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Doc. 2d Session} { No. 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISASTERS ON THE LAKES (To accompany House bill No. 602.) PAPERS RELATIVE TO Losses of Vessels on the lakes. ----------- December 14, 1869 - Ordered to be printed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -32- DISASTERS ON THE LAKES, 1869 LOSS OF LIFE Detailed Statement of the Loss of Life on the lakes during the season of 1869 The following is the summary of the loss of life on the lakes during 1869 - at least so far as they were reported - with recapitulation and comparative statement. DECEMBER (1868) Captain JOSEPH McLEAN and three seamen drowned by foundering of schooner A. P. Dutton. JANUARY 1869 CHARLES LARSEN drowned from propeller G. J. Truesdell, at Chicago. FEBRUARY 1869 MARTIN GOLDEN and NATHAN W. EDSON drowned by capsizing of a small boat in Maumee Bay. Seaman, name not given, drowned while crossing the ice to schooner Comet, on Saginaw Bay. An old man, named CADRAN, drowned by breaking through the ice in the Straits of Mackinac. APRIL 1869 ALFRED DUPONT and ALFRED MORCUTT, seamen, drowned at Tonawanda. WILLIAM BROCK and PHILIP HELMER drowned by capsizing of a small boat off Port Ryerse, Canada. JOSEPH GILLETT killed by falling from masthead of schooner Wyandotte at Detroit. A. CUNTHER, killed by falling from masthead of schooner F. W. Gifford at Chicago. ANDREW DIEDRICHSON lost overboard from schooner Wm. Aldrich off Sheboygan Captain GEORGE W. DODGE, of schooner Sutherland, knocked overboard and drowned in Lake Michigan. Captain DAVID FORBES, of schooner Wasp, drowned at Mill Point, Canada. Michael Hayden killed by falling from foretopmast of schooner Maize at Toledo. Sailor, name unknown, lost overboard from brig E. Cohen, on Lake Huron. HENRY F. ANDREWS killed by falling from the masthead of schooner G. Whitney in Genesee River. FREDERICK PENDERGAST drowned from scow Marion Dixon at Montague, Michigan ALEXANDER McARTHUR drowned at Port Colborne. MAY 1869 DUNCAN CAMPBELL, second mate of the brig C. G. Breed, lost overboard in Lake Erie. Mate of an outward-bound schooner - name of vessel or man not ascertained lost overboard near mouth of Saginaw River. THOMAS CHAMBERS lost overboard from schooner Helen, off Oswego. CHARLES W. COCHRANE, seaman on the schooner E. S. J. Bemis, had his leg caught in the tow-line and so badly injured as to cause his death. JOHN JOHNSON, a sailor, drowned by falling into the canal at Buffalo. WILLIAM BERRYMAN, second engineer of the propeller Eclipse, had his foot badly mangled by getting it caught in the boat's machinery, and subse- quently died of lockjaw. THOMAS ANDERSON, seaman on the bark Excelsior, drowned in Buffalo Creek. Captain COLLINS PETERSON, of the scow St. Joseph, drowned in Maumee Bay. A lookout man on tug SAMSON lost overboard in St. Clair River. JUNE 1869 Sailor, known only as "Gus," lost overboard from the propeller B. W. Jenness, in Cleveland Harbor. Captain JOSEPH GREENHALGH, Jr., killed by explosion of boiler of tug Asa Covell, at Cleveland. A man, name not given, employed on schooner John P. Ward, drowned at Manistee. LAWRENCE POWERS killed by falling from the walking-beam of the steamer Abyssinian at Charlotte. Fisherman, named J. J. BRASHER, drowned off La Point, Lake Superior. WILLIAM KERR lost overboard from schooner Fleetwing on Lake Michigan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -33- DISASTERS ON THE LAKES, 1869 LOSS OF LIFE (June cont'd) ALFRED PEMBER, a seaman, killed by falling from masthead of schooner S. A. Wood at the Sault. THOMAS HAMILTON and a young Canadian, name unknown, drowned in Portage Lake by sinking of yacht North Star, through collision with propeller Northern Light. ALFRED THOMAS drowned from a tug at Bay City. Man, name unknown, drowned in Chicago River, by collision between two propellers. OSCAR DAY lost overboard from schooner Trader near Milwaukee. WILLIAM BROTHERTON, seaman on schooner Olive Branch, lost overboard in Lake Erie. Sailor, named JOSEPH LYNCH, fell from masthead of schooner Dan Marble, near Toledo, and was killed. THOMAS BOND drowned by the sinking of a stone boat off Milwaukee Harbor. JULY 1869 JOHN BUTLER lost overboard from schooner BLACK HAWK on Lake Michigan. Small boat run down by tug