- George Foster v. Schooner Miranda - October, 1854
(collision of brig S. F. Gale & schooner Miranda)
- Ward & Butlin v. schooner M. Dousman - October, 1854
(collsion of steamer Arctic with schooner M. Dousman on August 13, 1851)
- The Canadian - June, 1856
- The Sultana - February, 1857
- The Planet - April, 1864
(collision with schooner Stella)
- The Alleghany - May, 1865
(collision with schooner H. C. Winslow) and the appeal - 1868
- Baldwin, H. P. ~ April, 1871
(bark Baldwin in collision with schooner Marquette)
- The Spaulding ~ June 1871
(Marshaling of proceeds)
- Miller v. Tug Alice Getty - April, 1877
(sale of tug, libels & liens)
- The Badger State - May 1881
(collision with schooner Helen Blood, October, 1877)
- The Oscar Townsend ~ 1883
(collision with schooner Sunrise in St. Clair river)
- The C. N. Johnson ~ February 1884
(Maritime Lien)
- The Elizabeth Jones ~ October 1884
(collision with schooner Willis in 1872)
- The Leland ~ February 1884
(Collision with and sinking of E. M. Portch)
- The Negaunee ~ July 1884
(Collision with E. M. Portch)
- Law v. Baker ~ January 1886
(Collision between R. B. Hayes and Lizzie Law)
- Continental Ins. Co. -vs- Allen
(insurance dispute - wreck of tug Alice E. Getty)
- The Alaska ~ September 29, 1890
(collision with steam-barge Oregon)
- The Albany ~ December 8, 1890
(embezzlement by salvor)
- Barker -v- The Swallow ~ October 20, 1890
(partial loss of cargo)
- Larsen et al. -v- The Myrtle ~ October 20, 1890
(collision of schooners Lookout and Myrtle)
- Manistee Lumber Company -v- City of Chicago et. al.
~November 3, 1890 (damages to schooner City of Toledo)
- The North Star
~December 8, 1890
(final decree, collision with C. J. Sheffield)
- Benham et al. -v- The Niagara ~January 17, 1891
(collision with raft)
- Canfield -v- F. & P. M. No. 2 ~January 5, 1891
- Chishom et al. -v- Steamer Alex Folsom - January, 1891
- Starke et. al. -v- F. & P. M. No. 2 ~January 8, 1891
- Gratwick, W. H.
(collision between tow and schr Sunrise)
- Grover, Maurice B. ~ May 7, 1896
(collision with steamer John V. Moran)
- The City of Naples ~ June 12, 1897
(collision with City of Sheboygan on April 19, 1893)
- The Emily B. Maxwell ~ October 3, 1899
(1896 collision with schr. Col. Ellsworth)
- The Onoko ~ March 26, 1900
(wrongful death of master & 2 seamen of Mary D. Ayer)
- The Kalkaska ~ April 9, 1901
(grounding of tows Aloha, J. H Mead & Mediator)
- Northern Queen ~ September 18, 1902
(sinking of whaleback Sagamore)
- George G. Hadley ~ November 27, 1903
(sinking of whaleback Thomas Wilson)