Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2014 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== Excerpt from: "Iron Brew, A Century of American Ore and Steel" by Stewart H. Holbrook; pub. MacMillan Company, N.Y., 1939 [p. 57-58] Another fabulous character at Ishpeming was BIG DAN DONOVAN. BIG DAN was probably the biggest, strongest man ever to drive pick into the Marquette Range. MIKE NEVINS, still on the range in 1939, remembers BIG DAN. He estimates DAN to have been close to seven feet tall and to have weighed three hundred pounds, none of it fat. But BIG DAN wasn't very bright in the head. They didn't want him underground, for a fool in a mine can readily kill an entire crew without half trying. They set BIG DAN to breaking ore on the surface, at the Burt mine, and to loading it into railroad cars. NOw, DAN could strike a terrific blow with pick or hammer, a giant's blow, but he didn't know how to strike the ore to break it easily; and CAPTAIN JOHN McENCROE had made the rule that no piece of ore that two men could not lift should go into a car. That is, three or more men were prohibited from ganging-up on a tough piece of ore and loading it unbroken. Big hunks would not go through the hoppers at the Marquette docks. Not long after BIG DAN went to work, however, cars that should have been wholly empty were being returned with huge boulders in them - re- fused at the docks. CAPTAIN JOHN stalked up and down the line of ore loaders, pouring his best invective onto them. The men protested that they had not loaded any large chunks. Suspicion fell on BIG DAN, who often worked alone. CAPTAIN JOHN set a man to watch. That afternoon he saw BIG DAN pound away on a huge hunk of magnetite. DAN struck mighty blows, grunting loud enough to be heard at the dryhouse, a hundred yards away; but the ore remained intact. BIG DAN let go an oath as big as the boulder or ore. Calling down all manner of imprecations from St. Patrick, St. Michael, and the Holy Mother of God, he picked up the small mountain of ore and tossed it into the car, which all but bounded from the rails at the impact. The mystery was solved, and CAPTAIN JOHN put BIG DAN at other work. Ever a curious man, CAPTAIN JOHN had the DAN DONOVAN Boulder weighed before it was broken up. It tipped the scales, so honest men tell, at four hundred and twenty pounds. ===========================================================================