Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2024 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== Grand Rapids Herald Friday, 29 September 1893 Mancelona, Mich., Sept. 28. - Yesterday afternoon, while MRS. CONRAD JUNKER, living about three miles from Mancelona, was engaged in cooking, her dress caught fire and she was severely burned. She died this morning. ----------------------------------------------------- Mancelona Herald 5 October 1893 A Distressing Accident Burns Inflicted From Clothing Catching Fire Result in Death. A horrible accident occurred near this place last Wednesday which resulted in the death of MARY JUNKER, wife of CONRAD JUNKER, a well known German farmer, living about a mile west of the furnace. MRS. JUNKER, it seems, bent over a large kettle out of doors, when her clothing caught fire. Her screams brought her daughter from the house, who threw a blanket over her and who finally succeeded in smothering the flames, but not until two thirds of her body had been burned over. Assistance was summoned and Dr. Beaver sent for, the unfortunate woman being made as comfortable as possible. The doctor, upon his arrival, administered opiates and did everything possible to relieve her suffering, but her burns were so extensive and so deep that he saw at once that death must ultimately result. She lived, however, until about 10 o'clock the fol- lowing day, when death, the panacea of all life's aches and ills, came as a relief and ended her suf- fering. MRS. JUNKER was born in Germany but came to this country when a young girl. She was 50 years of age and leaves a husband and eleven children. ===============================================================================