Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2013, All Rights Reserved U.S. Data Repository Please read U.S. Data Repository Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the US Data Repository ========================================================================= U.S. Data Repository NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================= Formatted by U.S. Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== Centennial History of Menominee County by Hon. E. S. Ingalls, Menominee: Herald Power Presses; 1876 [page 67] CHAPTER IX NEWSPAPERS The first newspaper published at Menominee, or about the Menominee river, was THE HERALD, the first number of which was issued Sept. 10, 1863. E. S. Ingalls, editor and proprietor. It was Republican in politics. In 1866 - '7 Jesse Spalding, of the Meneskaune mill, I. Stephenson, of the N. Ludington Com- pany, the Kirby, Carpenter Company, the R. Stephenson Com- pany and myself each put in $200 and many of the other citizens sums from $1 to $50 each, and a press and type and other outfit for a printing office were bought. Andrew R. Bradbury came here and took charge of the paper, the purchasers allowing him to take the property without interest, and pay for it as he could. He conducted the paper until January 1871, when he sold out to James A. Crozer, who, in 1874, sold it to Dudley S. Crandall, who conducted it one year and sold back to Crozer, who is now its editor and publisher. The LUMBERMAN and MINER was established by a company; of whom the most prominent were John L. Buell, George [page 68] Harter, Phillip Lowenstein, William H. Jenkins and Joseph Juttner. They bought a press and materials in 1873 and pro- cured A. R. Bradbury to take charge of it, who conducted it for a short time when John L. McLaughlin took charge. In Jan. of 1876, John L. Buell took the press and materials and began printing the MENOMINEE JOURNAL, which he is still publishing. ==========================================================================