Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2016 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== A History of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan and its People, Vol. III by Alvah L. Sawyer Lewis Pub. Co., Chicago - 1911 [1110-1111] PETER C. SERVATIUS.- Possessing in a large measure the habits of industry, enterprise and activity characteristic of his German ancestors, PETER C. SERVATIUS, of Menominee, has won well deserved success in his undertakings, and is an important factor in advancing the business interests of the community in which he resides. A son of PETER SERVATIUS, he was born, September 6, 1865, at Fond du Lac, Wis- consin, where his early life was spent. Born in 1813 in Germany, PETER SERVATIUS was reared and educated in the fatherland. His prospects there for earning a livelihood not being particularly bright he emigrated, in 1832, to America, crossing the ocean in a sailing vessel. From New York city he made his way to Buffalo, New York, where he followed his trade of a shoemaker for awhile, from there going subsequently to Grand Rapids, Michigan. A few years later he removed to Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, and was there engaged in the boot and shoe business until 1883. Having by good man agement acquired a competency, he afterward lived retired from active pursuits until his death, in 1894. He married Gertrude Hall, who was born, in 1831, in Cologne, Germany, and is now living at Wausau, Wis- consin. Of the twelve children born of their union, ten are now liv- ing, PETER C., the special subject of this sketch, being the eighth child in succession of birth. Both parents were lifelong members of the German Roman Catholic church. Having acquired a practical education in the .public schools of Fond du Lac, PETER C. SERVATIUS followed the painter's trade for five years. Desirous then of establishing himself in business on his own account, he went to St. Paul, Minnesota, where he conducted a meat market from 1883 until 1884, the following two years being similarly employed in Brooklyn, New York. In 1886 Mr. Servatius located in Menominee, and has here been exceedingly prosperous in his ventures, being now one of the leading business men of the city. MR. SERVATIUS married, October 3, 1888, MARIE J. GARON, who was born in Menekaunee, Wisconsin, being the eldest of a large family of children born to JOSEPH and MARIE (LE CLAIRE) GARON. JOSEPH GARON was born at Three Rivers, Canada, and in early manhood located at Green Bay, Wisconsin, which was the birthplace of his wife. He sub- sequently entered the employ of the Kirby Carpenter Lumber Company, having charge of their lathe mill as long as they continued in busi- ness in Green Bay, but is now living retired, enjoying the fruits of his many years of toil. He is a man of deep religious convictions, and a faithful member of St. John's Baptist Society. Politically MR. SERVATIUS is independent in his views, voting for the best men and measures regardless of party restrictions. Frater- nally he is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America; of the Knights of Columbus; the Catholic Order of Foresters, St. Mary's Court, No. 281; of Goodtown Tent, No. 714, K. 0. T. M.; and of the Yeomen of America. ===========================================================================