Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2015 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== A History of Northern Michigan and Its People, Vol 3. [1191-1192] ORLANDO STEEL - A native of the province of Ontario in the Dominion of Canada, and at different times a resident of three of the great states of the American Union, trying his hand at various occupations and succeeding measurably in each, ORLANDO STEEL finally found a fruitful field for his enterprise and busi- ness capacity in the little but promising city of Onaway and in mercantile life. In all places and through all conditions he has shown himself to be self-reliant and resourceful, ready to accept any chance in life where industry and capacity would count, and able to make the most of everything he undertook. MR. STEEL was born in Elgin county, Ontario, on January 4, 1860, and is a son of CALEB and SARAH ANN (McCALL) STEEL, like himself, born in Ontario, and both living. Of the six children born to them four are living, of whom ORLANDO was the second in the order of birth. The parents were in moderate circumstances when they were rearing their offspring, and each of the children was obliged to look out for himself at an early age. But the teaching and examples given all at the family fireside prepared them for usefulness and inspired them with a desire and deter- mination to make as good a career as circumstances would allow, and in every way to live serviceably and acceptably among their fellow men and women. ORLANDO STEEL obtained a limited common school education in his native place and after leaving school learned the trade of blacksmith. In 1880, when he was twenty years of age, he moved to Michigan and worked at his trade in this state for a time. He then yielded to a longing to see the country farther west and went to Colorado. From there he moved back eastward to Minnea- polis, Minnesota, with his love for Michigan still strong within him and growing in force from month to month. After a short resi- dence in Minneapolis he moved to Vanderbilt, Otsego county, this state, locating there in 1885 and again engaging in blacksmithing for thirteen years in that town. At the end of the period mentioned he passed one year in Detroit, then moved to Onaway, taking up his residence here in September, 1899, and at once entering into the mercantile activities of the place. He formed a partnership with CHARLES FOX in the hardware and grocery trade, under the firm name of FOX & STEEL, which lasted until August 4, 1905. At that time he bought MR. FOX's interest in the business, and from then to the present time (1911) he has conducted it alone. His store is one of the largest, most modern and best appointed in the town. It is 50 by 119 feet in dimensions, two stories high, and contains about 10,000 square feet of floor space. MR. STEEL keeps his stock up to the full requirements of his trade at all times, deals with the strictest integrity in every transaction, gives full value for the money paid him by every patron, and does business amounting to forty-five thousand to fifty thousand dollars annually. He is accounted one of the most enterprising, progressive and capable business men of the community, and is universally esteemed as a citizen. At all times MR. STEEL has been warmly interested in the welfare of his city and county and has done his full share of the work required to promote their advancement and development. He served three years as a member of the city board and is at the time of this writing (1911) chairman of the board of public works. In political allegiance and action he is a member of the Democratic party and always zealous in its service. Fraternally he is connected with the Masonic order, holding membership in Onaway Lodge, No. 425 in the fraternity, and in its affairs, as in those of everything else with which he is connected, he takes an earnest interest and an active and serviceable part. On December 8, 1885, MR. STEEL was united in marriage with MISS MARY McLAUGHLIN, a native of Detroit, Michigan, and a daugh- ter of WILLIAM and ANN McLAUGHLIN. One child has been born of this union, a son named PRESCOTT, who is still living with his parents and adding to the life, light and comfort of their home. They are held in high esteem throughout the country and in all other places where the people have knowledge of them in a social or business way. Onaway and Presque Isle county have no better citizens and none for whom the people have a more cordial or sincere regard. =========================================================================== If you've reached this file through a SEARCH, you can access more of our growing collection of FREE online information by going to the following URL: ===========================================================================