Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2024 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== Alma Record Friday, 20 August 1886 A destructive fire started in the kitchen of the Mancelona hotel, at Mancelona, Antrim county, on the 7th inst. It soon communicated with Van Hyning's livery barn and the following buildings were destroyed: Postoffice, Wise's hardware store, Wisler's grocery, Herrick's jewelry store, bank of Young & Sons, Week's blacksmith shop, Owen's residence, office of the Antrim County Independent, Tuttle's boarding house, Mancelona Herald, H. J. Hurlbut's house, Jas. I. Ayer's, Van Hyning's residence, E. C. Kellogg's gun shop and justice office, Birk, merchant tailor, Dr. Cohford's house and office, J. H. Raymond's house and barn, W. Geobb's hardware store, J. L. Farnham's grocery, P. T. Allerton's saloon, C. L. Bailey's law office, H. B. Hudson's law office, besides several barns. Several persons narrowly escaped death, and several were in- jured by jumping from windows. The fire from the first was uncontrolable from the fact that the only appliances they have for putting out a fire is that it rains some- times. Very little of the property was insured and few of the sufferers can rebuild. The origin is unknown. The loss is estimated at $60,000 with insurance of $18,000. ===============================================================================