Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2013, All Rights Reserved U.S. Data Repository Please read U.S. Data Repository Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the US Data Repository ========================================================================= U.S. Data Repository NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================= Formatted by U.S. Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== Centennial History of Menominee County by Hon. E. S. Ingalls, Menominee: Herald Power Presses; 1876 [page 72] CHAPTER XII OUR SOLDIERS It is proper before these sketches are closed to pay a tribute of respect to our soldiers. The space allowed will not admit of an account of the many brave acts performed by them in our late war. Michigan received but little credit for the men who went from this section, as Menominee county was not organized at the breaking out of the rebellion, and our men rushed to oth- er localities where they could volunteer. The greater number of them joined Wisconsin regiments, yet, while other states receive the glory of their heroic deeds, Michigan is proud of them. Want of space compels me to merely mention the name and reg- iment of those who went from or now live in Menominee county: John Devine, Charles Ackerman, John Ackley, Lieut. Dean Ring, 18th U.S. Reg. Lieut. Octave Tetroit, Gilbert Moreau, John Chappee, John Kittson, (killed hin Sherman's March to the Sea,) 17th Wis. Vol. Seargent George H. Kittson, Alfred Beach, Peter Durocha, [page 75] Joseph De Coto, Jerome De Coto, Frank Levine, Louis La Plant, Wapeninpinas (the Beaver), Louis Secor, Henry Levine, Alexander Premo, Peousha Monetakakino, Odillon Benoit, Paul Appetanaquet, Michael Mulharon, Gustaff C. Miller, Co. G. 23d Mich. Vol. Seargt. Bartly Breen, Thomas Breen, (wounded at the battle of Cumberland -- lost one eye,) John N. Theriault, (three months in Libby prison,) James Reo, Joseph Bart Shevelere, Seargent Frederick Hackerman, John Farley, Patrick Crone, George Clark, (in prison at Andersonville, and after being exchanged died in hospital at Annapolis, Md.,) Frank Dousey, Michael Wall, Pat- rick Ennis, Jerry Daily, Canute Canuteson, Thomas Gaynor, William Enright, Nicholas Grosman (died in Richmond prison), John Davis, Michael McIver, 11th Wis. Bat. (at first a part of the Michigan Brigade, afterwards attached to the 1st Ill. Light Artillery). James Newman (killed at Fort Hudson, La.), Patrick Timlin, Willard Ebbs, John Bebo, Octave Flasure (leg shot off at Fort Hudson, La.) -- Co. H. 4th Wis. Vol. Samuel C. Hayward, William Martin, Jack McClemans, Wm. Hamilton, Sergt. John Avery, (at battle of Shiloh, the Capt. and 1st Lieut. were scared and went to the rear at the commencement of battle; the 2nd Lieut. was wounded, and he as Orderly Seargent took command of the company which fought with great bravery through the day and captured one of the enemies batteries. It is believed that he killed the rebel Gen. Johnson; afterwards in an attack on Petersburgh, while in another regiment, he lost an arm and died from the wound in hospital) --Co. F. 14th, Wis. Vol. William Hooper, John Ham. 16 U. S. Reg.; John McIvers, U. S. Reg.; (regiment not known) Andrew J. Easton, James C. Sherman, Lorenzo Richardson, Albert Lyons (lost an arm at Atlanta and died in hospital) Michael Mellen, Edward Leake (wounded and still carries a bullet in his head) Terrance Cassidy, Archibald Goodlet, Daniel Nason, Daniel Bundy, Lieut. Harlan P. Bird (wounded) Alexander McCollom (died in the service) Louis Brown, George T. Pease (wounded at Atlanta) Louis Chappee, Alexander Loughery (horse Alleck) Alexander Patton, -- Co. F. 12, Wis. Vol. [page 74] Alexander Loughery, Thomas Davy -- 106 N. Y. Vol. Richard Dousy -- 4th Ky. Cavalry Frederick Brandizer (was in Andersonville prison) Ferdinand Gable (killed at battle of Mill Springs, Ky.) Timothy O'Leary, Conrad Arnold -- 21 Ill. Vol. (Grant's regiment.) Goodlet Goodletson (regiment not known) John Westfaldt (brought home more rebel lead than any other one soldier, one bullet passed through the body besides receiving 16 other wounds -- Co. D. 3d Wis. Vol. James Lyons -- 3d Wis. cavalry (was present at the capture of Jeff. Davis) TOWN LIBRARY In 1872 the town of Menominee began to form a town library. It now contains about 1200 volumes. =========================================================================