Ripon, at Cleveland. MARTIN O'DONNELL drowned MRS. MARY SIMMONS lost overboard from steamer Helen near Saugatuck. EDWARD E. FOSTER drowned in Lake Ontario by capsizing of a sail boat. PETER McCUNNISKE, seaman on the schooner Czar, drowned at Oswego. Fireman, name not given, lost overboard from tug Mayflower in Lake St. Clair. GEORGE HARDWICK lost overboard from tug John Spry in Green Bay. ALBERT E. FOSTER drowned by capsizing of a boat on Lake Ontario. CHAS. JOHNSON, seaman on bark Bridgewater, drowned in Buffalo Creek. GEORGE NUTTING drowned by capsizing of yacht Pearl in Lake St. Clair. PATRICK COOK lost overboard from schooner Mary Birkhead at Erie. Master FREDDY KIMBALL lost overboard from schooner S. H. Kimball in Detroit River. Fisherman, name not given, drowned by capsizing of a boat off Dunkirk. WM. McGRATH drowned from steamer Marine City in Lake St. Clair. ANDREW ANDERSON, seaman on schooner AEtna, lost overboard off Erie. AUGUST 1869 JOHN BERLING lost overboard from schooner Dispatch off Chicago. GEORGE AULD and another man, name not known, knocked overboard from tug Dragon, off Buffalo, and drowned. JOHN McCLENNAN, second mate of the bark Wm. Sturgis, drowned at Oconto. Fireman named CHARLIE lost overboard from steamer Chicora on Lake Superior. HUGH McPEEK fell overboard from bark Cream City on Saginaw Bay and was drowned. JOHN BROWN knocked overboard from schooner B. R. Lummis, off Chicago, and was drowned. _____ BARTLETT drowned off the tug Albatross, in Elk Lake, Michigan. Negro deck hand drowned from propeller Sun off Port Washington. Capt. WM. MILTON, of sloop Wide Awake, fell overboard and was drowned in Lake Ontario. A seaman, name unknown, drowned from schooner Northern Bell, off Erie. WM. E. KIGLER lost overboard from schooner Ralph Campbell on Lake Michigan. Seaman, name unknown, drowned from scow Falcon in Detroit River. Two Frenchmen, one of them named TOUCET, drowned near Duluth by swamping of a lighter. SEPTEMBER 1869 GEO. RUCHLE, engineer, and JO BARBER, deck hand on propeller Boscobel, drowned in Lake St. Clair. RICHARD WILLIAMS and THOMAS BRESSAN, seamen on schooner Jessie McDonald, drowned at Port Rowan. MICHAEL COLEMAN drowned from a Coast Wrecking Company scow in Detroit River. EDMUND MULLEN, deck hand on propeller Comet, drowned at entrance of Buffalo Harbor. Capt. D. McKILLIPP, of scow Mary Jane, drowned near entrance of Sandusky Bay. Man named DOYLE, employed on propeller PITTSBURGH, drowned at Bay City. PATRICK MALONEY, seaman on schooner Geo. H. Wand, drowned off Sheboygan. ALEX. KEENAN, seaman on schooner Meridian, drowned at Menominee, Michigan GEO. COE, seaman on Canadian schooner Gold Hunter, drowned at Chatham. STEPHEN PALMER, passenger on the steamer Northwest, lost overboard in Lake Erie. THOMAS H. TOULY, proprietor of St. Louis Commercial Bulletin, drowned from propeller Badger State in Lake Huron. Seaman named LEWIS EVANS, drowned from scow Gael at Toronto. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -34- DISASTERS ON THE LAKES, 1869 LOSS OF LIFE October ELLIS YOKOM fell overboard from schooner Pandora, on Lake Erie, and was drowned. CHAS. NOLAN, seaman on the schooner Japan, lost overboard off Bailey's Harbor. Seaman named BILTON, drowned by stranding of schooner New Hampshire at New Buffalo. Passenger, name unknown, lost overboard from schooner Zephyr at St. Joseph. Captain WILLIAMS, of the schooner Maggie of the Lake, lost overboard in Lake Superior. CHAS. LEPPER, a seaman, lost overboard from schooner Sylph on Lake Erie. JOSEPH IRWIN fell overboard from a scow at Port Robinson, Canada, and was drowned. JAMES MURPHY and _____ McLACHLAN, seamen, drowned at Kingston. CHARLES McELROY lost overboard from a steam-scow at Manistee. Capt. H. L. McGLASHEN, GEO. CANADA, first mate, MRS. WILSON, cook, and E. M. CORBETT, M. BULLY, and THOS. DORAN, seamen, drowned by capsizing of schooner Kate Bully on Lake Michigan. GEO. CLUTE, captain of tug Preston Brearly, drowned off Chicago by sinking of his boat. Mate of schooner Sylph lost overboard in Lake Erie. Passenger named A. WARRING lost overboard from steamer W. R. Clinton on Lake Huron. ANN KIRK, cook on tug Harrison, drowned in Buffalo Bay. ANTOINE CUTWAY, second mate of W. B. Allen, lost overboard off Grand River, Lake Erie. NOVEMBER 1869 MATTHEW