Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2017 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== The Pentwater News Friday, August 1, 1873 [extracts of marine news] The following are the arrivals and departures at this port for the week ending Wednesday July 30. Arrived: July 24 - Schr EMANUEL, Milwaukee Schr PLANET, Milwaukee Schr BELOIT, Chicago 25 - Schr HONEST JOHN, Chicago Schr R. B. HUBBARD, Chicago Schr JOSEPHINE LAWRENCE, Milwaukee Schr SALAMA, Milwaukee Schr PETREL, Milwaukee Barge HILTON, Mud Bay Tug TEMPEST, Cheboygan 26 - Schr J. H. STEPHENS, Sheboygan 28 - Schr PRIDE, Milwaukee Schr SOUVENIR, Milwaukee 29 - Schr R. J. SKIDMORE, Chicago Schr RADICAL, Chicago Schr NORTH STAR, Chicago Barge HILTON, Mud Bay Cleared: July 24 - Schr EMANUEL, Sheboygan Schr PLANET, Milwaukee Schr BELOIT, Chicago 25 - Schr HONEST JOHN, Chicago Schr R. B. HUBBARD, Chicago Schr JOSEPHINE LAWRENCE, Milwaukee Schr PETREL, Milwaukee Schr SALAMA, Chicago Barge HILTON, Mud Bay Tug TEMPEST, Mich. City 26 - Schr J. H. STEPHENS, Sheboygan 28 - Schr PRIDE, Milwaukee Schr SOUVENIR, Chicago 29 - Schr R. J. SKIDMORE, Chicago Schr RADICAL, Chicago Schr NORTH STAR, Chicago Barge HILTON, Mud Bay Also the usual steamers of the Engelmann Line. Vessels can now enter Pentwater Harbor, drawing 10 feet of water. Dredging will continue until 12 feet of water is reached. New vessel - J. C. Burdic, of Manistee, has just completed a "hooker" of 32 feet keel and 9 1/2 feet beam. Capt. David Cochrane has been compelled to relinquish command of the propeller MANISTEE. A telegram from Marquette announces that the brig MECHANIC, of Racine, while loading at that port with iron ore for Menominee, sprung a leak and had to be run ashore to prevent her sinking in deep water. A steam pump will be sent to the disabled vessel from Sault Ste Marie. The schooner DENMARK, while bound for Green Bay and off the Clay Banks, on the west shore, collided with an unknown vessel, about 12 o'clock on Thursday night, which carried away her main boom and damaged her quarter considerably. She ran back to Manitowoc for repairs. Current in the Lake. - The Captain of the bark JESSE HOYT informs us that on Friday evening his vessel became becalmed off Fox Point, and began to drift rapidly northward. Before a breeze sprung up she had drifted five miles. Other vessels of smaller size, closer to the land, were compelled to cast anchor. The captain states that he never before saw such a current in the lake as at present. The party which set out from here for Mackinaw a few days since, on board the steamer MARINE CITY, to lay the telegraph cable across the Straits to Point St. Ignace, were unsuccessful in the under- taking. On taking soundings the bottom was so uneven and rocky as to render the success of the undertaking too hazardous and uncer- tain of durability. Another point was selected, when it was dis- covered the cable on board was too short by about one mile in length. The additional length will be manufactured and the cable laid. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Pentwater News Friday, August 1, 1873 The following are the arrivals and departures at this port for the week ending Wednesday Aug. 6. Arrived: July 30 - Schr G. R. ROBERTS, Milwaukee Schr J. H. STEVENS, Sheboygan Schr DANIA, Sheboygan 31 - Scow Emanuel, Sheboygan Aug 1 - Schr HONEST JOHN, Chicago Scow D. R. HOLT, Chicago 2 - Scow SALMA, Chicago 4 - Schr MT. DESERT, Milwaukee Schr SKY LARK, Sheboygan Schr JOSEPHINE, Sheboygan 5 - Schr J. H. STEVENS, Sheboygan Barge Hilton, Mud Bay 6 - Schr R. J. SKIDMORE, Chicago Cleared: July 30 - Schr G. R. ROBERTS, Milwaukee Schr J. H. STEVENS, Sheboygan Schr DANIA, Sheboygan 31 - Scow EMANUEL, Port Washington Aug 1 - Schr HONEST JOHN, Chicago Scow D. R. HOLT, Milwaukee 2 - Scow SALMA, Milwaukee 4 - Schr MT. DESERT, Portage Schr SKY LARK, Sheboygan Schr JOSEPHINE, Sheboygan 5 - Barge HILTON, Mud Bay Schr J. H. STEVENS, Sheboygan 6 - Schr R. J. SKIDMORE, Mich. City Also the usual steamers of the Engelmann Line. The schooner SOUVENIR on her return trip from Chicago this week, sprung a leak. On taking her into the dry dock at Grand Haven, it was found that a small piece of plank had been broken off, probably having been cracked by the caulkers. Her cargo of feed was injured to the amount of about $200. There were 3 1/2 feet of water in her hold when she entered Grand Haven. She arrived safely at Pentwater on the 6th. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Pentwater News Friday, August 15, 1873 The following are the arrivals and departures at this port for the week ending Wednesday Aug. 13. Arrived: Aug 5 - Schr NORTH STAR, Chicago Schr RADICAL, Chicago Schr R. J. SKIDMORE, Chicago 11 - Schr J. H. STEVENS, Milwaukee Schr G. R. ROBERTS, Milwaukee Schr D. R. HOLT, Milwaukee 12 - Schr SOUVENIR, Milwaukee Cleared: Aug 6 - Schr NORTH STAR, Chicago Schr R. J. SKIDMORE, Chicago Schr RADICAL, Milwaukee 11 - Schr G. R. ROBERTS, Milwaukee Schr J. H. STEVENS, Sheboygan Schr D. R. HOLT, Chicago 12 - Schr SOUVENIR, Chicago Also the usual steamers of the Engelmann Line. Col. Strohmann has just completed the most accurate survey of Pentwater harbor that has ever been made. The weather has been very favorable, and the soundings obtained are absolutely correct. The outside bar has no place a less depth than 12.2 feet of water, and the middle of the channel no less than 13. Four soundings were made in each square of 25 feet. The govern- ment work is now nearly completed for the season, and Pentwater can boast of having a harbor that can accommodate the largest vessels that navigate our inland waters. