Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2013, All Rights Reserved U.S. Data Repository Please read U.S. Data Repository Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the US Data Repository ========================================================================= U.S. Data Repository NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================= Formatted by U.S. Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== Centennial History of Menominee County by Hon. E. S. Ingalls, Menominee: Herald Power Presses; 1876 [page 69] CHAPTER X MENOMINEE IRON RANGE The Breen mine was discovered in 1866 by Bartley and Thom- as Breen. In 1872 the Breen mining company was incorporated with a capital stock of $500,000. The company owns the Breen mine containing 120 acres of land. The original stockholders were Eleazer S. Ingalls, Salmon P. Saxton, Bartley Breen, Thomas Breen, and afterwards Seth C. Perry. The first officers were E. S. Ingalls, Prest.; Thomas B. Rice, Sec'y; Salmon P. Saxton, Treas. The officers at present are E. S. Ingalls, Prest.; Thomas Breen, Treas.; Salmon P. Saxton, Sec'y.; Directors E. S. Ingalls, Bartley Breen, Thomas Breen, S. P. Saxton and Oscar M. Saxton. In 1873 the Ingalls mining company was incorporated. The [page 70] company owns the Ingalls mine including 240 acres of land. The capital stock was made $500,000. The first officers were E. S. Ingalls, Prest.; Andrew J. Easton, Vice-Prest.; Franklin S. Mill- bury, Treas.; Charles L. Ingalls, Sec'y. The directors were E. S. Ingalls, Andrew J. Easton and F. S. Millbury. The present officers are E. S. Ingalls, Prest.; Franklin S. Millbury Sec'y.; A. J. Easton, Treas., and the same directors. The mine owned by this company is believed to be fully as valuable as any mine in the Menominee Iron Ranges. No other company is known to be in- corporated owning mines in these ranges. The Quinesec mine was discovered by John L. Buell, in Aug- ust, 1873. The Quinesec mine, under the superintendence of Mr. Buell, has been well tested and the richness of the ore and value of the mine determined past a doubt. There are many other mines in the Menominee district not yet named. When the Menominee ranges shall be opened by railroad they bid fair to become the most valuable iron districts in the United States.