon. The plant is one of the largest wood working concerns in Northern Michigan and is the mainstay of practically this entire village. E. J. BOBDEIL, president and man- ager of the concern, is away attend- ing the automobile show in New York. - - - - - - - - - - Cheboygan, Jan. 14. - (United Press) - The Cheboygan fire de- partment called to Onaway today to assist in fighting the fire in the plant of the American Wood Rim company, reported this after- noon that the water supply was ex- hausted. It was said, however, that the fire was believed under control. Fire officials estimated the loss at over $1,000,000. One employe of the concern jumped from the window and was picked up, severely burned. He is expected to recover. Of four men reported missing, only one is believed to be within the flaming buildings. The fire, discovered about eight o'clock this morning, begun when an electric spark jumped to in- flammable waste beside machiners and the flames were soon out of control. ===========================================================================