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- Lapeer County -

Lapeer is one of five counties that form the "thumb" area of Michigan. The boundaries of Lapeer county were laid out on September 18, 1822, but it remained a part of Oakland county until February 2, 1835, when it was organized as the county of Lapeer. The first settler was Alvin N. Hart who later became sheriff and was elected as state senator in 1843.

The first efforts at building a courthouse met with disaster when the structure burned while still under construction. Some believed it to be an act of arson. A second courthouse, of nominal size, was built in 1839 and used until 1846 when it was replaced by a commodius Greek Revival structure. Once threatened with destruction the building was restored and, today, a historical marker on the front lawn proclaims it to be the oldest courthouse still in use in Michigan.

Lapeer county has eighteen townships which make up its 663 square miles. The first township, Grand Blanc, was organized on March 9, 1833. The county seat, and largest city, is Lapeer.


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