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- Menominee County -

Menominee county occupies the most southerly portion of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and in its almost triangular, but irregular form, is bounded on the southeast by Green Bay, on the southwest by the Menominee river, and on the north by the counties of Delta, Marquette and Dickinson. It is sixty-one miles in its greatest north and south dimension, and has a stretch of thirty miles between its most easterly and westerly parallels.

Menominee county was laid out by the legislature in 1861 as Bleeker county. It was organized, and the name changed to Menominee, in 1863. Menominee, the largest city and county seat is located at the mouth of Menominee river, on the shore of Green Bay. The county has a total area of 1,338 square miles, of which 294 square miles is water.

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