Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2016 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== A History of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan and its People, Vol. III by Alvah L. Sawyer Lewis Pub. Co., Chicago - 1911 [1097-1099] HERMAN HEINRICHS.- The sterling character and distinctive ability of HERMAN HEINRICHS have gained to him a secure place as one of the representative business men of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and in the city of Menominee he conducts an extensive and prosperous enterprise as a broker of Herring-Hall-Marvin safes and vaults, and a dealer in heavy hardware, mill and mining sup= plies, typewriters and numerous specialties which will be duly noted in another paragraph of this sketch. MR. HEINRICHS was born at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on the 16th of July, 1864, and is a son of PETER and ROSALIE (ECKHARDT) HEIN- RICHS, both of whom were born in the kingdom of Saxony, Germany. The father died at the age of forty-one years, at Colorado Springs, Colorado, and the mother was forty-four years of age at the time of her death, which occurred in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Of the seven children only two are now living,- BERTHA, who is the wife of CHARLES SMALLEY, a successful manufacturer in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and HERMAN, who is the immediate subject of this sketch. PETER HEINRICHS was a mere boy at the time of his parents' immigration to America and here he was reared and educated. He became a successful farmer in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, and later was engaged in the insurance and agricultural implement business at Manitowoc. He went to Colorado at the time of the gold excitement in that state and there his death occurred, as has already been noted. He was the first to operate a stage line at Manitowoc and was one of the honored pioneers of Wisconsin, where he was held in high esteem by all who knew him. He was a Republi- can in his political proclivities and was a communicant of the Catholic church; his wife held membership in the German Lutheran church. HERMAN HEINRICHS was afforded the advantages of the public schools of his native county, and at the age of thirteen years he initiated his business career by securing a clerkship in a general merchandise store at Manitowoc. Later he was employed as a sales- man in the extensive hardware establishment of Morley Brothers, at Saginaw, Michigan, where he remained until 1887, when he came to Menominee, where he became one of the interested principals in the Menominee Hardware Company, which he organized and of which he was manager and a director for a period of eighteen years. In 1905 he removed to Green Bay, Wisconsin, where he organized the Morley- Murphy Hardware Company, of which he became treasurer and general manager. In the following year, on account of impaired health, he resigned the active management of the business and made a trip to California, and in July, 1906, he organized the Dudley Tool Com- pany, of Menominee, Michigan, of which he became president and general manager. He resigned his dual office at the expiration of one year, but retained an interest in the business until August, 1907, when he sold out and removed to Duluth, Minnesota, where he became president and manager of the Duluth Corrugating & Roofing Company, manufacturers of corrugated iron and steel for roofing and ceiling purposes. In November of 1908 he disposed of his interest in this enterprise and returned to Menominee, where he established his present business enterprise, as a broker of heavy hardware, mill and mining supplies and other specialties. In the handling of safes and burglar and fire-proof vaults he has built up an extensive business, under the title of the HEINRICHS Safe & Vault Company. He handles typewriters, vacuum cleaners, electric washing machines, fire-proof specialties for buildings, steel filing devices and office furniture, metal window frames and metal lath, ceilings, roofing, sidings, awnings and tents, leather and rubber belting, fire and mill hose, lubricating oils, iron lawn furniture and vases, spray brushes, etc. MR. HEINRICHS is known as a man of splendid initiative and executive ability and his career has been one of consecutive endeavor along normal lines of busi- ness enterprise, through which he has achieved a worthy success. His course has ever been such as to retain to him the confidence and respect of all with whom he has come in contact in the varied relations of life. Liberal and progressive as a citizen, MR. HEINRICHS takes a loyal interest in public affairs, and while he has never been a seeker of political office he accords an unwavering allegiance to the Republican party. He is affiliated with Green Bay Lodge, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and holds membership in the Travelers' Protective Association and the Brotherhood of American Yeomen. He and his wife are zealous members of the First Presbyterian church of Menominee,in which he is serving as a trustee. On the 16th of March, 1886, was solemnized the marriage of MR. HEINRICHS to MISS MARGARET WAESSNER, of Wausau, Wisconsin, where she was born and reared. She is a daughter of CARL and JULIA (ZIMMER) WAESSNER, the former of whom was born in Prussia, Ger- many, on the 31st of May, 1833, and the latter of whom was born in Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany, on the 21st of April, 1842. The father died on the 7th of July, 1908, and the mother now resides in Menominee, Michigan. Of the nine children eight are yet living. MR. WAESSNER came to America when a young man and located at Stevens Point, Wisconsin, whence he later removed to Wausau, that state, where he engaged in the clothing and merchant tailoring business and where he later conducted a general merchandise store. He there continued in business for many years and after his retirement he removed to Menominee, where he passed the closing years of his life. ==========================================================================