Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2016 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== The L'Anse Sentinel Saturday, November 21, 1908 Death of JOHN ST. ARNOLD. Well Known Land Looker Passed Away at Marquette - Brought to L'Anse For Burial. Wednesday, L'Anse people were greatly surprised when news was conveyed to them of the death of JOHN ST. ARNOLD, one of the best known and highly esteemed cruisers in this section of the country, which occurred at his late home in Marquette after an illness of but a few weeks. To the general public the news came as a great shock for it was generally supposed that he was one of the strongest and most hearty men in the upper peninsula, but to those who knew him best his death was not un- warranted. About three months ago MR. ST. ARNOLD was attacked by a trouble, which seemed to cause him a great in- convenience in his breathing, but which only came at odd intervals. Desiring to know the cause he spent three weeks at Murphy's hospital in Chicago, without benefit. At the end of this time he returned to his home, and since that time his condition grew rapidly worse, and when Marquette physicians examined him they found a peculiarity existing in the action of his heart, and one which neither medicine or the sur- geon's knife would cure. Tuesday of this week surrounded by several of his associates and brothers, he breathed his last. Death came to this sturdy pioneer without pain or anguish, and apparently having found the corner post which marked the road to the great beyond, he bade his fellow cruisers farewell and without compass or chart proceeded on his way. Deceased was 53 years of age and was a single man. He had made his home with his brother HENRY at 212 North Seventh street in Marquette for many years, and for the past fifteen yeards had been in the em- ploy of W. S. PRICKETT, of Sidnaw. He was a prominent member of the St. Jean Baptiste society, and also of the United Sons of Canadian Frenen, and a highly esteemed citizen in the com- munities in which he traversed. The remains were brought to L'Anse Thursday fore- noon, accompanied by a brother HENRY ST. ARNOLD, and MRS. GUS MILLER, of Marquette, MR. and MRS. PETER CLYNE of this village, and E. BERTRAND, a repre- sentative of the St. Jean Baptiste society, and were taken to the CLYNE residence where they will lay in state until Sunday, at 1 o'clock, at which time the funeral will be held from Sacred Heart church. Interment will take place in the Catholic cemtery. ==========================================================================