Lewis County -- History
A History of Lewis County, West Virginia
by Edward Conrad Smith, A. M.
published by the author, Weston, West Virginia, 1920
Cover Page | Cover Illustration: Map of Lewis County, W. Va |
. . |
Preface | Preface | . |
Contents | Contents | . |
Chapter I | The Physical Basis for Development | 13-21 |
Chapter II | The Aboriginal Inhabitants | 22-29 |
Chapter III | The Beginning of Settlements | 30-43 |
Chapter IV | Lewis County in Dunmore's War | 44-50 |
Chapter V | Lewis County During the Revolutionary War | 51-69 |
Chapter VI | The End of the Indian Wars | 70-83 |
Chapter VII | The Beginning of Law and Order | 84-97 |
Chapter VIII | Economic Beginnings | 98-110 |
Chapter IX | Life of the Pioneers | 1ll-127 |
Chapter X | The Extension of Settlements — Skin Creek | 128-135 |
Chapter XI | The Collins Settlement | 136-141 |
Chapter XII | Freeman's Creek District | 142-149 |
Chapter XIII | Progress in Older Settlements Illustration: The Jackson Homestead and Mill |
150-161 160 |
Chapter XIV | The Formation of Lewis County | 162-175 |
Chapter XV | The Beginning of Weston | 176-196 |
Chapter XVI | Progress Under the New Regime | 197-214 |
Chapter XVII | Early Transportation | 215-229 |
Chapter XVIII | The Irish and German Immigration | 230-238 |
Chapter XIX | Territorial Losses | 239-245 |
Chapter XX | The Great Business Boom, 1845-60 | 246-267 |
Chapter XXI | The Development of Education | 268-280 |
Chapter XXII | The Seccession from Virginia Illustration: Presley M. Hall |
281-296 288 |
Chapter XXIII | Military Operations Illustration: Stonewall Jackson |
297-315 313 |
Chapter XXIV | The Political Reconstruction | 316-326 |
Chapter XXV | The Weston State Hospital Illustration: The Weston State Hospital |
327-334 328 |
Chapter XXVI | Economic Development After the War Illustration: Lewis County in 1872 Illustration: Map of Weston |
335-351 336 344 |
Chapter XXVII | The Coming of the Railroad | 352-367 |
Chapter XXVIII | Twenty Years' Progress, 1880-1900 | 368-379 |
Chapter XXIX | The Oil and Gas Development Illustration: The Copely Well |
380-396 384 |
Chapter XXX | The Twentieth Century Illustration: Judge Henry Brannon |
397-413 400 |
Appendix A | Sketch of Col. Charles Lewis | 414-415 |
Appendix B | Justices of the Peace Under Virginia | 416-419 |
West Virginia Archivist: Connie Burkett

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West Virginia genealogical records
held here are for use by the general public.These records have been donated to the U.S. Data Repository for permanent online free-access.