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Pentwater News Friday, August 22, 1873 The following are the arrivals and departures at this port for the week ending Wednesday Aug. 20. Arrived: Aug 13 - Schr KITTY GRANT, Chicago 14 - Schr ELLEN PIKE, Milwaukee 15 - Schr HONEST JOHN, Chicago Schr NORTH STAR, Chicago Schr MARGARET DALL, Mich. City 16 - Schr RADICAL, Mich. City Barge HILTON, Mud Bay Schr J. H. STEVENS, Milwaukee Schr G. R. ROBERTS, Milwaukee 18 - Schr D. R. HOLT, Milwaukee Schr R. J. SKIDMORE, Mich. City Schr SOUVENIR, Chicago 19 - Schr DANIA, Sheboygan Schr B & B, St. Joseph Cleared: Aug 13 - Schr KITTY GRANT, Mich. City 14 - Schr ELLEN PIKE, Milwaukee 15 - Schr HONEST JOHN, Chicago Schr NORTH STAR, Chicago Schr MARGARET DALL, Chicago 16 - Schr RADICAL, Chicago Barge HILTON, Mud Bay Schr J. H. STEVENS, Sheboygan Schr G. R. ROBERTS, Milwaukee 18 - Schr R. J. SKIDMORE, Chicago Schr D. R. HOLT, Chicago Schr SOUVENIR, Chicago 19 - Schr DANIA, Sheboygan Schr B & B., Port Washington The Government vessel HAYSE, Com. Maury, was in our harbor last Tuesday. She was on an inspection tour of the lighthouses along the lake. Also the usual steamers of the Engelmann Line. On her trip south from Ludington last Tuesday, the MAGNET had the Misfortune to break the safety valve from her boiler. She was towed into this place by the LAKE BREEZE. The second cargo of the new schooner A. B. MOORE consists of 65,000 bushels of corn, aggregating 1,820 tons. She takes the palm. The quickest passage ever made by a sail vessel between Chicago and Detroit was performed by the schooner BONNIE DOON, in 1865, the time being fifty-six hours. The schooner WILLIS, a new vessel which was sunk near Point au Pellee last year, and was valued at $26,000, is a prize that, to wreckers prepared for getting up vessels from great depths, is worth seeking after. Rule for Measuring Vessels - Length from forward side of stem to after side of stern post on deck; breadth of beam at outside of plank in the widest part of vessel; depth of hold alongside of the main kelson to under side of deck plank. In view of the frequent violation of the registration laws in regard to the manner in which vessels should display their names, the following rules should be universally known: "The name of every vessel, and the port to which she belongs, must be painted on her stern in white letters of not less than three inches in length, on black background, and every such vessel in the United States must, in addition, have her name con- spicuously placed, in distinct letters of not less than six inches in length, on each outer side of the pilot-house, if there is one; and in case the vessel has side wheels, also on the outer side of each wheel-house. In default the fine is a forfeit of $50 in the case of a registered vessel, and in the case of a licensed vessel, $20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Pentwater News Friday, August 29, 1873 The following are the arrivals and departures at this port for the week ending Wednesday Aug. 27. Arrived: Aug 20 - Schr MT. DESERT, Portage Schr G. R. ROBERTS, Milwaukee Schr FAWN, Sheboygan 21 - Schr J. H. STEVENS, Sheboygan Schr NORTH STAR, Chicago 22 - Schr ALICE, Ludington Schr G. ELLEN, South Haven Schr HONEST JOHN, Chicago Schr RADICAL, Chicago 23 - Schr JOSEPHINE, Milwaukee 25 - Schr JOHN BEAN, JR, Chicago 26 - Schr ALASKA, Milwaukee Schr J. H. STEVENS, Sheboygan Schr SOUVENIR, Chicago Cleared: Aug 20 - Schr MT. DESERT, Milwaukee Schr G. R. ROBERTS, Milwaukee Schr FAWN, Sheboygan 21 - Schr J. R. STEVENS, Sheboygan Schr NORTH STAR, Chicago 22 - Schr ALICE, St. Joseph Schr G. ELLEN, Chicago Schr HONEST JOHN, Chicago Schr RADICAL, Chicago 23 - Schr JOSEPHINE, St. Joseph 25 - Schr JOHN BEAN, JR., Chicago 26 - Schr SOUVENIR, Chicago Schr ALASKA, Milwaukee Schr J. H. STEVENS, Milwaukee Also the usual steamers of the Engelmann Line. The MINNIE CORLETT is nearly finished and will be launched soon. The Engelmann Transportation Company have sold the CITY OF FREMONT to E. B. Ward, of Detroit, who will put her on the Detroit and Lake Superior line. NAMELESS - There are many who are unable to comprehend why it is that none of the steamers or vessels belonging to the United States Government have names painted on any part of their hulls or flags. The law in this respect is very strict as regards the merchant shipping, and attended with penalties for every viola- tion of the same. The querey, therefore, is at least a reason- able one why the Government should be thus exacting on the one hand, while on the other their example should be right to the reverse. ===========================================================================