Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2014 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== THE LUDINGTON RECORD, Ludington, Michigan Thursday, October 6, 1881 VOL. XV. OLD SERIES, NO. 55 VOL. II NEW SERIES, NO. 20 MURDER AND LYNCH LAW Menominee, Mich., Sept 28. FRANK and JOHN MCDONALD, two ex-convicts who have just completed and eighteen-months' term in the State prison, and have been out only two weeks, while at a disreputable house on the outskirts of this village, day before yesterday, got into a row with WILLIE KITTSON, a half-breed, about 23 years old. NORMAN KITTSON and one TOMMY DUNN went to the relief of WILLIE, and took him from the house and started for home. The MCDONALDS followed them and attacked them again on the street. WILLIE was knocked down and then stabbed several times. NORMAN received several severe knife wounds in the face and side. WILLIE died within a few moments after receiving his wounds, and NORMAN can not live. The MCDONALDS were promptly arrested by Sheriff BERCLAY and lodged in the county jail, where they remained until last evening. Great excitement prevailed from the time of the murder, and extra guards were placed over the jail. About 10 o'clock last night a mob of over 500 people composed mostly of Frenchmen, Indians and half-breeds, approached the jail, overpowered the Sheriff and guard, and with heavy timbers, sledge-hammers and axes broke open the door at the jail and of the cell where the MCDONALDS were lodged. The prisoners were pulled out of the jail and long ropes fastened about their necks, and they were then dragged by the mob mercilessly through the street for three-quarters of a mile to the house where the row originated, where their bodies were suspended to a tree. The victims were dead, however, long before their bodies were hung up. The house above mentioned was then set on fire and burned to the ground. The two bodies were left suspended to the tree until this morning, when they were taken down by the authorities. When the jail was attacked a large number of citizens repsonded promptly to the call of the Sheriff for help, but the mob had obtained entrance to the jail, and resistance was then impossible. ===========================================================================