Connecticut (temporary) Archivist : 

- Connecticut Fast Facts -

Connecticut is the southernmost state in the New England region of the United States. It is borndered by Massachusetts on the north, Rhode Island on the east, New York on the west, and Long Island Sound on the south. The capital is at Hartford and the largest city is Bridgeport. It measures 110 miles in width and 70 miles length. It is known as the "Constitution State", the "Provisions State", the "Land of Steady Habits", and most popular the "Nutmeg State".

Connecticut is one of the thirteen original states. The first European settlers were a group of Dutch fur traders whose settlement at the confluence of the Connecticut and Park Rivers was short lived. The first major settlements were established by the English Puritans from Massachusetts Bay Colony in the 1630s.

Today Connecticut has 8 counties and covers approximately 5,018 square miles.

Many famous inventions were created by natives of Connecticut. Among them is Noah Webster who was born in West Hartford in 1758. You're probably familiar with the Meriam-Webster dictionary, but his first dictionary, A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language," was first published in 1806. Charles Goodyear was born in 1800 in New Haven and went on to discover a process to manufacture vulcanized rubber. The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company is named after him, but not founded by him.

Other famous people born in Connecticut include: actress Katharine Hepburn (Hartford), actor Christopher Lloyd, financier John Pierpont Morgan (Hartford), and former President George W. Bush (New Haven).

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