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Bowen & Co., Indianapolis - 1905 [804-805] RUDOLPH DUELTGEN The name of RUDOLPH DUELTGEN, the subject of this sketch, suggests one of the best known citizens of Presque Isle county, Michigan. He was born at Flint, Michigan, in 1863, and when only a boy of eight years removed with his parents to Crawford's Quarry, then a bustling but rude village on the shore of Lake Huron, but which has now fallen into decay. Here he grew to young manhood, with a rather meager chance to obtain an education so far as the school-room was concerned, but, actively engaged in a great variety of the industries by which he was surrounded, he unconciously acquired a wide and accurate knowledge of the real things about him which have been of practical value to him, fitting him for the career which was opening before him. He be- came an expert woodsman, and having exceptionally good judgment in th estimation of land and timber values he recognized the opportunities around him for profitable investment in such properties and early invested therein his savings, a moderate sum, which has demonstrated the good judgment of the investor. In a very marked degree MR. DUELT- GEN has enjoyed the confidence of the people of his county, and while he is as far as possible from being a self-seeking politician, he has been called upon to assume many important trusts and hold a variety of official positions which have rather sought the man than been sought by him. In 1886, when he had only just attained his majority, he was chosen to the important office of sheriff; succeeding himself, he was retained in that position until 1890, when he became register of deeds. Retiring from that office after a single term, he gave his attention wholly to his lumbering interests for a period of four years, when he was elected, in 1896, to the office of judge of probate, which he still holds, having been elected for the third time to that position in 1904. In politics an earnest Republican, he has always been elected by such majorities as evidence his popularity with all parties. JUDGE DUELTGEN was married while still a young man to THERESA HOEFT, a daughter of HERMAN HOEFT, a prominent citizen of Presque Isle county for many years, but now a resident of San Jose, California, and his domestic relations have ever been most happy. Taken all in all, his career affords the rare spectacle of an unusually modest and retiring man, whose merits have found the recog- nition and reward which they so richly deserve, and forced him into positions of prominence, which he has accepted with a certain modesty of manner which, united with his kindness of heart and inflexible honesty of purpose, have so fortified him in the regard and esteem of the people of his chosen county that, in the expressive language of one of the opposition papers during a recent campaign: "He couldn't be pried loose with a crow bar." an unconcious admission of his popular- ity, which his friends made good at the polls. The Judge is an active member and worker in several fraternal organizations and prominent in all public measures for the advancement of his home town. He has for many years occupied a seat in the coun- cil hall and has been recognized as a conservative and yet progressive member of that body of village solons. Of simple tastes and habits, fond of such rural sports as forest and stream afford, devoted to his family and surrounded by his friends, he lives the ideal life of the contented country gentleman. His residence, situated in the midst of spacious grounds in which the beauties of nature are carefully pre- served, is one of the pleasantest homes in the village. Of a rather retiring disposition, JUDGE DUELTGEN is slow to assume positions of prominence, but has grown to be recoginzed as a man who succeeds, whose judgment is rarely at fault, and who can always be relied upon to act with fidelity to the trust confided to him. Others may have a greater number of friends, but not more devoted, and none can have fewer enemies; and without being himself aware of it, he has made and is still making himself a potent factor for good in his community. =========================================================================== If you've reached this file through a SEARCH, you can access more of our growing collection of FREE online information by going to the following URL: ===========================================================================