DUNN, JOHN SMITH, JAMES SHAY, and JOHN SULLIVAN drowned by capsizing of fishing-smack GEN. SHERIDAN off Milwaukee. JOHN McGEHEAN, mate of the schooner Advance, drowned at Michigan City. Captain HOLFORD and seven seamen drowned by wreck of schooner Titan near Pentwater. JOHN PROCTOR, a seaman, drowned from schooner Melvina in the Straits. SAMUEL LIVINGSTONE, second mate of bark Chicago Board of Trade, lost overboard on Lake Erie. Seaman drowned from a vessel at Saginaw Bay. Name of vessel or man unknown. Mate of schooner Kearsarge, named RIDER, drowned in Lake Erie. Captain JAS. CARPENTER and wife died of exposure on wreck of bark Naomi, near Manistee. Seaman DENNIS BURKE drowned while trying to swim to shore from bark Naomi Sailor on schooner Sea Bird fatally injured at Chatham, Canada. Second mate of schooner Carlingford, named CURTIS, drowned off Erie. JAS. BELYEA, mate of schooner Jane McLeod, drowned in Lake Erie. EDWARD MARTIN, MICHAEL MARTIN, PATRICK CARMODY, and G. GATH drowned by the capsizing of a fishing boat off the Beavers, Lake Michigan. JOS. FURNIO, steward on wrecked schooner Live Yankee, died of exposure. ALEXANDER NELSON, mate of schooner Tom Simms, lost overboard off Chicago. Capt. DURGEN and a crew of seven men drowned from the schooner Arrow, wrecked near Chicago. THOMAS IBERTSON drowned by upsetting of the life-boat which attempted the rescue of the crew of the schooner Arrow. Seaman named MASTEN killed on board schooner John Weeden. JOHN FOSS, steward of tug Escanaba, drowned in Green Bay. JABEZ FOX lost overboard from tug Florence in Lake Erie. Three fishermen, named HARRINGTON, YOUNG, and TURNER, drowned by capsiz- ing of the their boats in Lake Huron. CHAS. BRUCE, mate of schooner Two Brothers, drowned in Lake Michigan. THOS. LORD, captain, SAMUEL WEBB and EDWARD LORD, mates, FRANK MARTIN, steward, and EDWARD BENTLEY, JOHN MARTIN, HUGH CORBITT, and two others, seamen, drowned by the foundering of the schooner J. B. Martin in Lake Huron. Twelve lives lost by the foundering of the schooner W. W. Arnold in Lake Superior. Entire crew of the schooner Mary O'Gorman, consisting of six persons, drowned by the upsetting of the vessel's yawl in Lake Ontario. MRS. MARY ROSS, stewardess of shipwrecked brig Supply, died of exposure. JOHN MURPHY, steward of shipwrecked schooner Eagle Wing, died of exposure HENRY CURM, captain, _____ GREEN, first mate, and seven seamen, drowned by sinking of brig Robert Burns near the Straits. WM. CORSON, seaman on the bark John Miner, killed by a falling spar. Five of the crew of the brig Concord drowned by the foundering of that vessel in Lake Erie. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -35- DISASTERS ON THE LAKES, 1869 LOSS OF LIFE (November cont'd) PATRICK BARNES, captain, and CHARLES MEMFUS, wheelsman, of the burned propeller Belle, drowned from the yawl after leaving the burning propeller. Deck hand named JOHN MEYER drowned from the steamer Reindeer at Toledo. CHAS. McCUN, a fireman on the propeller Colonist, scalded to death by the bursting of a steam-pipe. FRANK STALKER, watchman on the propeller Iron City, killed by falling into the vessel's hold. Capt. JOHN MORRIS, of the schooner B. Eveleigh, drowned at Oswego. DECEMBER JAMES MULLEN, deck hand on steamer Sheboygan, lost overboard in Milwaukee Bay. RECAPITULATION AND COMPARISON 1869 || 1868 ----------------------------------------------- December, 1868 . . . . . . . . . . 4 || . . . January, 1869. . . . . . . . . . . 1 || 1 February . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 || . . . March. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . || . . . April. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 || 91 May. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 || 27 June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 || 47 July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 || 14 August . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 || 15 September. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 || 53 October. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 || 56 November . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 || 16 December . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 || 1 ===========================================================================