Georgia (temporary) Archivist : Linda Talbott

- Georgia Fast Facts -

The state of Georgia is found in the southeastern area of the United States. It is bounded by South Carolina on the northeast, North Carolina on the north, Tennessee on the northweast, Alabama on the west, Florida on the south and the Atlantic Ocean on the southeast. Sir Walter Raleigh is the reputed discover of that part of the United States. The Province of Georgia was founded at Savannah by British General James Oglethorpe on February 12, 1733. It was the southernmost, and last, of the original Thirteen Colonies to be established. On January 19, 1861 Georgia declared its secession from the Union and became one of the original seven Confederate States. It was the last state to be restored to the Union following the Civil War.

Today Georgia covers 59,424 square miles of land, has 159 counties and ranks 8th in population. Atlanta is the capital and largest city.

Georgia's best known inventor is probably Eli Whitney, who only spent a few months in Georgia, but it is where he invented the cotton gin.

Did you know that Georgia was the first U.S. colony to cultivate grapes? That the first silk to be sent from the colonies was made into a dress for the queen? That Georgia was the first state to give full property rights to women and the Wesleyan College in Macon was the first college in the world to grant degrees to women?

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