Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2014 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== Deseret Evening News Salt Lake City, Utah 30 October 1915 IDAHO MAN KILLS FIVE THEN FIRES SHOT INTO HEAD Frenzied by Drink, Defendent in Divorce Suit Nearly Wipes Out Families. LITERALLY SATURNALIA OF SLAUGHER ENSUES William Cameron Kills Wife and Babe, Wife's Parents and Brother at Carey, Idaho (Special to The News) Hailey, Ida. - Oct. 30 - Maddened through brooding over the filing of a divorce petition by his wife and craz- ed by drink, William Cameron, at Carey, 30 miles from here and about 8 miles from Picabo, the nearest rail- road station, entered upon a saturnalia of crime which ended by the infliction of a probably fatal wound on himself, after his wife, one of his children and three relatives had fallen victims to bullets from his revolver. Those dead are John Adamson, Mrs. John Adam- son, Baby Cameron and Mrs. William Cameron. Cameron had been drinking heavily for the past two weeks. Within an hour or two of the tragedy Cameron had been seen on the streets of Carey in- toxicated and at that time told ac- quaintances that he intended to kill his wife and her parents. No attention was paid to his threats and no attempt was made to place him under restraint. About 8:40 o'clock last evening he staggered into the home of the Adam- sons and began his work of death. The elder Adamson, father of Mrs. Cameron was sitting in the room with Cameron's baby on his knee. Seeing Cameron was armed the old man arose and began to expostulate with the drink crazed man, and made a move in an attempt to disarm him. Cameron fired and Adamson dropped dead with a bullet in his head. Mrs. Cameron with her two elder children fled when the first shot was fired. SHOOTS WOMAN AND BABE Then Cameron took aim at Mrs. Adamson, who was also in the room and fired a bullet into her brain, causing instant death. James Adam- son, son of the aged couple, who was in another apartment, hearing the shots, entered the room only to be instantly killed by a bullet from Cameron's weapon. Cameron's babe, aged 18 months was lying on the floor, where it fell from the arms of its slain grandfather where Cameron fired a shot into its head, causing instant death. He then started in pursuit of his wife whom he overtook and killed then inflicted a probably fatal wound in his own head. About midnight the two old- er children were found near the bodies of their parents, so dazed from terror that little could be learned from them. The shots fired in the Adamson home brought neighbors to the scene. But no one knew for a time what had be- come of Mrs. Cameron and her two older children. News of the slaughter of the Adamsons spread quickly, and within a few hours search resulted in finding the dead body of Mrs. Cam- eron, her husband who lay near it, and the two children, who were close at hand. SHERIFF CALLED News of the tragedy was quickly telephoned to Hailey, and within half an hour of its receipt, Sheriff Clements with a posse of men, which included Dr. R. W. Wright and Dr. J. J. R**n, was on the way to the scene. When Cameron was found he was still alive, but unconscious and the physicians who came with the sheriff, express the opinion that he cannot live. Miss Edith Adamson, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Adamson, and sister to Mrs. Cameron, the slayer, and Mrs. W. L. Adamson, wife of a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Adamson were in the house when Cameron began shooting, but he did not attack them. They were so stunned by the tragedy as to be unable to talk coherently about the tragedy. Each of the victims was shot in the head, the bullets being from a 48-caliber revolver. The Camerons had been married for a number of years and had three chil- dren, the youngest being 18 months old. Cameron became addicted to drink and domestic trouble followed. At last Mrs. Cameron and her children sought ref- uge with her parents and she filed suit for divorce, alleging cruelty. ADAMSONS WELL KNOWN John Adamson and his wife were natives of Scotland. They became members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in their native land and came to America about 30 years ago. They lived in Utah for a time and removed to Idaho about 20 years ago, settling in Carey, where Mr. Adamson became the owner of a large property known as the Hot Springs ranch. He was for a number of years counselor to Bishop Wm. Rawson of Carey. All of Mr. Adamson's children were born in Utah or Idaho. He was a staunch member of the Church, pos- sessed unusual intelligence and ability, and is very highly spoken of by those who knew him intimately. His son, W. L. Adamson, whose wife was present when the shooting began, is bishop of Blaine war, Boise stake. James Adamson, the third victim, re- cently had returned from a mission. All of the members of the Adamson family are held in high esteem where they are known. ===========================================================================