Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2017 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== The Diamond Drill Crystal Falls, MI October 14, 1911 BAD FIRE AT CHAMPION Large Portion of the Village Wiped by Flames Last Tuesday Night. A disasterous fire swept through the business section of Champion at a late hour Tuesday night, and before it had spent its course the general store and dwelling of MRS. EVA BELHUMEUR, the saloon owned by W. DERRIE, JOHN MAHONEY'S livery stable and the dwelling of MRS. HEBERT were in ashes. The fire started in the rear of DERRIE'S saloon and was discovered about 11:30 o'clock. A hose cart was secured fromt the Champion mine and heroic efforts made to put out the blaze, but it soon spread to the other buildings and gained such headway that all efforts to extinguish the fire proved futile. The livery stable and MRS. HEBERT'S dwelling are total losses, no insurance having been car- ried. MRS. BELHUMEUR carried $2,500 insurance on her property, while DERRIE'S saloon was in- sured for $2,000. Fifteen tons of hay which were stored in the livery stable, were destroyed. MRS. BELHUMEUR saved some of the household effects from her dwelling, which constituted the upper story of the building owned by her. The horses were taken out of the livery stable in safety. During the course of the blaze the Negaunee and Ishpeming fire departments were asked to send aid to help put out the fire. A special train consisting of a locomotive, flat car and caboose was made up at Negaunee, but when the Negaunee fire engine was brought to the depot to be loaded on the train, word was re- ceived not to load until further notice. The Negaunee fire department waited until 2 o'clock Wednesday morning, when a telegram was received saying that their aid was not needed, the fire being then under control. The origin of the fire is unknown. ==========================================================================