Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2024 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== St. Joseph Traveler Wednesday, 6 April 1859 Accident to the scow LAUREL - The scow LAUREL in the gale on Monday last, sprung her foremast, and put into this port for repairs. She left for Chicago on Friday with a cargo of shingles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- St. Joseph Traveler Wednesday, 13 April 1859 Schooner E. G. GREY is now in this port loading for Chicago, with lumber, cordwood and ties. Barque SUNSHINE, Capt. McNeil, left this port last night with lumber, &c, for Chicago; the cargo of black walnut lumber which she was chartered to take to Buffalo, not being as yet ready for shipment. The TRICOLOR, Capt. Reynolds, arrived from Chicago last night, fully freighted. Schooner CALEDONIA, which has been ashore at St. Paul since last fall, was gotten off last Friday and towed into this port by the tug McQUEEN. After laying here a few hours, the tug left for Chicago, having the CALEDONIA in tow. She has not sustained as much damage was was anticipated. The steamer UNION is now making regular trips between this place and Niles. The propeller, MONTEZUMA, Captain Nelson W. Napier, arrived in port Monday morning from Chicago, whither she has been, decorated with a new coat of paint, and with such other im- provements as were neccesary to make her good as new. She goes out Wednesday evening on her first regular trip, and will hereafter run regularly between this port and Chicago, three times each week. Her accommodations for carry- ing passengers and freight cannot be surpassed by any vessel of the kind, and we hope our citi- zens will give her all the business she can do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- St. Joseph Traveler Wednesday, 20 April 1859 The good steamer MICHIGAN, arrived at Toll & Rice's dock this morning at 10 o'clock. As she came proudly sailing up to the wharf, she was cordialy greeted by hundreds of happy faces, and the firing of a grand salute from the fort. She left Detroit on Thursday, the 31st of March, with a fair load of freight and passengers. The MICHIGAN has been thouroughly overhauled, and looks much improved. Captain Stewart, we are pleased to see, still commands her. He is one of the best and most popular captains on the lakes. John Small retains his place as steward. The GALENA, which left the day before, with the mail and passengers for Mackinac, was aground on the St. Clair Flats. - Mackinac Herald. Marine Record: Arrivals: April 15 Sch. E. G. GRAY, Jakeway 17 Sch. ORION, Lyght 17 Sch. MARY HANSOM, sundries 17 Prop MONTEZUMA, Napier 17 Scow TEMPEST, lumber for Chicago 18 Sch. TRI-COLOR, Reynolds, 47 tons of plaster 19 Sch. J. E. SUTHERLAND, McKay, Chicago Departures: April 18 Prop MONTEZUMA, Napier, Chicago, 100 bbls fish, 2000 R.R. ties 19 Sch E. G. GRAY, Jakeway, Chicago, 1800 R.R. ties 19 Sch TRI-COLOR, Reynolds, South Haven, sundries 19 Sch J. E. SUTHERLAND, McKay, Chicago, 75,000 ft. lumber 19 Sch EXPERIMENT, Ames, Milwaukee, 35,000 ft. lumber Marine Disaster: In the heavy gale, on Friday last, the schooner ENTERPRISE, of Wilkinson City, (near New Buffalo,) ran ashore in making the harbor at Grand Haven, and broke in two. She was heavily laden with plaster for Michigan City. The gale struck her opposite this port, and forced her back to Grand Haven, where she ran ashore as above stated. The vessel and cargo are a total loss. The crew was saved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- St. Joseph Traveler Wednesday, 27 April 1859 Marine Intelligence South Haven, Mich. April 15, 1859 To the St. Joseph Traveler - The schooner HINSDALE, Capt. A. Petrie, of St. Joseph, left this port on the 12th inst., and rode out the gale of the 14th with loss of only a few cords of wood, both jibs and split main sail. She ran into South Haven under the skilful seamanship of Capt. Wm. Dodd and two seamen who are worthy of all praise in making port under such adverse circumstances. She came in on the evening of the 14th, during the heighth of the gale, and will be refitted and ready in a few days to proceed on her voyage. The Barque SUNSHINE, Capt. C. McNeil, arrived in our port from Chicago, on the morning of the 24th inst. She will make one more trip to Chicago, when she will return to this port, and load with black walnut lumber for Buffalo, after which she will engage in the grain trade between Chicago and Buffalo. The SUNSHINE is one of the best vessels on our inland waters, and we wish her, and her excellent Captain, every success during the present season, as well as all future time. Marine Record Arrivals: April 20 Prop MONTEZUMA, Napier, Chicago 22 Prop MONTEZUMA, Napier, Chicago 22 Sch EXPERIMENT, Ames, Milwaukee 22 Sch TRI-COLOR, Reynolds, Chicago 22 Sch MARY HANSOM, Chicago 22 Sch NAPOLEON, Felson, Chicago 22 Sch MAGIC, McGraw 22 Sch ODIN, Walton 22 Sch E. M. SHOYER, Dougherty 22 Sch JOSEPH DRESDEN, Charlotteville 22 Sch NORTH CAROLINA, 22 Sch FREEMASON, Coppelan, Grand Haven 22 Sch JUPITER, Vanderbeck, M City 22 Scow TRADER, Grand Rapids 22 Scow SEA STAR, Ames, Chicago 22 Scow STORM, Howard, Chicago 24 Barque SUNSHINE, McNeil, Chicago 25 Sch H. A. GATES, Stewart, Chicago Departures: April 20 Prop MONTEZUMA, Napier, Chicago 22 Sch ORION, Young, Chicago 24 Sch TRI-COLOR, Reynolds, So. Haven 24 Sch NAPOLEON, Nelson, Muskegon 24 Sch MAGIC, McGraw, G. Haven 24 Sch ODIN, Walton, Muskegon 24 Sch E. M. SHOYER, Dougherty 24 Sch JOSEPHINE, Dresden 24 Sch NORTH CAROLINA, G. Haven 24 Sch FREEMASON, Coppelan, G. Haven 24 Sch JUPITER, Vanderbeck, Chicago 24 Sch MARY HANSON, Chicago 24 Scow TRADER, M. City 24 Scow SEA STAR, Ames, Kalamazoo 24 Scow HOWARD, White Lake 25 Prop MONTEZUMA, Napier, Chicago 27 Sch EXPERIMENT, Ames ==============================================================================