Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2017 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Rachel Fuller for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== State of Michigan Gazetteer & Business Directory For 1856-7 (extracts for Marquette County) MARQUETTE COUNTY. This county is situated north west on the upper Peninsula, and is bounded north by Houghton county, east by Lake Superior and Schoolcraft county, south by Delta county, and west by Ontonagon county. It is drained by Escanaba, Ford and heads of Menomenee river, flowing into Green Bay, and Sturgeon and Ontonagon rivers, of Lake Superior. Surface diversified; soil of moderate fertility, covered extensively with great forests of pine, which constitute the chief wealth of this region. The streams are small but are supposed to furnish sufficient water power to work up the timber, which must ere long be very valuable. The underlying rocks are granite and lime stone. Extensive beds of iron ore are found in the county. It is little visited except by hunters and fur traders. It contains 3,880 square miles. CARP RIVER. A post office in Marquette County, situated on the river of the same name, a small stream which empties into Lake Superior, below Talcott Harbor. James Duncan, contractor Peter White, postmaster MARQUETTE. A post office in Marquette County. Population about 300. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades &c. (Transcriber's Note: The right edge of the page is very deteriorated and much of the information is lost. I have used * marks to indicate missing text.] Adams & Everett, grocery, and ****** keepers. Adams, Sidney, of Adams & Everett. Barr, George W., contractor Burb, John, general dealer. Collins Iron Co., incorporated **** Cleveland Iron Co., incorporated **** Clinton Iron Co., incorporated **** Eureka Iron Co., incorporated **** Everett, P. M., of Adams & Everett, ****** of probate. Graveraet, R. J., agent Collins Iron Co. Hinwood, David, contractor. Jackson Iron Co., chartered 1847 Lake Superior Iron Co., organized **** McConnell, M. & Co., iron man***** New England Iron Co., chartered **** Peninsular Iron Co., chartered 18** Roussain, John, grocer and liquor dealer Sharon Iron Co., chartered under **** Pennsylvania Watson, J. W., general dealer in dry goods, groceries, clothing, hardware, &c. White, Peter & Co., general merchandise, dealers in dry goods, groceries &c. White, Peter, of Peter White & Co. White, C. H., of Peter White & Co. White, Peter, county clerk, register *****, notary public. ==========================================================================